Class |
Description |
AbstractAction |
AbstractAction.ActionErrors |
AbstractAxisCustomizer |
AbstractBarcodeEvaluator |
AbstractChartCustomizer |
Abstract implementation of ChartCustomizer that provides
access to parameter, variable and field values.
AbstractChartRenderableFactory |
AbstractClasspathAwareDataAdapter |
AbstractClasspathAwareDataAdapterService |
AbstractDataAdapter |
AbstractDataAdapterService |
AbstractDateRange |
AbstractExporterNature |
AbstractFieldComparator<T> |
AbstractFunctionSupport |
AbstractHtmlExporter<RC extends HtmlReportConfiguration,C extends HtmlExporterConfiguration> |
AbstractIntervalMarkerCustomizer |
AbstractJsonQueryExecuter<T extends JRAbstractTextDataSource & JsonData> |
AbstractMapElementImageProvider |
AbstractMarkerCustomizer |
AbstractMemberExpression |
AbstractMemberExpressionEvaluator |
AbstractPdfTextRenderer |
AbstractPoiXlsDataSource |
This data source implementation reads an XLSX or XLS stream.
AbstractQueryExecuterFactory |
AbstractRenderer |
AbstractRenderToImageAwareRenderer |
AbstractRenderToImageDataRenderer |
AbstractSampleApp |
AbstractShapeCustomizer |
Abstract customizer that provide the utility methods to work with shapes.
AbstractShapeCustomizer.ShapeSetter |
AbstractSvgDataToGraphics2DRenderer |
SVG renderer implementation based on Batik.
AbstractTextMeasurerFactory |
AbstractTextRenderer |
AbstractTextRenderer.TabSegment |
AbstractThreadSubreportRunner |
AbstractValueMarkerCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
AbstractValueProvider |
AbstractVariableReturnValueSourceContext |
Class used to instantiate sub datasets.
AbstractVerifiableTableAction |
AbstractWebResourceHandler |
AbstractWebResourceHandler |
AbstractXlsDataAdapterService |
AbstractXlsDataSource |
This data source implementation reads an XLSX or XLS stream.
AbstractXlsExporterConfiguration |
AbstractXlsQueryExecuter |
Excel query executer implementation.
AbstractXlsQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for Excel file type.
AbstractXlsReportConfiguration |
AbstractXlsServlet |
AbstractXlsServlet |
AbstractXmlDataSource<T extends AbstractXmlDataSource<?>> |
Abstract XML data source implementation that allows to access the data from a xml
document using XPath expressions.
AbstractZip |
AccessibilityTagEnum |
AccessibilityUtil |
Action |
ActionException |
AdditionalEntryMap<K,V> |
AdditionalEntryMap.AdditionalIterator<E> |
AddSortFieldCommand |
AegeanChartTheme |
ArbitraryRankComparator |
A comparator that assigns arbitrary ranks to objects and uses the ranks
to impose an arbitrary order on them.
AreaHyperlinksRenderable |
Image renderer able to produce image maps.
ArrayConstructionExpression |
ArrayConstructionExpressionEvaluator |
ArrayIndexExpression |
ArrayIndexExpressionEvaluator |
ArraySliceExpression |
ArraySliceExpressionEvaluator |
ArrayStore |
AsynchronousFillHandle |
Class used to perform report filling asychronously.
AsynchronousFilllListener |
Listener interface for the asynchronous filling method.
AsyncJasperPrintAccessor |
Generated report accessor used for asynchronous report executions that publishes pages
before the entire report has been generated.
AwtComponentRendererImpl |
AwtFontAttribute |
AwtFontManager |
AwtTextRenderer |
Axis |
Axis |
AxisLevel |
AxisLevel.Type |
AxisLevelNode |
AxisLocationDeserializer |
AxisLocationHandler |
AxisLocationSerializer |
AxisPosition |
AxisPositionEnum |
AxisSettings |
BandReportFillerParent |
BandTypeEnum |
BarbecueCompiler |
BarbecueComponent |
BarbecueDesignConverter |
BarbecueExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Extension registry factory that includes built-in component element
BarbecueFillComponent |
BarbecueFillFactory |
BarbecueRendererImpl |
BarbecueStyleResolver |
Barcode4jComponent |
Barcode4JExtensionsRegistryFactory |
BarcodeCompiler |
BarcodeComponent |
BarcodeConstants |
BarcodeDesignConverter |
BarcodeDesignEvaluator |
BarcodeEvaluator |
BarcodeExpressionCollector |
BarcodeFillComponent |
BarcodeFillFactory |
BarcodeImageProducer |
BarcodeInfo |
BarcodeProvider |
BarcodeProviders |
BarcodeProviders.Barcode2of7Provider |
BarcodeProviders.Barcode3of9Provider |
BarcodeProviders.BooklandProvider |
BarcodeProviders.CodabarProvider |
BarcodeProviders.Code128AProvider |
BarcodeProviders.Code128BProvider |
BarcodeProviders.Code128CProvider |
BarcodeProviders.Code128Provider |
BarcodeProviders.Code39ExtendedProvider |
BarcodeProviders.Code39Provider |
BarcodeProviders.EAN128Provider |
BarcodeProviders.EAN13Provider |
BarcodeProviders.GlobalTradeItemNumberProvider |
BarcodeProviders.Int2of5Provider |
BarcodeProviders.MonarchProvider |
BarcodeProviders.NW7Provider |
BarcodeProviders.PDF417Provider |
BarcodeProviders.PostNetProvider |
BarcodeProviders.RandomWeightUPCAProvider |
BarcodeProviders.SCC14ShippingCodeProvider |
BarcodeProviders.ShipmentIdentificationNumberProvider |
BarcodeProviders.SSCC18Provider |
BarcodeProviders.Std2of5Provider |
BarcodeProviders.UCC128Provider |
BarcodeProviders.UPCAProvider |
BarcodeProviders.USD3Provider |
BarcodeProviders.USD4Provider |
BarcodeProviders.USPSProvider |
BarcodeRasterizedImageProducer |
BarcodeSVGImageProducer |
BarcodeUtils |
BarcodeVerifier |
BarcodeVisitor |
Base64Util |
Utility class to decode Base64 encoded input stream to output stream
or to Base64 encode input stream to output stream
BaseBarcodeProvider |
BaseCell |
BaseColumn |
BaseColumnData |
BaseCommonReturnValue |
BaseComponentContext |
BaseCrosstabColumnCell |
BaseDataAxis |
BaseDataAxisLevel |
BaseDataLevelBucket |
BaseDataLevelBucketProperty |
BaseDataMeasure |
BaseDatasetPropertyExpression |
BaseElementCell |
BaseElementHtmlHandler |
BaseExpressionReturnValue |
BaseFillComponent |
A base abstract implementation of a fill component.
BaseFillHandle |
Base class used to perform report filling asychronously.
BaseFillList |
Base fill list component implementation.
BaseFillList.AppendingPrintElementContainer |
BaseFontHelper |
BaseHelper |
BaseHelper |
BaseHttpServlet |
BaseHttpServlet |
BaseListContents |
BaseMultiAxisData |
BaseMultiAxisDataset |
BasePartFillComponent |
BasePrintBookmark |
BaseReportFiller |
BaseReturnValue |
BasicFilterExpression |
BasicFilterExpressionEvaluator |
BatikAWTFontFamily |
BatikFontFamilyResolver |
BatikUserAgent |
SVG renderer implementation based on Batik.
BeanDataAdapter |
BeanDataAdapterImpl |
BeanDataAdapterService |
BigDecimalHandler |
BigDecimalSerializer |
BigDecimalStore |
BigDecimalUtils |
BigDecimalValues |
BigIntegerSerializer |
BigIntegerStore |
BlockBorderProvider |
BlockColumnStore |
BlockColumnValues |
BlockFrameProvider |
BlockFrameWrapper |
BookmarkHelper |
BookmarkIterator |
BookmarksFlatDataSource |
BooleanSerializer |
BooleanStore |
BooleanTextValue |
BooleanTrueAsEmptySerializer |
BooleanValues |
BorderSplitType |
Specifies the way the frame border is to be drawn when the frame element splits.
BorderStyle |
BoundActionExecutionContext |
Bounds |
BoxDrawer |
BoxLoader |
BreakIteratorSplitCharacter |
Implementation of SplitCharacter that
uses the same logic as AWT to break texts into lines.
BreakIteratorSplitCharacter.ArrayCharIterator |
BreakTypeEnum |
BrowserService |
BucketDefinition |
Bucket definition.
BucketExpressionOrderer |
BucketingData |
BucketingService |
Bidimensional bucketing engine.
BucketingService.MapEntry |
BucketingServiceContext |
BucketOrder |
BucketOrderer |
BucketValueOrderDecorator<T> |
BucketValueOrderDecorator.OrderPosition |
BufferColumnStore |
BuiltinDataFileServiceFactory |
BuiltinExpressionEvaluator |
BuiltinExpressionEvaluatorDecorator |
BuiltinExpressionEvaluatorFactory |
BuiltinFillExpressionEvaluatorDecorator |
ByteArrayValues |
ByteSerializer |
CachedDataset |
CachingLineBox |
CachingParagraph |
CachingSupplier |
CalculationEnum |
CalendarUnit |
CastorDataAdapterPersistenceService |
CastorMapping |
CastorMappingExtensionsRegistryFactory |
CastorObjectPersistenceService |
CastorRepositoryExtensionsRegistryFactory |
CastorRepositoryPersistenceServiceFactory |
CastorResource<T> |
CastorUtil |
CategoryChartHyperlinkProvider |
CategoryCounter |
CategoryLabelGenerator |
CategoryMarkerCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
CategorySeriesNameProvider |
Cell |
Cell |
CellEdgeEnum |
CellStyle |
CellVisitor<T,R,E extends Exception> |
CharPredicateCache |
CharPredicateCache.Result |
CharScriptsSet |
ChartComponent |
ChartContext |
ChartConverter |
ChartCopyBaseObjectFactory |
ChartCopyDesignObjectFactory |
ChartCopyObjectFactory |
ChartCustomizer |
This interface allows users to provide pluggable chart customizers.
ChartDataset |
ChartHyperlinkProvider |
ChartPlot |
ChartRenderableFactory |
ChartsAbstractObjectFactory |
ChartsApiWriter |
A writer that generates the Java code required to produce a given report template programmatically, using the JasperReports API.
ChartsBaseObjectFactory |
Factory of objects used in compiled reports.
ChartsConvertVisitor |
ChartsElementsVisitor |
Chart element visitor.
ChartSettings |
ChartSettings |
ChartsExpressionCollector |
An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions
out of it.
ChartsExtensionsRegistryFactory |
ChartsFillObjectFactory |
ChartsStyleResolver |
ChartsVerifier |
A chart verifier.
ChartTemplateImage |
ChartTheme |
Chart themes give more control over chart output, including
the creation of the JFreeChart object itself.
ChartThemeBundle |
ChartThemeBundlesExtensionsRegistry |
ChartThemeMapBundle |
ChartThemesConstants |
ChartThemeSettings |
ChartThemesUtilities |
ChartTypeEnum |
ChartUtil |
ChartVisitor |
ChartVisitorFactory |
Chrome |
ChromeArgumentsBuilder |
ChromeInstance |
ChromeInstanceHandle |
ChromeInstanceRepository |
ChromeInstanceState |
ChromeMapElementImageProvider |
ChromePage |
ChromePageEvaluation<T> |
ChromeServiceHandle |
ClassicChunk |
ClassicDocument |
ClassicFontRecipient |
ClassicImage |
ClassicPdfContent |
ClassicPdfField |
ClassicPdfFontMapper |
ClassicPdfOutline |
ClassicPdfProducer |
ClassicPdfProducerFactory |
ClassicPdfStructure |
ClassicPdfTextField |
ClassicPdfUtils |
ClassicPdfWriter |
ClassicPhrase |
ClassicRadioCheck |
ClassicStructureEntry |
ClassicTextChunk |
ClassLoaderFilter |
ClassLoaderResource |
Details of a resource found on a classloader.
ClassNameFieldHandler |
ClasspathAwareDataAdapter |
ClassUtils |
Class utilities.
ClauseFunctionParameterHandler |
CloneStore |
CodabarComponent |
Code128Component |
Code39Component |
CollectionChangeListener |
CollectionElementAddedEvent |
CollectionElementRemovedEvent |
CollectionListenerAdapter |
ColorDeserializer |
ColorEnum |
ColorFieldHandler |
ColorProvider |
ColorSerializer |
Column |
Column |
ColumnCacheData |
ColumnDataCacheHandler |
Report data cache handler that collects data in column stores.
ColumnDataSnapshot |
ColumnElementsVisitor |
ColumnExpressionCollector |
ColumnFactory |
ColumnFormatting |
ColumnGroup |
ColumnStore |
ColumnStyle |
ColumnValueInfo |
ColumnValues |
ColumnValuesDataSource |
ColumnValuesIterator |
ColumnVisitor<R> |
Command |
CommandException |
CommandStack |
CommandTarget |
CommonExportConfiguration |
CommonReturnValue |
A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.
CompilationUnits |
CompiledBarcodeFactory |
CompiledBaseCell |
CompiledCell |
CompiledClasses |
CompiledClassesLoader |
CompiledRow |
ComplexTextLineWrapper |
Component |
A marker interface that is to be implemented by classes that can be used
as report components.
ComponentCompiler |
Responsible with handling a componet during report compile.
ComponentContext |
ComponentDesignConverter |
Converter of design report elements into a print elements used for report
design previewing.
ComponentElementConverter |
ComponentFillerSubreportParent |
ComponentFillFactory |
A factory of fill component instances.
ComponentFillSubreport |
ComponentManager |
A component manager is the entry point through which the handlers for a
single component type can be accessed.
ComponentsBundle |
A component bundle is a package comprising of one or several components that
share the same XML namespace and schema.
ComponentsEnvironment |
ComponentsExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Extension registry factory that includes built-in component element
CompositeClassloader |
A composite classloader that has a parent classloader and an alternate
CompositeDatasetFilter |
A dataset filter that wraps several other filters and applies them as a conjunction.
CompositeDirectExpressionEvaluators |
CompositeExporterConfigurationFactory<C extends CommonExportConfiguration> |
CompositeExpressionChunkVisitor |
Composite expression chunk visitor.
CompositeFillListener |
FillListener implementation that contains several other listeners.
CompositePrintElementVisitor<T> |
A print element visitor that contains several visitors to which it delegates calls.
CompoundFilterExpression |
CompoundFilterExpressionEvaluator |
ConcurrentMapping<K,V,C> |
ConcurrentMapping.Mapper<K,V,C> |
ConditionalFormattingAction |
ConditionalFormattingCommand |
ConditionalFormattingData |
ConditionalStyleAwareFillComponent |
ConstantBuiltinExpression |
Builtin expression that evaluates to a constant value.
ConstantColumnValue |
ConstantExpressionEvaluation |
ConsumedFirstRecordDataSource |
ContainerFillEnum |
ContentBuilder |
ContentTypeMapping |
ContentTypeMappingExtensionsRegistryFactory |
ContextAwareComponent |
ContextClassLoaderObjectInputStream |
ConvertChartContext |
ConvertVisitor |
CrosstabBaseCloneable |
CrosstabBaseCloneFactory |
CrosstabBucketingService |
CrosstabBucketingService.CollectedList |
CrosstabBucketingService.CollectedListComparator |
CrosstabBucketingService.OrderedCollectedList |
CrosstabBucketingService.SequentialCollectedList |
CrosstabCell |
Crosstab cell produced by the crosstab bucketing engine.
CrosstabColumnCell |
CrosstabColumnPositionEnum |
CrosstabConstants |
CrosstabConverter |
CrosstabDeepVisitor |
Deep crosstab visitor.
CrosstabInteractiveJsonHandler |
CrosstabOrderAttributes |
CrosstabPercentageEnum |
CrosstabRowPositionEnum |
CrosstabTotalPositionEnum |
CsvDataAdapter |
CsvDataAdapterImpl |
CsvDataAdapterService |
CsvExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the CSV exporters.
CsvMetadataExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the metadata based CSV exporter.
CsvMetadataReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the metadata based CSV exporter.
CsvReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the CSV exporters.
CustomizerUtil |
CustomMapControlOrientationEnum |
CustomMapControlPositionEnum |
Cut |
Utility class used by grid exporters to create a grid for page layout.
CutsInfo |
Utility class used by grid exporters to create a grid for page layout.
DataAdapter |
DataAdapterContributorFactory |
DataAdapterDefaultRepositoryPersistenceServiceFactory |
DataAdapterFileRepositoryExtensionsRegistryFactory |
DataAdapterFileRepositoryPersistenceServiceFactory |
DataAdapterParameterContributorExtensionsRegistryFactory |
DataAdapterParameterContributorFactory |
DataAdapterPropertiesMetadataUtil |
DataAdapterRepositoryExtensionRegistry |
DataAdapterRepositoryExtensionsRegistryFactory |
DataAdapterResource |
DataAdapterService |
DataAdapterServiceConstants |
DataAdapterServiceUtil |
DataAxis |
DataAxisLevel |
DataCacheHandler |
Report data cache handler.
DataColumnInfo |
DataFile |
DataFileConnection |
DataFileResolver |
DataFileService |
DataFileServiceFactory |
DataFileStream |
DataFileStreamConnection |
DataFileUtils |
DataLevelBucket |
DataLevelBucketProperty |
DataLevelBucketPropertyDeserializer |
DataMapping |
DataMapping.EmptyIt |
DataMatrixComponent |
DataMeasure |
DataRecorder |
DataRenderable |
The DataRenderable interface has a method called
DataRenderable.getData(JasperReportsContext) ,
which gets called by the engine each time it needs the actual image data either to embed it
directly into the exported documents, or to use it to draw the image or the graphic onto a device
or graphic context.
DatasetCloneObjectFactory |
Object factory used to clone a report dataset.
DatasetExecution |
DatasetExecution.ObjectFactory |
DatasetExpressionEvaluator |
DatasetFillContext |
Context information related to a fill time dataset.
DatasetFilter |
A dataset row filter.
DatasetPropertyExpression |
Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.
DatasetPropertyExpressionDeserializer |
DatasetPropertyExpressionSerializer |
DatasetRecorder |
Cache data collector.
DatasetResetTypeEnum |
DatasetRunHolder |
DatasetSortInfo |
DatasetSortInfo.RecordField |
DatasetSortInfo.SortFieldInfo |
DatasetSortUtil |
DataSnapshot |
DataSnapshotException |
DataSourceCollection<D extends JRDataSource,P extends DataSourceProvider<D>> |
DataSourceDataAdapter |
DataSourceDataAdapterImpl |
DataSourceDataAdapterService |
DataSourceProvider<D extends JRDataSource> |
DataSourceProviderDataAdapter |
DataSourceProviderDataAdapterImpl |
DataSourceProviderDataAdapterService |
DateRange |
DateRangeBaseSQLEqualityClause |
DateRangeBuilder |
Builder which allows to build proper instance of DateRange
DateRangeExpression |
Interface for utility class which allows to deal with date range as with string expression.
DateRangeParameterHandler |
DateRangeQueryClauseExtensions |
DateRangeSQLBetweenClause |
DateRangeSQLEqualClause |
DateRangeSQLLessOrGreaterClause |
DateRangeSQLNotEqualClause |
DateSerializer |
DateStore |
DateTextValue |
DateTimeCategory |
This class should maintain all function methods that belongs to the DateTime category.
DateTimeFunctions |
This class should maintain all function methods that belongs to the DateTime category.
Deduplicable |
Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting
previously created identical instances.
DeduplicableRegistry |
A registry of deduplicable objects.
DeduplicableRegistry.DeduplicableMap<T extends Deduplicable> |
DeduplicableRegistry.DeduplicableWrapper<T extends Deduplicable> |
DeepPrintElementCounter |
Print element visitor that counts deep elements by recursively visiting
JRPrintFrame containers.
DeepPrintElementVisitor<T> |
Print element visitor decorator that recursively visits JRPrintFrame
DefaultBucketValueOrderDecorator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
DefaultChartTheme |
DefaultClauseFunctionParameterHandler |
DefaultComponentManager |
DefaultComponentsBundle |
DefaultDataAdapterServiceExtensionsRegistryFactory |
DefaultDataAdapterServiceFactory |
DefaultedMessageProvider |
DefaultElementHandlerBundle |
DefaultElementVisitorsAdapter |
DefaultExporterFilterFactory |
Default exporter filter factory.
DefaultExtensionsRegistry |
DefaultExtensionsRegistry.URLRegistries |
DefaultExtensionsRegistryFactory |
DefaultFilterExpressionEvaluatorVisitor |
DefaultFormatFactory |
DefaultHyperlinkProducerFactory |
Extension-based hyperlink producer factory implementation.
DefaultHyperlinkTargetProducerFactory |
Extension-based hyperlink target producer factory implementation.
DefaultJasperReportsContext |
DefaultJsonQLExecuter |
DefaultMapElementImageProvider |
DefaultMemberExpressionEvaluatorVisitor |
DefaultMemberExpressionEvaluatorVisitorForFilter |
DefaultPartComponentManager |
DefaultPartComponentsBundle |
DefaultPrintElementOriginator |
DefaultPrintElementVisitor<T> |
Base print element visitor implementation with empty methods.
DefaultQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
DefaultReportCompiler |
DefaultRepositoryExtensionRegistry |
DefaultRepositoryExtensionsRegistryFactory |
DefaultRepositoryPersistenceServiceFactory |
DefaultRepositoryService |
DefaultScriptletFactory |
DefaultSerializerRegistry |
DefaultWebResourceHandler |
DefaultWebResourceHandler |
DefaultXYZDataset |
DeflaterLevelOutputStream |
DeflateStreamCompression |
DelayedFillActions |
DelayedPrintPart |
DelegatePropertiesHolder |
Designated |
Designator<T> |
DesignBaseCell |
DesignCell |
DesignCommonReturnValue |
Implementation of ReturnValue
to be used for report design purposes.
DesignCrosstabColumnCell |
DesignDataAxis |
DesignDataAxisLevel |
DesignDataLevelBucket |
DesignDataLevelBucketProperty |
DesignDataMeasure |
DesignDatasetPropertyExpression |
DesignExpressionReturnValue |
DesignListContents |
DesignMultiAxisData |
DesignMultiAxisDataset |
DesignReturnValue |
Implementation of ReturnValue
to be used for report design purposes.
DesignStyleContainer |
DigestUtils |
DimensionControl<T> |
DimensionEntries<T extends DimensionEntry> |
DimensionEntry |
DimensionRange<T> |
DimensionRenderable |
This interface is implemented by renderable objects that want to provide a dimension for the graphics they render,
usually by also implementing the Graphics2DRenderable interface.
DirectConstantEvaluator |
DirectEvaluator |
DirectExpressionEvaluation |
DirectExpressionEvaluation.EvaluationType |
DirectExpressionEvaluator |
DirectExpressionEvaluators |
DirectExpressionValueFilter |
DirectFieldEvaluator |
DirectParameterEvaluator |
DirectValueClassFilterDecorator |
DirectVariableEvaluator |
DisplayComparableValue<T extends Comparable<T>> |
DisplayValue<T> |
DisplayValueLabelComparator<T> |
DocumentBuilder |
DocxBorderHelper |
DocxBorderInfo |
DocxCellHelper |
DocxContentTypesHelper |
DocxDocumentHelper |
DocxExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the DOCX exporter.
DocxFontHelper |
DocxFontTableHelper |
DocxFontTableRelsHelper |
DocxHeaderHelper |
DocxHeaderRelsHelper |
DocxParagraphHelper |
DocxRelsHelper |
DocxReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the DOCX exporter.
DocxRunHelper |
DocxServlet |
DocxServlet |
DocxSettingsHelper |
DocxStyleHelper |
DocxTableHelper |
DocxZip |
DomainAxisCustomizer |
Customizer to define the minimum and maximum value of the domain axis, works for
XY plot
DomainIntervalMarkerCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
DomainValueMarkerCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
DoubleArrayStore |
DoubleArrayValues |
DoubleSerializer |
DrawChartRendererFactory |
DrawChartRendererImpl |
DrawVisitor |
DurationNumberFormat |
DynamicPropertiesHolder |
EAN128Component |
EAN13Component |
EAN8Component |
EdgeEnum |
EdgeFieldHandler |
EditorKitMarkupProcessor |
EditTextElementAction |
EditTextElementCommand |
EditTextElementData |
EjbqlConstants |
EjbqlDataAdapter |
EjbqlDataAdapterImpl |
EjbqlDataAdapterService |
EjbqlDataAdapterService |
EjbqlDataAdapterServiceFactory |
EjbqlDataAdapterServiceFactory |
EjbqlExtensionsRegistryFactory |
EjbqlExtensionsRegistryFactory |
EjbqlQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
EjbqlQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
ElementalPropertiesHolder |
ElementCell |
ElementConverter |
ElementDecorator |
ElementDrawer<T extends JRPrintElement> |
ElementEvaluatedEvent |
ElementEvaluationAction |
Delayed evaluation action that evaluates a print element.
ElementEvaluationsCollector |
ElementEvaluationsSource |
ElementGridCell |
ElementIconConverter |
Base converter that generates a static preview icon for the element.
ElementKeyExporterFilter |
An exporter filter that excludes elements based on their keys.
ElementKeyExporterFilterFactory |
ElementPropertyExporterFilter |
ElementPropertyExporterFilterFactory |
ElementRange |
ElementRangeContents |
ElementRangeUtil |
ElementReplacementGridCell |
ElementsBlock |
ElementsBlockList |
ElementStore |
ElementsVisitor |
Report elements visitor extended interface that is able to visit deep/nested elements.
ElementsVisitorUtils |
Utility methods for element visitors.
ElementVisitorAdapter |
EllipseConverter |
EllipseDrawer |
EllipseLoader |
EmptyColumnValues |
EmptyDataAdapter |
EmptyDataAdapterImpl |
EmptyDataAdapterService |
EmptyGridCell |
EmptyZipEntry |
EntryIndexes |
EnumUtil |
ErrorCorrectionLevelEnum |
EvaluationBoundAction |
Generic delayed evaluation action.
EvaluationContext |
EvaluationTimeEnum |
EvaluationTimeSerializer |
EvaluationType |
Determines the field and variables values to be used when evaluating an expression.
ExcelAbstractExporter<RC extends XlsReportConfiguration,C extends XlsExporterConfiguration,E extends JRExporterContext> |
ExcelAbstractExporter.TextAlignHolder |
ExcelDataAdapter |
ExcelDataAdapterImpl |
ExcelDataAdapterService |
ExcelDataSource |
This data source implementation reads an XLSX or XLS stream.
ExcelDataSourceFactory |
ExcelFormatEnum |
ExcelFormatFieldHandler |
ExcelQueryExecuter |
Excel query executer implementation.
ExcelQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for Excel file type.
ExifOrientationEnum |
ExifUtil |
Exporter<I extends ExporterInput,IC extends ReportExportConfiguration,C extends ExporterConfiguration,O extends ExporterOutput> |
All document exporting in JasperReports is done through this interface.
ExporterConfiguration |
Instances of this class are used for configuring the behavior of exporters.
ExporterFilter |
ExporterFilterContainer |
An exporter filter that consists of several exporter filter, and filters
elements through each of them.
ExporterFilterFactory |
ExporterFilterFactoryUtil |
ExporterInput |
ExporterInputItem |
ExporterNature |
ExporterOutput |
ExporterProperty |
Annotation used to specify the JR configuration property that is associated with a particular exporter configuration setting.
ExportInterruptedException |
ExportZipEntry |
ExpressionChunkVisitor |
Visitor of expressions chunks.
ExpressionDeserializer |
ExpressionParser |
ExpressionParser.ParseResult |
ExpressionReturnValue |
A value copied from an expression into a variable of the parent report.
ExpressionSerializer |
ExpressionTypeEnum |
ExpressionValues |
ExtensionsEnvironment |
ExtensionsRegistry |
A registry of JasperReports extensions.
ExtensionsRegistryFactory |
EyeCandySixtiesChartTheme |
FastExcelDataSource |
This data source implementation reads an XLSX stream.
FastExcelDataSourceFactory |
FieldBooleanComparator |
FieldComparatorFactory |
FieldDateComparator |
FieldEvaluation |
FieldFilter |
A dataset filter that matches String values based on substrings.
FieldNumberComparator |
FieldTextComparator |
FileBufferedOutputStream |
FileBufferedWriter |
FileBufferedZip |
FileBufferedZipEntry |
FileDataAdapter |
FileHtmlResourceHandler |
FileImageProvider |
FileRepositoryExtensionsRegistryFactory |
FileRepositoryPersistenceServiceFactory |
FileRepositoryService |
FileRepositoryServiceExtensionsRegistryFactory |
FileXmlResourceHandler |
FillBaseExpressionValues |
FillChartSettings |
FillColumn |
FillComponent |
A component handler used while filling the report.
FillContainerContext |
A fill context provides access to data and functionality related to a
report component fill.
FillContext |
A fill context provides access to data and functionality related to a
report component fill.
FillContextProvider |
FillDatasetPosition |
Position that uniquely identifies a dataset instantiation as part of a fill process.
FillDatasetRun |
Used to iterate on the list subdataset at fill time.
FilledPrintPart |
FillEnum |
FillerPageAddedEvent |
FillerParent |
FillerSubreportParent |
FillEvents |
FillExpressionDefaultValues |
FillExpressionEstimatedValues |
FillExpressionEvaluatorDatasetAdapter |
FillExpressionOldValues |
FillFunctionContext |
FillHandle |
Interface implemented by classes that are used to perform report filling asychronously.
FillingPrintPart |
FillItem |
FillItemData |
FillItemData |
FillItemDataset |
FillLegendItem |
FillListContents |
List contents fill element container.
FillListDatasetFactory |
FillListener |
Listener notified of page events during a report generation.
FillListFactory |
FillMarkerItemData |
FillMultiAxisData |
FillMultiAxisDataset |
FillPageKey |
FillPart |
FillPartPrintOutput |
FillParts |
FillPlaceItem |
FillPlaceItemData |
FillPrepareResult |
FillPrintPart |
FillPrintPartQueue |
FillResetMapItem |
FillReturnValues |
FillReturnValues.SourceContext |
FillSpiderChart |
FillSpiderDataset |
FillSpiderPlot |
FillStyleItem |
FillStyleItemData |
FillStyleProviderContext |
FillSubreportPartFactory |
FillTable |
FillTableFactory |
FilterAction |
FilterAction |
FilterCommand |
FilterData |
FilterExpression |
FilterExpression.LOGICAL_OPERATOR |
FilterExpression.VALUE_TYPE |
FilterExpressionEvaluator |
FilterExpressionEvaluatorVisitor |
FilterTypeBooleanOperatorsEnum |
FilterTypeDateOperatorsEnum |
FilterTypeNumericOperatorsEnum |
FilterTypesEnum |
FilterTypeTextOperatorsEnum |
FinalFillingPrintPart |
FixedDate |
Implementation of DateRange for fixed, non relative date.
FixedTimestamp |
Implementation of DateRange for fixed, non relative timestamp.
FloatArrayStore |
FloatArrayValues |
FloatSerializer |
FontExtensionsCollector |
FontExtensionsContainer |
FontExtensionsReceiver |
FontExtensionsRegistry |
FontFace |
FontFamily |
FontInfo |
FontRecipient |
FontSet |
FontSetFamily |
FontSetFamilyInfo |
FontSetInfo |
FontTextLayoutAssessor |
Complex text layout check that uses Java 9 Font .
FontUtil |
FontWebResourceHandler |
FontWebResourceHandler |
FontWebResourceHandler.FontFamilyHtmlResourceHandler |
FontWebResourceHandler.FontFamilyHtmlResourceHandler |
FooterPositionEnum |
FormatCondition |
FormatFactory |
FormatUtils |
FourStateBarcodeComponent |
FrameCell |
FrameConverter |
FrameDrawer |
FrameLoader |
FrameStyle |
Function |
Annotation used to mark a method as function usable inside an expression editor.
FunctionBean |
FunctionCategories |
Annotation to be describe the types of categories to which a specific
Function belong to.
FunctionCategory |
Annotations used to describe a category associated to a function.
FunctionCategoryBean |
FunctionContext |
FunctionMessagesBundle |
Annotation used to mark a method as function usable inside an expression editor.
FunctionParameter |
Annotations used to describe a parameter associated to a function.
FunctionParameterBean |
FunctionParameters |
Annotation to describe a list of parameters for a specific Function .
FunctionsBundle |
A functions bundle contains a list of classes which have static methods that can be used as functions in report expressions.
FunctionsInfo |
FunctionsRegistryFactory |
FunctionSupport |
FunctionsUtil |
GenericChartTheme |
GenericElementConverter |
GenericElementCsvHandler |
A generic print element CSV export handler.
GenericElementDocxHandler |
A generic print element DOCX export handler.
GenericElementGraphics2DHandler |
A generic print element Graphics2D export handler.
GenericElementHandler |
A generic print element export handler.
GenericElementHandlerBundle |
GenericElementHandlerEnviroment |
GenericElementHtmlHandler |
A generic print element HTML export handler.
GenericElementJsonHandler |
A generic print element JSON export handler.
GenericElementLoader |
GenericElementOdsHandler |
A generic print element ODS export handler.
GenericElementOdtHandler |
A generic print element ODT export handler.
GenericElementPdfHandler |
A generic print element PDF export handler.
GenericElementPptxHandler |
A generic print element PPTX export handler.
GenericElementReportTransformer |
GenericElementReportTransformer.TransformerContext |
GenericElementRtfHandler |
A generic print element RTF export handler.
GenericElementsFilterDecorator |
GenericElementTransformer |
A generic print element transformer.
GenericElementTransformerContext |
A context in which an element tranformation takes place.
GenericElementXlsHandler |
A generic print element XLS export handler.
GenericElementXlsMetadataHandler |
A generic print element XLS export handler.
GenericElementXlsxHandler |
A generic print element XLSX export handler.
GenericElementXlsxMetadataHandler |
A generic print element XLSX metadata export handler.
GenericElementXmlHandler |
A generic print element XML export handler.
GlyphRendering |
GlyphRendering.FontKey |
GovernorException |
GovernorExtensionsRegistryFactory |
GovernorFactory |
GradientPaintProvider |
Graphics2DExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the Graphics2D exporter.
Graphics2DExporterOutput |
Graphics2DRenderable |
Graphics2DReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the Graphics2D exporter.
GraphicStyle |
Grid |
GridCellSize |
GridCellStyle |
GridRow |
GroovyClassFilter |
GroovyClassFilterTransformer |
GroovyDirectExpressionValueFilter |
GroovyEvaluator |
Groovy expression evaluator that compiles expressions at fill time.
GroovySandboxEvaluator |
GroupCell |
GroupFillParts |
GroupFooterElementRange |
GroupRow |
HeaderCell |
Crosstab header cell produced by the crosstab bucketing engine.
HeaderLabelUtil |
HeaderLabelUtil.HeaderLabelBuiltinExpression |
HeaderToolbarConditionalStyleProvider |
HeaderToolbarConditionalStyleProviderExtensionFactory |
HeaderToolbarConditionalStyleProviderFactory |
HeaderToolbarElement |
HeaderToolbarElementJsonHandler |
HeaderToolbarElementJsonHandler.ColumnInfo |
HeaderToolbarElementJsonHandler.GroupInfo |
HeaderToolbarElementUtils |
HeaderToolbarParameterContributor |
HeaderToolbarParameterContributorExtensionFactory |
HeaderToolbarParameterContributorFactory |
HibernateConstants |
HibernateDataAdapter |
HibernateDataAdapterImpl |
HibernateDataAdapterService |
HibernateDataAdapterService |
HibernateDataAdapterServiceFactory |
HibernateDataAdapterServiceFactory |
HibernateExtensionsRegistryFactory |
HibernateExtensionsRegistryFactory |
HibernateQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
HibernateQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
HideUnhideColumnCommand |
HideUnhideColumnData |
HideUnhideColumnsAction |
HideUnhideColumnsCommand |
HierarchicalDataSource<T extends JRDataSource> |
HighLowChartHyperlinkProvider |
HitSpanInfo |
HitTermInfo |
HorizontalAlignmentDeserializer |
HorizontalAlignmentFieldHandler |
HorizontalAlignmentSerializer |
HorizontalFillList |
Horizontal fill list component implementation.
HorizontalImageAlignEnum |
HorizontalPosition |
HorizontalTextAlignEnum |
HtmlBorderCollapseEnum |
HtmlEditorKitMarkupProcessor |
HtmlEditorKitMarkupProcessor.Factory |
HtmlExporter |
HtmlExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the HTML exporters.
HtmlExporterHyperlinkProducerAdapter |
HtmlExporterOutput |
HtmlFont |
HtmlFontFamily |
HtmlFontUtil |
HtmlReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the HTML exporters.
HtmlResourceHandler |
HtmlSizeUnitEnum |
HttpDataConnection |
HttpDataExtensionsRegistryFactory |
HttpDataFileServiceFactory |
HttpDataLocation |
HttpDataService |
HttpLocationParameter |
HyperlinkData |
HyperlinkLoader |
HyperlinkTargetEnum |
HyperlinkTypeEnum |
HyperlinkURLResolver |
HyperlinkUtil |
IconLabelComponent |
IconLabelComponentCompiler |
IconLabelComponentDesignConverter |
IconLabelComponentFill |
IconLabelComponentFillFactory |
IconLabelComponentUtil |
IconLabelDirectionEnum |
IconLabelElement |
IconLabelElementCsvHandler |
IconLabelElementDocxHandler |
IconLabelElementGraphics2DHandler |
IconLabelElementHtmlHandler |
IconLabelElementOdsHandler |
IconLabelElementOdtHandler |
IconLabelElementPdfHandler |
IconLabelElementPptxHandler |
IconLabelElementRtfHandler |
IconLabelElementXlsHandler |
IconLabelElementXlsxHandler |
IconLabelElementXmlHandler |
IconLabelFillObjectFactory |
IconPositionEnum |
IdentityExpressionValueFilter |
IdentitySecretsProvider |
IdentitySecretsProviderExtensionsRegistryFactory |
IdentitySecretsProviderFactory |
ImageAlignmentDeserializer |
ImageAlignmentFieldHandler |
ImageAlignmentSerializer |
ImageAnchorTypeEnum |
ImageChartRendererFactory |
ImageConverter |
ImageDrawer |
ImageLoader |
ImageProvider |
ImageServlet |
ImageServlet |
ImageTypeEnum |
ImageUtil |
ImageUtil.Insets |
ImageWebResourceHandler |
ImageWebResourceHandler |
IncrementTypeEnum |
IndexColumnValueIterator |
IndexedDataSource |
JRDataSource extension that can provide the record index at
the current position.
InputStreamPersistenceService |
InputStreamResource |
IntArrayValues |
IntegerSerializer |
InteractivityExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Interleaved2Of5Component |
InterpretedExpressionEvaluators |
InvalidDateRangeExpressionException |
Indicates that expression for date rang was invalid
InvalidFontException |
IsolatedPageCreator |
Item |
The Item interface.
ItemCompiler |
ItemData |
The ItemData interface
ItemProperty |
The ItemProperty interface.
ItemPropertyDeserializer |
ItemPropertySerializer |
ItemsCounter |
JacksonDataAdapterPersistenceService |
JacksonMapping |
JacksonMappingExtensionsRegistryFactory |
JacksonObjectPersistenceService |
JacksonReportLoader |
JacksonReportWriter |
JacksonReportWriterFactory |
JacksonResource<T> |
JacksonRuntimeException |
JacksonUtil |
JasperCompileManager |
Facade class for compiling report designs into the ready-to-fill form
and for getting the XML representation of report design objects for
storage or network transfer.
JasperDesign |
JasperDesign is used for in-memory representation of a report design.
JasperDesignCache |
JasperDesignReportResource |
JasperDesignReportResourceCache |
JasperDesignViewer |
This class can be used at design time to preview the report
JasperExportManager |
Facade class for exporting generated reports into more popular
formats such as PDF, HTML and XML.
JasperFillManager |
Facade class for filling compiled report designs with data from report data sources,
in order to produce page-oriented documents, ready-to-print.
JasperPrint |
An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document
that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.
JasperPrintAccessor |
JasperPrintLoader |
JasperPrintManager |
Facade class for the printing functionality exposed by the JasperReports library.
JasperReport |
Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.
JasperReportsContext |
JasperReportsContextAware |
JasperReportSource |
JasperRunManager |
Facade class for the JasperReports engine.
JasperViewer |
This class uses the JRViewer component to display reports.
Java14BigDecimalHandler |
Java15BigDecimalHandler |
JavaDirectExpressionValueFilter |
JavaScriptCallableThisDecorator |
JavaScriptClassCompiler |
Compiler for reports that use JavaScript as expression language.
JavaScriptClassCompiler.CompileSources |
JavaScriptClassLoader |
Class loader used to load classes generated for JavaScript expression evaluation.
JavaScriptCompileData |
Compile data for reports that use JavaScript as expression language.
JavaScriptCompileData.Expression |
JavaScriptCompiledData |
Compiled Java code for reports that use JavaScript as expression language.
JavaScriptCompiledData.CompiledClass |
JavaScriptCompiledData.ExpressionIndexes |
JavaScriptCompiledEvaluator |
JavaScriptCompiler |
Compiler for reports that use JavaScript as expression language.
JavaScriptCompilerBase |
Base compiler class for reports that use JavaScript as expression language.
JavaScriptCompilerBase.Errors |
JavaScriptCompilerBase.ScriptExpressionVisitor |
JavaScriptEvaluator |
JavaScript expression evaluator that compiles expressions at fill time.
JavaScriptEvaluatorScope |
JavaScriptEvaluatorScope.JSField |
Field class used in JavaScript expressions.
JavaScriptEvaluatorScope.JSParameter |
Parameter class used in JavaScript expressions.
JavaScriptEvaluatorScope.JSValue |
Base JavaScript value class.
JavaScriptEvaluatorScope.JSVariable |
Variable class used in JavaScript expressions.
JavaScriptFunctionsObject |
JaxenNsAwareXPathExecuter |
XPath executer implementation that uses a namespace aware Jaxen.
JaxenXmlDataSource |
JaxenXPathExecuter |
XPath executer implementation that uses Jaxen.
JaxenXPathExecuter.NodeListWrapper |
JaxenXPathExecuterFactory |
JaxenXPathQueryExecuter |
Jaxen XPath query executer implementation.
JaxenXPathQueryExecuterFactory |
Jaxen XPath query executer factory.
JCommonDrawableRendererImpl |
A wrapper for the Drawable interface in the JCommon library: you will need the
JCommon classes in your classpath to compile this class.
JdbcDataAdapter |
JdbcDataAdapterContributorFactory |
JdbcDataAdapterImpl |
JdbcDataAdapterService |
JEditorPaneHtmlMarkupProcessor |
JEditorPaneMarkupProcessor |
JEditorPaneMarkupProcessor.HtmlFactory |
JEditorPaneMarkupProcessor.RtfFactory |
JEditorPaneRtfMarkupProcessor |
JiveWebResourceHandler |
JiveWebResourceHandler |
JndiDataAdapter |
JndiDataAdapterImpl |
JndiDataAdapterService |
JRAbstractBeanDataSource |
JRAbstractBeanDataSource.DefaultPropertyNameProvider |
JRAbstractBeanDataSource.PropertyNameProvider |
JRAbstractBeanDataSourceProvider |
The base implementation for JRBeanXXXDataSource providers.
JRAbstractChartCustomizer |
Abstract implementation of JRChartCustomizer that provides
access to parameter, variable and field values.
JRAbstractClassCompiler |
JRAbstractCompiler |
Base class for report compilers.
JRAbstractCsvExporter<RC extends CsvReportConfiguration,C extends CsvExporterConfiguration,E extends JRExporterContext> |
Exports a JasperReports document to CSV format.
JRAbstractExporter<RC extends ReportExportConfiguration,C extends ExporterConfiguration,O extends ExporterOutput,E extends JRExporterContext> |
JRAbstractExtendedIncrementer |
Base class for extended incrementers.
JRAbstractExtendedIncrementerFactory |
JRAbstractImageEncoder |
JRAbstractJavaCompiler |
JRAbstractLRUVirtualizer |
Abstract base for LRU and serialization based virtualizer
JRAbstractLRUVirtualizer.CacheReference |
JRAbstractMultiClassCompiler |
Base class for multiple class compilers.
JRAbstractObjectFactory |
JRAbstractQueryExecuter |
Base abstract query executer.
JRAbstractQueryExecuter.QueryParameter |
A parameter present in the query.
JRAbstractQueryExecuter.QueryParameterEntry |
JRAbstractQueryExecuter.QueryParameterVisitor |
JRAbstractQueryExecuter.ValuedQueryParameter |
JRAbstractScriptlet |
Defines an abstract representation of a report scriptlet.
JRAbstractSingleClassCompiler |
Base class that can be used by single source file compilers to implement multiple compilation.
JRAbstractTextDataSource |
Abstract text data source, containing methods used to parse text
data into numerical or date values.
JRAnchor |
An interface providing anchor functionality.
JRAntApiWriteTask |
Ant task for batch-generating the Java source file that uses the JR API to create the report design,
from compiled report template files or from source JRXML files.
JRAntCompileTask |
Ant task for batch-compiling XML report design files.
JRAntDecompileTask |
Ant task for batch-generating the source JRXML report design files, from compiled report template files.
JRAntUpdateTask |
Ant task for batch-updating JRXML report design files.
JRAntXmlExportTask |
Ant task for batch-exporting generated report files.
JRApiWriter |
A writer that generates the Java code required to produce a given report template programmatically, using the JasperReports API.
JRApiWriterVisitor |
JRAreaPlot |
Area charts and Stacked Area charts rely on this plot to render their axes and items.
JRAxisFormat |
Represents all the formatting options of a chart axis.
JRBand |
Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.
JRBar3DPlot |
JRBarPlot |
Type of plot used to render Bar, Stacked Bar, and XY Bar charts.
JRBaseAntTask |
Base class for JasperReports built-in Ant task implementations.
JRBaseAreaPlot |
JRBaseBand |
Used for implementing band functionality.
JRBaseBar3DPlot |
JRBaseBarPlot |
JRBaseBoxBottomPen |
JRBaseBoxLeftPen |
JRBaseBoxPen |
JRBaseBoxRightPen |
JRBaseBoxTopPen |
JRBaseBreak |
The actual implementation of a break element.
JRBaseBubblePlot |
JRBaseCandlestickPlot |
JRBaseCategoryDataset |
JRBaseCategorySeries |
JRBaseCellContents |
JRBaseChart |
JRBaseChartAxis |
JRBaseChartDataset |
JRBaseChartPlot |
JRBaseChartPlot.JRBaseSeriesColor |
JRBaseComponentElement |
JRBaseConditionalStyle |
JRBaseCrosstab |
JRBaseCrosstabBucket |
JRBaseCrosstabCell |
JRBaseCrosstabColumnGroup |
Base read-only implementation of crosstab column groups.
JRBaseCrosstabDataset |
Base implementation of crosstab input dataset.
JRBaseCrosstabGroup |
Base read-only implementation for crosstab row and column groups.
JRBaseCrosstabMeasure |
Base read-only crosstab measure implementation.
JRBaseCrosstabParameter |
Base read-only implementation of crosstab parameters.
JRBaseCrosstabRowGroup |
Base read-only implementation of crosstab row groups.
JRBaseDataRange |
An immutable instantiation of a JRDataRange , suitable for holding
a range.
JRBaseDataset |
JRBaseDatasetParameter |
JRBaseDatasetRun |
JRBaseElement |
This class provides a skeleton implementation for a report element.
JRBaseElementDataset |
JRBaseElementGroup |
JRBaseEllipse |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.
JRBaseExpression |
JRBaseExpressionChunk |
JRBaseField |
JRBaseFiller |
JRBaseFiller.DefaultStyleListener |
JRBaseFont |
JRBaseFrame |
Base read-only implementation of JRFrame .
JRBaseGanttDataset |
JRBaseGanttSeries |
JRBaseGenericElement |
A read-only implementation of JRGenericElement
that is included in compiled reports.
JRBaseGenericElementParameter |
JRBaseGenericPrintElement |
JRBaseGraphicElement |
This class provides functionality common to graphic elements.
JRBaseGroup |
JRBaseHighLowDataset |
JRBaseHighLowPlot |
JRBaseHyperlink |
JRBaseHyperlinkParameter |
JRBaseImage |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an image.
JRBaseItemLabel |
An immutable representation of the formatting options for showing the
item labels in a category plot.
JRBaseLine |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a straight line.
JRBaseLineBox |
This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.
JRBaseLinePlot |
JRBaseMeterPlot |
An immutable representation of the layout of a Meter chart.
JRBaseMultiAxisPlot |
An immutable representation of the layout options of a multiple axis chart.
JRBaseObjectFactory |
Factory of objects used in compiled reports.
JRBaseParagraph |
JRBaseParameter |
JRBasePart |
A read-only JRPart implementation which is included
in compiled reports.
JRBasePen |
This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.
JRBasePie3DPlot |
JRBasePieDataset |
JRBasePiePlot |
JRBasePieSeries |
JRBasePrintElement |
JRBasePrintEllipse |
JRBasePrintFrame |
JRBasePrintGraphicElement |
JRBasePrintHyperlink |
JRBasePrintImage |
JRBasePrintLine |
JRBasePrintPage |
JRBasePrintRectangle |
JRBasePrintText |
JRBasePropertyExpression |
JRBaseQuery |
JRBaseQueryChunk |
JRBaseRectangle |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.
JRBaseReport |
Base class that implements the JRReport interface.
JRBaseReportTemplate |
JRBaseScatterPlot |
JRBaseScriptlet |
JRBaseSection |
Used for implementing section functionality.
JRBaseSortField |
JRBaseStaticText |
This class is used for representing a static text element.
JRBaseStyle |
JRBaseSubreport |
JRBaseSubreportParameter |
JRBaseSubreportReturnValue |
JRBaseTextElement |
This class provides functionality common to text elements.
JRBaseTextField |
This class is used for representing a text field.
JRBaseThermometerPlot |
An immutable representation of the layout of a thermometer plot.
JRBaseTimePeriodDataset |
JRBaseTimePeriodSeries |
JRBaseTimeSeries |
JRBaseTimeSeriesDataset |
JRBaseTimeSeriesPlot |
JRBaseValueDataset |
An immutable version of a dataset that generates a single value.
JRBaseValueDisplay |
An immutable representation of the formatting options for showing the
value of a value dataset.
JRBaseVariable |
JRBaseXyDataset |
JRBaseXySeries |
JRBaseXyzDataset |
JRBaseXyzSeries |
JRBeanArrayDataSource |
A data source implementation that wraps an array of JavaBean objects.
JRBeanCollectionDataSource |
A data source implementation that wraps a collection of JavaBean objects.
JRBiConsumer<T,V> |
JRBigDecimalIncrementerFactory |
JRBoxContainer |
JRBoxPen |
JRBoxPenProvider |
JRBoxUtil |
JRBreak |
An abstract representation of a break element.
JRBubblePlot |
Only Bubble charts use this type of plot.
JRByteIncrementerFactory |
JRCalculable |
Interface for objects that can be used by extended incrementers for calculations.
JRCalculator |
Evaluates JasperReports expressions.
JRCandlestickPlot |
The Candlestick plot is also an axis-oriented plot and allows you to customize axis labels
using expressions.
JRCategoryAxisFormat |
JRCategoryDataset |
This dataset accommodates one or more data series consisting of values associated with
JRCategoryPlot |
Type of plot used for rendering category charts.
JRCategorySeries |
Represents the series for any Category dataset.
JRCellContents |
Crosstab cell contents interface.
JRChangeEventsSupport |
Interface implemented by classes that offer propery change events support.
JRChart |
Implementations of this interface can be used for rendering chart components.
JRChartAxis |
Describes an axis that can be added to a multiple axis chart.
JRChartCustomizer |
This interface allows users to provide pluggable chart customizers.
JRChartDataset |
Datasets are used to represent the actual data needed to generate a chart.
JRChartPlot |
Chart plots define chart appearance and display details such as colors, legend or labels.
JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor |
JRChild |
An abstract representation of a report element.
JRClassCompiler |
JRClassGenerator |
JRClassLoader |
JRClauseFunction |
A query clause chunk function.
JRClauseTokens |
Query clause chunk wrapper.
JRCloneable |
JRClonePool |
Working clones pooling utility used at fill time.
JRCloneUtils |
Cloning related utility methods.
JRColorUtil |
JRCommonElement |
An abstract representation of a report element.
JRCommonGraphicElement |
An abstract representation of a report graphic element.
JRCommonImage |
An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.
JRCommonLinePlot |
Type of the plot used to render Line, XY Line and Scatter charts.
JRCommonRectangle |
An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.
JRCommonText |
Common interface of design and print text elements.
JRComparableIncrementerFactory |
JRCompilationSourceCode |
A source code unit to be compiled by a report compiler.
JRCompilationUnit |
Expression evaluator compilation unit used by report compilers.
JRCompiler |
This interface exposes methods to load expressions evaluators and compile report templates.
JRComponentElement |
A report element that wraps an abstract component.
JRConcurrentSwapFile |
JRConditionalStyle |
JRConstants |
JRContinuationSubreportRunner |
JRContinuationSubreportRunnerFactory |
JRCrosstab |
Crosstab element interface.
JRCrosstabBucket |
Crosstab groups bucketing information interface.
JRCrosstabCell |
Crosstab data cell interface.
JRCrosstabColumnGroup |
Crosstab column group interface.
JRCrosstabDataset |
Input dataset interface used by crosstabs.
JRCrosstabExpressionEvaluator |
Expression evaluator used for crosstabs at fill time.
JRCrosstabGroup |
Base interface for crosstab row and column groups.
JRCrosstabMeasure |
Crosstab measure interface.
JRCrosstabOrigin |
JRCrosstabParameter |
Crosstab parameters interface.
JRCrosstabRowGroup |
Crosstab row group interface.
JRCsvDataSource |
This datasource implementation reads a CSV stream.
JRCsvDataSourceProvider |
JRCsvExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to CSV format.
JRCsvExporterContext |
A context that represents information about a CSV export process.
JRCsvExporterNature |
JRCsvMetadataExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to CSV format based on the metadata provided.
JRCsvQueryExecuter |
CSV query executer implementation.
JRCsvQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for CSV file type.
JRCsvSaveContributor |
JRDataRange |
Represents a numeric range.
JRDataset |
Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.
JRDatasetParameter |
Dataset parameter value interface.
JRDatasetRun |
Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.
JRDataSource |
This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.
JRDataSourceProvider |
Abstracts the means of creating and disposing a data source.
JRDataUtils |
JRDateLocaleConverter |
A Converter class dedicated for the java.util.Date type.
JRDefaultCompilationSourceCode |
Default JRCompilationSourceCode implementation that can receive
a list of expressions corresponding to lines in the code.
JRDefaultIncrementerFactory |
JRDefaultScriptlet |
This class provides default empty implementations for scriptlet events.
JRDefaultStyleProvider |
An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.
JRDelegationVisitor |
Abstract delegation visitor.
JRDesignAreaPlot |
JRDesignBand |
JRDesignBar3DPlot |
JRDesignBarPlot |
JRDesignBreak |
The actual implementation of a break element, used at design time.
JRDesignBubblePlot |
JRDesignCandlestickPlot |
JRDesignCategoryDataset |
JRDesignCategoryPlot |
JRDesignCategorySeries |
JRDesignCellContents |
JRDesignChart |
JRDesignChartAxis |
JRChartAxis implementation to be used for report design.
JRDesignChartDataset |
JRDesignComponentElement |
JRDesignConditionalStyle |
JRDesignCrosstab |
JRDesignCrosstabBucket |
JRDesignCrosstabCell |
JRDesignCrosstabColumnGroup |
Crosstab column group implementation to be used for report designing.
JRDesignCrosstabDataset |
Input crosstab dataset implementation to be used at design time.
JRDesignCrosstabGroup |
Base crosstab row/column group implementation to be used at design time.
JRDesignCrosstabMeasure |
Crosstab measure implementation to be used for report designing.
JRDesignCrosstabParameter |
Implementation of crosstab parameters to be used for report designing.
JRDesignCrosstabRowGroup |
Crosstab row group implementation to be used for report designing.
JRDesignDataRange |
Contains a range of values.
JRDesignDataset |
Implementation of JRDataset to be used for report design.
JRDesignDatasetParameter |
JRDesignDatasetRun |
Implementation of JRDatasetRun to be used for report design.
JRDesignElement |
This class provides a skeleton implementation for a design time report element.
JRDesignElementDataset |
JRDesignElementGroup |
JRDesignEllipse |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an ellipse, used at design time.
JRDesignExpression |
JRDesignExpressionChunk |
JRDesignField |
JRDesignFont |
JRDesignFrame |
Implementation of JRFrame to be used at design time.
JRDesignGanttDataset |
JRDesignGanttSeries |
JRDesignGenericElement |
JRDesignGenericElementParameter |
JRDesignGraphicElement |
This class contains functionality common to graphic elements at design time.
JRDesignGroup |
JRDesignHighLowDataset |
JRDesignHighLowPlot |
JRDesignHyperlink |
Stand-alone implementation of JRHyperlink
which should be used for report design purposes.
JRDesignHyperlinkParameter |
JRDesignImage |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an image, used at design time.
JRDesignItemLabel |
An object that specifies how an item label should be displayed.
JRDesignLine |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a straight line, used at design time.
JRDesignLinePlot |
JRDesignMeterPlot |
A meter plot that displays a single value against a range of values.
JRDesignMultiAxisPlot |
Contains information on how a multiple axis chart should be
JRDesignParameter |
JRDesignPart |
JRDesignPie3DPlot |
JRDesignPieDataset |
JRDesignPiePlot |
JRDesignPieSeries |
JRDesignPropertyExpression |
JRDesignQuery |
JRDesignQueryChunk |
JRDesignRectangle |
The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a rectangle, used at design time.
JRDesignReportTemplate |
JRDesignScatterPlot |
JRDesignScriptlet |
JRDesignSection |
JRDesignSortField |
JRDesignStaticText |
This class is used for representing a design static text element.
JRDesignStyle |
JRDesignSubreport |
JRDesignSubreportParameter |
JRDesignSubreportReturnValue |
JRDesignTextElement |
This class provides functionality common to design text elements.
JRDesignTextField |
JRDesignThermometerPlot |
The layout options of a thermometer chart.
JRDesignTimePeriodDataset |
JRDesignTimePeriodSeries |
JRDesignTimeSeries |
JRDesignTimeSeriesDataset |
JRDesignTimeSeriesPlot |
JRDesignValueDataset |
A data set that contains a single value.
JRDesignValueDisplay |
An object that specifies how a single value should be displayed.
JRDesignVariable |
JRDesignViewer |
JRDesignViewerController |
JRDesignViewerPanel |
JRDesignViewerToolbar |
JRDesignXyDataset |
JRDesignXySeries |
JRDesignXyzDataset |
JRDesignXyzSeries |
JRDistinctCountExtendedIncrementerFactory |
JRDistinctCountIncrementerFactory |
JRDocxExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to DOCX format.
JRDocxExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an DOCX export process.
JRDocxExporterNature |
JRDocxSaveContributor |
JRDoubleIncrementerFactory |
JRElement |
An abstract representation of a report element.
JRElementDataset |
Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.
JRElementGroup |
Groups several report elements.
JRElementsVisitor |
Report elements visitor.
JREllipse |
An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.
JREmbeddedImagesXmlSaveContributor |
JREmptyDataSource |
A simple data source implementation that simulates a data source with a given number of virtual records inside.
JREmptyQueryExecuter |
JREvaluation |
Provides support for expressions evaluation.
JREvaluationTime |
An evaluation time during the report fill process.
JREvaluator |
Base class for the dynamically generated expression evaluator classes.
JRException |
General purpose JasperReports exception.
JRExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an export process.
JRExporterGridCell |
JRExportProgressMonitor |
JRExpression |
Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.
JRExpressionChunk |
JRExpressionCollector |
An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions
out of it.
JRExpressionCollector.CrosstabExpressionVerifier |
JRExpressionCollector.DatasetExpressionVerifier |
JRExpressionCollector.ExpressionVerifier |
JRExpressionCollector.GeneratedIds |
JRExpressionEvalException |
JRExpressionUtil |
JRExtendedIncrementer |
Extended incrementer interface.
JRExtendedIncrementerFactory |
Extended incrementer factory interface.
JRField |
An abstract representation of a data source field.
JRFileVirtualizer |
Virtualizes data to the filesystem.
JRFillAreaPlot |
JRFillBand |
JRFillBar3DPlot |
JRFillBarPlot |
JRFillBreak |
JRFillBubblePlot |
JRFillCandlestickPlot |
JRFillCategoryDataset |
JRFillCategorySeries |
JRFillCellContents |
Crosstab cell contents filler.
JRFillCellContents.BoxContents |
JRFillCellContents.StretchedContents |
JRFillChart |
JRFillChartAxis |
Describes an axis that can be added to a multiple axis chart.
JRFillChartDataset |
JRFillChartForAxis |
JRFillChartPlot |
JRFillCloneable |
Interface of elements that can be cloned at fill time.
JRFillCloneFactory |
Factory class used for fill-time working clones creation.
JRFillCommonReturnValue |
JRFillComponentElement |
JRFillContext |
Context class shared by all the fillers involved in a report (master and subfillers).
JRFillContext.FillCacheDisposable |
JRFillCrosstab |
JRFillCrosstabCell |
JRFillCrosstabColumnGroup |
Crosstab column group implementation used at fill time.
JRFillCrosstabGroup |
Base crosstab row/column group implementation used at fill time.
JRFillCrosstabMeasure |
JRFillCrosstabObjectFactory |
Factory of fill instances of crosstab internal objects.
JRFillCrosstabParameter |
Crosstab parameter implementation used at fill time.
JRFillCrosstabRowGroup |
Crosstab row group implementation used at fill time.
JRFillDataRange |
JRFillDataset |
JRFillDataset.CacheRecordIndexCallback |
JRFillDataset.CacheRecordIndexChainedCallback |
JRFillDataset.FillDatasetPositionRecordIndexCallback |
JRFillDataset.VariableCalculationReq |
Class used to hold expression calculation requirements.
JRFillDatasetRun |
Class used to instantiate sub datasets.
JRFillDatasetScriptlet |
JRFillElement |
JRFillElementContainer |
Abstract implementation of an element container filler.
JRFillElementDataset |
JRFillElementGroup |
JRFillEllipse |
JRFiller |
JRFillExpressionEvaluator |
Fill time expression evaluators interface.
JRFillExpressionReturnValue |
JRFillField |
JRFillFrame |
Fill time implementation of a frame element.
JRFillGanttDataset |
JRFillGanttSeries |
JRFillGenericElement |
JRFillGraphicElement |
JRFillGroup |
JRFillHighLowDataset |
JRFillHighLowPlot |
JRFillHyperlinkHelper |
Utility class used to evaluate custom hyperlink parameters.
JRFillImage |
JRFillInterruptedException |
JRFillItemLabel |
JRFillLine |
JRFillLinePlot |
JRFillMeterPlot |
JRFillMultiAxisPlot |
JRFillObjectFactory |
A factory used to instantiate fill objects based on compiled report objects.
JRFillObjectFactory.StylesList |
JRFillParameter |
JRFillPie3DPlot |
JRFillPieDataset |
JRFillPiePlot |
JRFillPieSeries |
JRFillRectangle |
JRFillReportTemplate |
JRFillScatterPlot |
JRFillScriptlet |
JRFillSection |
JRFillStaticText |
JRFillSubreport |
JRFillTextElement |
JRFillTextField |
JRFillThermometerPlot |
JRFillTimePeriodDataset |
JRFillTimePeriodSeries |
JRFillTimeSeries |
JRFillTimeSeriesDataset |
JRFillTimeSeriesPlot |
JRFillValueDataset |
JRFillValueDisplay |
JRFillVariable |
JRFillVariableReturnValue |
JRFillXyDataset |
JRFillXySeries |
JRFillXyzDataset |
JRFillXyzSeries |
JRFloatIncrementerFactory |
JRFont |
An abstract representation of a font.
JRFontDeserializer |
JRFontNotFoundException |
Exception raised when a font name used as value for the fontName attribute in the report template,
is not found in any of the runtime available JasperReports font extensions, nor among the font names available
to the Java Virtual Machine.
JRFontSerializer |
JRFrame |
An abstract representation of a report elements container.
JRGanttDataset |
This dataset accommodates one or more data series consisting of values associated with
tasks and subtasks.
JRGanttSeries |
Represents the series for the Gantt dataset.
JRGenericElement |
JRGenericElementParameter |
A generic report element parameter.
JRGenericElementType |
A key identifying a generic element type.
JRGenericPrintElement |
A generic print element.
JRGraphEnvInitializer |
JRGraphicElement |
An abstract representation of a report graphic element.
JRGraphics2DExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to a Graphics2D object.
JRGraphics2DExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an Graphics2D export process.
JRGridLayout |
Utility class used by grid exporters to create a grid for page layout.
JRGridLayout.BoxKey |
JRGroovyCompiler |
Calculator compiler that uses groovy to compile expressions.
JRGroovyGenerator |
JRGroup |
Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.
JRGzipVirtualizer |
GZips the pages that it doesn't need, but keeps them in memory.
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource |
Base abstract Hibernate data source.
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource |
Base abstract Hibernate data source.
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.FieldReader |
Interface used to get the value of a report field from a result row.
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.FieldReader |
Interface used to get the value of a report field from a result row.
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.IdentityFieldReader |
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.IndexFieldReader |
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.IndexFieldReader |
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.IndexPropertyFieldReader |
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.IndexPropertyFieldReader |
JRHibernateAbstractDataSource.PropertyFieldReader |
JRHibernateIterateDataSource |
Hibernate data source that uses org.hibernate.Query.iterate() .
JRHibernateIterateDataSource |
Hibernate data source that uses org.hibernate.Query.iterate() .
JRHibernateListDataSource |
Hibernate data source that uses org.hibernate.Query.list() .
JRHibernateListDataSource |
Hibernate data source that uses org.hibernate.Query.list() .
JRHibernateQueryExecuter |
HQL query executer that uses Hibernate 3.
JRHibernateQueryExecuter |
HQL query executer that uses Hibernate 3.
JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for HQL queries that uses Hibernate 3.
JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for HQL queries that uses Hibernate 3.
JRHibernateScrollDataSource |
Hibernate data source that uses org.hibernate.Query.scroll() .
JRHibernateScrollDataSource |
Hibernate data source that uses org.hibernate.Query.scroll() .
JRHighLowDataset |
Although the name of this dataset is "High-Low", it can actually hold a series of
(x, high, low, open, close, volume) items.
JRHighLowPlot |
Used only in combination with High-Low charts, this type of plot lets users customize
the labels for both axes, like all the other axis-oriented plots.
JRHorizontalFiller |
JRHtmlExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an HTML export process.
JRHtmlSaveContributor |
JRHyperlink |
An interface providing hyperlink functionality.
JRHyperlinkHelper |
Utility class that manages built-in hyperlink types.
JRHyperlinkListener |
JRHyperlinkParameter |
A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.
JRHyperlinkProducer |
A simple hyperlink generator that can be used to handle custom
hyperlink types.
JRHyperlinkProducerFactory |
JRHyperlinkProducerMapFactory |
Map-based hyperlink producer factory implementation.
JRHyperlinkTargetProducer |
A simple hyperlink target generator that can be used to handle custom
hyperlink targets.
JRHyperlinkTargetProducerFactory |
JRHyperlinkTargetProducerMapFactory |
Map-based hyperlink target producer factory implementation.
JRIdentifiable |
JRImage |
An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.
JRImageAlignment |
An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.
JRImageEncoder |
JRImageLoader |
JRImageReader |
JRIncrementer |
JRIncrementerFactory |
JRIncrementerFactoryCache |
JRIntegerIncrementerFactory |
JRInteractiveException |
JRInteractiveRuntimeException |
JRItemLabel |
Contains the formatting option for the textual
representation of item labels in a category plot
JRJavacCompiler |
JRJdbcQueryExecuter |
JDBC query executer for SQL queries.
JRJdbcQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for SQL queries.
JRJdk13Compiler |
JRJdk13ImageReader |
JRJdk14ImageEncoder |
JRJdk14ImageReader |
JRJdtCompiler |
JRJdtCompiler.CompilationUnit |
JRJdtCompiler.CompilationUnitResult |
JRJdtCompiler.CompilerRequestor |
JRJpaDataSource |
Java Persistence API data source that uses javax.persistence.Query.getResultList() .
JRJpaDataSource |
Java Persistence API data source that uses jakarta.persistence.Query.getResultList() .
JRJpaDataSource.FieldValueReader |
JRJpaDataSource.FieldValueReader |
JRJpaQueryExecuter |
EJBQL query executer that uses the Java Persistence API.
JRJpaQueryExecuter |
EJBQL query executer that uses the Java Persistence API.
JRJpaQueryExecuterFactory |
Java Persistence API query executer factory for EJBQL queries.
JRJpaQueryExecuterFactory |
Java Persistence API query executer factory for EJBQL queries.
JRJsonNode |
JRLine |
An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.
JRLineBox |
This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.
JRLinePlot |
Type of plot used to render Line charts.
JRLoader |
Utility class that helps load serialized objects found in various locations
such as files, URLs, and input streams.
JRLongIncrementerFactory |
JRMapArrayDataSource |
JRMapCollectionDataSource |
JRMdxQueryExecuterFactory |
JRMeasuredText |
JRMeterInterval |
Defines a subsection of a meter chart.
JRMeterPlot |
This type of plot can be used only for Meter charts and
represents the display options of a Meter Chart.
JRMondrianAxis |
JRMondrianCell |
JRMondrianDataSource |
JRMondrianFactory |
JRMondrianHierarchy |
JRMondrianLevel |
JRMondrianMember |
JRMondrianQueryExecuter |
JRMondrianQueryExecuterFactory |
JRMondrianResult |
JRMondrianTuple |
JRMultiAxisPlot |
Represents the display options and nested charts of a multiple axis chart.
JRMultiClassCompiler |
Interface implemented by classes able to compile multiple source files.
JRMultipleSheetsXlsSaveContributor |
JROdsExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to Open Document Spreadsheet format.
JROdsExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an ODS export process.
JROdsExporterNature |
JROdtExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to ODF format.
JROdtExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an ODT export process.
JROdtExporterNature |
JROdtSaveContributor |
JROfficeOpenXmlExporterNature |
JROlapCell |
JROlapDataSource |
JROlapHierarchy |
JROlapHierarchyLevel |
JROlapMember |
JROlapMemberTuple |
JROlapResult |
JROlapResultAxis |
JROpenDocumentExporterNature |
JROrigin |
JROriginExporterFilter |
An exporter filter that excludes elements based on their origin.
JROriginExporterFilterFactory |
JROriginProvider |
A provider of JROrigin instances, used by report elements at fill time.
JRParagraph |
JRParagraphContainer |
JRParameter |
Provides functionality for report parameters.
JRParameterDefaultValuesEvaluator |
Utility class to be used to evaluate parameter default value expressions for a report
without actually filling it.
JRPart |
JRPdfaIccProfileNotFoundException |
Exception raised when an ICC profile is not available to the JVM.
JRPdfExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to PDF format.
JRPdfExporter.Bookmark |
JRPdfExporter.BookmarkStack |
JRPdfExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an PDF export process.
JRPdfExporterTagHelper |
Provides support for tagged PDF documents.
JRPdfSaveContributor |
JRPen |
This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.
JRPenContainer |
JRPenUtil |
JRPercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator interface.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory |
Factory for percentage calculators.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.BigDecimalPercentageCalculator |
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.BigIntegerPercentageCalculator |
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.BytePercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator for Byte values.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.DoublePercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator for Double values.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.FloatPercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator for Float values.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.IntegerPercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator for Integer values.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.LongPercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator for Long values.
JRPercentageCalculatorFactory.ShortPercentageCalculator |
Percentage calculator for Short values.
JRPie3DPlot |
JRPieDataset |
This dataset is useful for rendering Pie charts.
JRPiePlot |
Type of plot used for rendering Pie charts.
JRPieSeries |
Represents the series for the Pie dataset.
JRPptxExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 format (PPTX).
JRPptxExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an PPTX export process.
JRPptxExporterNature |
JRPrintAnchor |
JRPrintAnchorIndex |
JRPrintBand |
JRPrintElement |
JRPrintElementContainer |
Print element container interface.
JRPrintElementIndex |
JRPrintElementListContainer |
JRPrintEllipse |
JRPrinterAWT |
JRPrintFrame |
A print elements container.
JRPrintGraphicElement |
JRPrintHyperlink |
JRPrintHyperlinkParameter |
A parameter of the hyperlink associated to a print element.
JRPrintHyperlinkParameters |
A set of parameters associated with a print element.
JRPrintImage |
JRPrintImageArea |
An area on an image.
JRPrintImageAreaHyperlink |
A component of an image map.
JRPrintLine |
JRPrintPage |
JRPrintRectangle |
JRPrintSaveContributor |
JRPrintServiceExporter |
Prints a JasperReports document using the Java Print Service API.
JRPrintText |
JRPrintXmlLoader |
Utility class that helps reconverting XML documents into
JasperPrint objects.
JRPropertiesHolder |
Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.
JRPropertiesMap |
Properties map of an JR element.
JRPropertiesUtil |
Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.
JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix |
JRPropertyChangeSupport |
JRPropertyExpression |
Report property with a value based on an expression.
JRQuery |
Represents a query used for generation of report data.
JRQueryChunk |
JRQueryChunkHandler |
A query chunk handler.
JRQueryClauseContext |
JRQueryExecuter |
Query executer interface.
JRQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
JRQueryExecuterUtils |
Query executer utility class.
JRQueryParser |
Report query parser.
JRReadOnlyPropertyException |
JRRecordedValues |
JRRecordedValuesGenericPrintElement |
Generic print element implementation that supports recorded values.
JRRecordedValuesPrintElement |
Interface implemented by print elements that can record field/variable values.
JRRecordedValuesPrintImage |
Print image implementation that supports recorded values.
JRRecordedValuesPrintText |
Print text implementation that supports recorded values.
JRRectangle |
An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.
JRReport |
An abstract representation of a Jasper report.
JRReportCompileData |
Structure used to hold a report's expression evaluator compile data.
JRReportTemplate |
A template included in a report.
JRReportUtils |
JRResourcesFillUtil |
Resources utility class used for report fills.
JRResourcesFillUtil.ResourcesFillContext |
JRResourcesUtil |
Provides methods for resource resolution via class loaders or URL stream handlers.
JRResultSetDataSource |
This is a default implementation of the
JRDataSource interface.
JRRewindableDataSource |
This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.
JRRtfExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to RTF format.
JRRtfExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an RTF export process.
JRRtfSaveContributor |
JRRuntimeException |
JRSaveContributor |
JRSaver |
Utility class that can be used when serializable objects must be saved on disk
or sent over the network through an output stream.
JRScatterPlot |
Scatter plots are used only with Scatter charts.
JRScriptlet |
JRScriptletException |
JRSection |
Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.
JRShortIncrementerFactory |
JRSimpleTemplate |
JRSingleSheetXlsSaveContributor |
JRSingletonCache<T> |
Utility to use as a soft cache of singleton instances.
JRSortField |
Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting.
JRSourceCompileTask |
Expression evaluator source code generation information.
JRSqlAbstractEqualClause |
Base (NOT) EQUAL clause function for SQL queries.
JRSqlAbstractInClause |
Base (NOT) IN clause function for SQL queries.
JRSqlBetweenClause |
Base BETWEEN clause function for SQL queries.
JRSqlEqualClause |
SQL "EQUAL" clause function.
JRSqlInClause |
SQL "IN" clause function.
JRSqlLessOrGreaterClause |
Base LESS/GREATER clause function for SQL queries.
JRSqlNotEqualClause |
SQL "EQUAL" clause function.
JRSqlNotInClause |
SQL "NOT IN" clause function.
JRStaticText |
An abstract representation of a report static text.
JRStringUtil |
JRStyle |
Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.
JRStyleContainer |
JRStyledText |
JRStyledText.Run |
JRStyledTextAttributeSelector |
Selector of element-level styled text attributes for print text objects.
JRStyledTextParser |
JRStyledTextUtil |
JRStyledTextUtil.FontMatch |
JRStyleSetter |
An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.
JRSubreport |
An abstract representation of a subreport.
JRSubreportParameter |
JRSubreportReturnValue |
A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.
JRSubreportRunnable |
JRSubreportRunner |
Subreport runner interface.
JRSubreportRunnerFactory |
JRSubreportRunResult |
JRSwapFile |
Swap file implementation that can be used as a disk cache for arbitrary binary data.
JRSwapFile.LongQueue |
JRSwapFile.SwapHandle |
JRSwapFileVirtualizer |
A virtualizer that uses a single swap file to serialize virtual data.
JRTableModelDataSource |
JRTemplate |
A template that can be used by report.
JRTemplateElement |
Base class consisting of print element information shared by multiple
print elements.
JRTemplateEllipse |
Ellipse information shared by multiple print ellipse objects.
JRTemplateFrame |
Frame information shared by multiple print frame objects.
JRTemplateGenericElement |
Generic print element information shared by multiple elements.
JRTemplateGenericPrintElement |
JRTemplateGraphicElement |
Base class consisting of graphic print element information shared by multiple
print element instances.
JRTemplateImage |
Image information shared by multiple print image objects.
JRTemplateLine |
Line element information shared by multiple print line objects.
JRTemplatePrintElement |
JRTemplatePrintEllipse |
JRTemplatePrintFrame |
JRTemplatePrintGraphicElement |
JRTemplatePrintImage |
JRTemplatePrintLine |
JRTemplatePrintRectangle |
JRTemplatePrintText |
JRTemplateRectangle |
Rectangle information shared by multiple print rectangle objects.
JRTemplateReference |
A static template reference, consisting of a location from which the template
can be loaded.
JRTemplateText |
Text element information shared by multiple print text objects.
JRTextAlignment |
An interface that defines constants useful for text alignment.
JRTextAttribute |
JRTextElement |
An abstract representation of a report text element.
JRTextExporter |
Exports filled reports in plain text format.
JRTextExporterContext |
A context that represents information about a text export process.
JRTextField |
An abstract representation of a report text.
JRTextMeasurer |
Text measurer interface.
JRTextMeasurerFactory |
Text measurer factory.
JRTextMeasurerUtil |
Text measurer utility class.
JRThermometerPlot |
Represents the display options of a Thermometer chart.
JRThreadSubreportRunner |
JRThreadSubreportRunnerFactory |
JRTimeAxisFormat |
JRTimePeriodDataset |
The Time Period dataset is very much like the Time Series dataset in that it wraps series
consisting of (time period, numeric value) pairs.
JRTimePeriodSeries |
Represents the series for the Time Period dataset.
JRTimeSeries |
Represents the series for the Time Series dataset.
JRTimeSeriesDataset |
This dataset wraps one or multiple time series.
JRTimeSeriesPlot |
This type of plot is similar to the Line plot and Scatter plot in that it lets users configure
the labels for both axes, the rendering of lines to connect the item points, and the rendering
of the small shapes that mark each item point on the target plot area.
JRTypeSniffer |
JRValidationException |
JRValidationFault |
A report validation fault.
JRValueAxisFormat |
JRValueDataset |
This class represents a dataset that consists of a single
JRValueDisplay |
Represents the formatting option for the textual
representation of a value displayed in a Meter or
Thermometer chart.
JRValueParameter |
A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.
JRValueStringUtils |
Utility class used to serialize/deserialize value objects to/from String values.
JRValueStringUtils.BigDecimalSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.BigIntegerSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.BooleanSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.ByteSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.CharacterSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.DateSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.DefaultSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.DoubleSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.FloatSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.IntegerSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.LongSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.ShortSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.StringSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.TimeSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.TimestampSerializer |
JRValueStringUtils.ValueSerializer |
JRVariable |
An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.
JRVerifier |
A report verifier.
JRVerifierVisitor |
JRVerticalFiller |
JRViewer |
JRViewerController |
JRViewerEvent |
JRViewerListener |
JRViewerPanel |
JRViewerToolbar |
JRVirtualizable<T> |
JRVirtualizationContext |
Context used to store data shared by virtualized objects resulted from a report fill process.
JRVirtualizationHelper |
Virtualization helper class.
JRVirtualizer |
JRVirtualPrintPage |
A print page that can be virtualized to free heap memory.
JRVirtualPrintPage.JRIdHolderRenderer |
Dummy image renderer that only stores the ID of a cached renderer.
JRVirtualPrintPage.JRIdHolderTemplateElement |
JRVisitable |
JRVisitor |
JRVisitorSupport |
Abstract implementation of JRVisitor that has empty visit methods for
all visitable types.
JRXAxisFormat |
JRXlsAbstractExporter<RC extends XlsReportConfiguration,C extends XlsExporterConfiguration,E extends JRExporterContext> |
Superclass for the Excel exporters.
JRXlsAbstractExporter.SheetInfo |
JRXlsAbstractExporterNature |
JRXlsAbstractMetadataExporter<RC extends XlsMetadataReportConfiguration,C extends XlsMetadataExporterConfiguration,E extends JRExporterContext> |
JRXlsExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to XLS format.
JRXlsExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an XLS export process.
JRXlsExporterNature |
JRXlsMetadataExporter |
JRXlsMetadataExporterNature |
JRXlsxDataSource |
JRXlsxExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to XLSX format.
JRXlsxExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an XLSX export process.
JRXlsxExporterNature |
JRXlsxQueryExecuter |
JRXlsxQueryExecuterFactory |
JRXmlaCell |
JRXmlaHierarchy |
JRXmlaHierarchyLevel |
JRXmlaMember |
JRXmlaMemberTuple |
JRXmlaQueryExecuter |
JRXmlaQueryExecuterFactory |
JRXmlaResult |
JRXmlaResultAxis |
JRXmlConstants |
JRXmlDataSource |
XML data source implementation that allows to access the data from a xml
document using XPath expressions.
JRXmlDocumentProducer |
Produces a org.w3c.dom.Document based on a , or a java.lang.String uri
JRXmlExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to an XML file that contains the same data as a
JasperPrint object, but in XML format, instead
of a serialized class.
JRXmlExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an XML export process.
JRXmlLoader |
Utility class that helps parsing a JRXML file into a
JasperDesign object.
JRXmlSaveContributor |
JRXmlTemplateLoader |
Utility class that loads templates from XML representations.
JRXmlTemplateWriter |
JRXmlUtils |
XML parsing utilities.
JRXmlWriteHelper |
JRXmlWriteHelper.Attribute |
JRXmlWriteHelper.StackElement |
JRXmlWriter |
A writer that produces the JRXML representation of an in-memory report.
JRXPathExecuter |
An XPath expression executer.
JRXPathExecuterFactory |
JRXPathExecuterUtils |
JRXPathQueryExecuter |
XPath query executer implementation.
JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory |
XPath query executer factory.
JRXyDataset |
This dataset is a wrapper for data series made of (x, y) value pairs and is used for
rendering XY Bar, XY Line, XY Area, and Scatter Plot charts.
JRXySeries |
Represents the series for the XY dataset.
JRXyzDataset |
The XYZ dataset wraps series consisting of (x, y, z) items.
JRXyzSeries |
JRYAxisFormat |
JRYComparator |
JRYXComparator |
JsonData<T extends JsonData<T>> |
JsonDataAdapter |
JsonDataAdapterImpl |
JsonDataAdapterService |
JsonDataCollection<D extends JsonData<D>> |
JsonDataSource |
JSON data source implementation
JsonDataSourceProvider |
JsonExporter |
JsonExporter.PrintBookmarkMixin |
JsonExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the JSON exporter.
JsonExporterContext |
A context that represents information about an HTML export process.
JsonExporterOutput |
JsonExpressionLanguageEnum |
JsonExpressionLanguageFieldHandler |
JsonLoader |
JsonMetadataExporter |
JsonMetadataReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the JSON Metadata exporter.
JsonNodeContainer |
JsonOperatorEnum |
JsonQLDataSource |
JsonQLDataSourceProvider |
JsonQLExecuter |
JsonQLExpression |
JsonQLExpressionEvaluator |
JsonQLQueryExecuter |
Simple JSON query executer implementation.
JsonQLQueryExecuterFactory |
JSON QL query executer factory.
JsonQueryExecuter |
JSON query executer implementation.
JsonQueryExecuterFactory |
JSON query executer factory.
JsonQueryLexer |
JsonQueryParser |
JsonQueryParserTokenTypes |
JsonQueryWalker |
JsonReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the JSON exporter.
JsonUtil |
LaunchConfiguration |
LayeredCell |
LayerEnum |
LegacyTextLayoutAssessor |
Legacy complex text layout implementation.
LegendSettings |
LegendShapeCustomizer |
Customizer to define the shape of a specific legend item, works for both
XY and Category plot.
LengthUtil |
LevelRenderCustomizer |
LineBorderProvider |
LineBoxSerializer |
LineCapStyle |
LineConverter |
LineDirectionEnum |
LineDotShapeCustomizer |
Chart customizer to define the shape and the size of the symbol along the line.
LineDrawer |
LineLoader |
LineSpacingEnum |
LineStyleEnum |
LinkedMap<K,V> |
A doubly linked list that can also map entries on keys.
LinkedMap.LinkedValue<K,V> |
ListComponent |
List component interface.
ListComponentCompiler |
ListContents |
Container of report elements that are to be printed for each record in the
list subdataset.
ListDesignConverter |
List preview converter.
ListenerRegistry<T> |
ListExtensionRegistry<Type> |
An extension registry that contains a list of extensions.
ListExtensionsRegistry |
An extension registry that contains several lists of extensions.
ListOfArrayDataSource |
LocaleFieldHandler |
LocaleResolverUtil |
LocaleResolverUtil |
LocalizedMessageProvider |
LocalJasperReportsContext |
LocalVirtualizationInput |
LocalVirtualizationOutput |
LocalVirtualizationSerializer |
LogicalCategory |
This class should maintain all function methods that belongs to the Logical category.
LogicalFunctions |
This class should maintain all functions that allows logic decisions, and belong to the Logical category.
LongArrayStore |
LongArrayValues |
LongSerializer |
LuceneSimpleAnalyzer |
LuceneSpansInfo |
LuceneUtil |
MapCompiler |
MapComponent |
The Map component interface.
MapDeserializer |
MapDesignConverter |
MapElementDocxHandler |
MapElementGraphics2DHandler |
MapElementHtmlHandler |
MapElementImageProvider |
MapElementJsonHandler |
MapElementOdsHandler |
MapElementOdtHandler |
MapElementPdfHandler |
MapElementPptxHandler |
MapElementRtfHandler |
MapElementXlsHandler |
MapElementXlsxHandler |
MapElementXmlHandler |
MapExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Extension registry factory that includes built-in component element
MapFillComponent |
MapFillFactory |
MapHtmlResourceHandler |
MapImageProvider |
MapImageTypeEnum |
MappedPropertyValues |
Mapping |
MappingLexer |
MappingMetadata |
MappingParser |
MappingParserTokenTypes |
MapScaleEnum |
MapSerializer |
MapTypeEnum |
MapUtils |
MarkerFillDatasetRun |
Used to iterate on a subdataset and create a sorted data source.
MarkerItemData |
MarkerStandardItemData |
MarkupProcessor |
MarkupProcessorFactory |
MatcherExporterFilter |
MatcherExporterFilterFactory |
MatcherExportFilterMapping |
MatcherExportFilterMappingExtensionsRegistryFactory |
MathCategory |
This class should maintain all function methods that belongs to the Math category.
MathFunctions |
This class should maintain all function methods that belongs to the Math category.
MaxFontSizeFinder |
MaxPagesGovernor |
MaxPagesGovernorException |
MD5Digest |
Measure |
MeasureDefinition |
Crosstab measure definition.
MeasureValue |
Member |
MemberDepth |
MemberExpression |
MemberExpression.DIRECTION |
MemberExpressionEvaluator |
MemberExpressionEvaluatorVisitor |
MemberMapping |
MemberMapping.SingleIt |
MemberProperty |
MessageFormatWrapper |
MessageFormat does not work with classes of the java.time package such as LocalDate This is by design and won't be fixed:
This class wraps a MessageFormat and converts classes of the java.time package into Date objects
MessageProvider |
MessageProviderFactory |
MessageUtil |
MeterShapeEnum |
ModeEnum |
MondrianDataAdapter |
MondrianDataAdapterImpl |
MondrianDataAdapterService |
MondrianDataAdapterServiceFactory |
MoveColumnAction |
MoveColumnCommand |
MoveColumnData |
MoveElementCommand |
MultiAction |
MultiActionCommand |
MultiAxisChartHyperlinkProvider |
A chart item hyperlink provider used for multiple axis charts.
MultiAxisData |
MultiAxisDataService |
MultiAxisDataService.PropertiesWrapperBucketDefintion |
MultiAxisDataService.ServiceContext |
MultiAxisDataset |
MultiAxisDataSource |
MultiLevelUpExpression |
MultiLevelUpExpressionEvaluator |
NaiveTextMeasurer |
NaiveTextMeasurerFactory |
NamedChartCustomizer |
Interface that represents a JRChartCustomizer that is assigned
a name after being instantiated using the default empty constructor.
NamedEnum |
NamedEnumConstantContextualDeserializer |
NamedEnumConstantDeserializer |
A NamedEnum deserializer that accepts both enum names
and enum constants (for backward compatibility).
NamedEnumConstantSerializer |
NamedValueEnum<T> |
NestedTableCell |
NoRecordAtIndexException |
NotFilterExpression |
NotFilterExpressionEvaluator |
NoWriteFieldHandler |
NullableValues |
NullOutputStream |
Output stream implementation that discards all the data.
NumberTextValue |
NumberToBigIntegerOffsetTransformer |
NumberToBigIntegerTransformer |
NumberToByteTransformer |
NumberToCharTransformer |
NumberToDateTransformer |
NumberToIntegerTransformer |
NumberToLongTransformer |
NumberToShortTransformer |
NumberToSQLDateTransformer |
NumberToSQLTimeTransformer |
NumberValuesUtils |
OasisZip |
ObjectArrayStore<T> |
ObjectArrayValues |
ObjectConstructionExpression |
ObjectConstructionExpressionEvaluator |
ObjectKeyExpression |
ObjectKeyExpressionEvaluator |
ObjectResource<T> |
ObjectSerializer<T> |
ObjectUtils |
Object comparison and hashing utilities.
ObjectUtils.HashCode |
Hash code creator for objects.
OccupiedGridCell |
OdsExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the ODS exporter.
OdsReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the ODS exporter.
OdsServlet |
OdsServlet |
OdsZip |
OdtExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the ODT exporter.
OdtReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the ODT exporter.
OdtServlet |
OdtServlet |
OdtZip |
Offset |
Drawing offset used by the print element draw visitor.
OffsetElements |
OffsetElementsContainer |
OffsetElementsUtil |
Olap4jCell |
Olap4jDataSource |
Olap4jFactory |
Olap4jHierarchy |
Olap4jLevel |
Olap4jMember |
Olap4jMondrianQueryExecuter |
Olap4jMondrianQueryExecuterFactory |
Olap4jQueryExecuterFactory |
Olap4jResult |
Olap4jResultAxis |
Olap4jTuple |
Olap4jXmlaQueryExecuter |
Olap4jXmlaQueryExecuterFactory |
OlapExtensionsRegistryFactory |
OlapQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
OnErrorTypeEnum |
OoxmlEncryptUtil |
OoxmlFont |
OoxmlUtils |
OracleProcedureCallHandler |
OrderByColumnInfo |
OrderByColumnInfoImpl |
OrderByColumnOrderer |
OrientationEnum |
OrientationEnum |
OutputStreamExporterOutput |
OutputStreamPersistenceService |
OutputStreamResource |
OverflowType |
PageCreator |
PageOptions |
PageRange |
PaintProvider |
Pair<T,U> |
Utility class used to pair two objects.
PaperSizeEnum |
ParagraphSerializer |
ParagraphsLoader |
ParagraphStyle |
ParagraphUtil |
ParameterContributor |
ParameterContributorContext |
ParameterContributorFactory |
ParameterEvaluation |
ParameterEvaluationTimeEnum |
Defines specific moments in time when the default value expression of a parameter is supposed to be evaluated.
ParameterSerializer |
ParameterTypesClauseFunction |
ParameterTypesClauseFunctionBundle |
ParameterTypeSelectorClauseFunction |
PartComponent |
A marker interface that is to be implemented by classes that can be used
as report part components.
PartComponentCompiler |
Responsible with handling a part componet during report compile.
PartComponentFillFactory |
A factory of part fill component instances.
PartComponentManager |
A part component manager is the entry point through which the handlers for a
single part component type can be accessed.
PartComponentsBundle |
A component bundle is a package comprising of one or several components that
share the same XML namespace and schema.
PartComponentsEnvironment |
PartComponentsExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Extension registry factory that includes built-in part component implementations.
PartEvaluationTime |
PartEvaluationTimeType |
PartFillComponent |
A component handler used while filling the report.
PartFillContext |
PartFillerParent |
PartPrintOutput |
PartPropertiesDetector |
PartReportFiller |
PartsUtil |
PatchedPdfLibraryUnavailableException |
No longer used, OpenPDF 1.3.32 supports disabling glyph substitution.
PDF417Component |
PdfaConformanceEnum |
PdfChunk |
PdfConstants |
PdfContent |
PdfDocument |
PdfDocumentWriter |
PdfExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the PDF exporter.
PdfExtensionsRegistryFactory |
PdfField |
PdfFieldBorderStyleEnum |
PdfFieldCheckTypeEnum |
PdfFieldTypeEnum |
PdfFontStyle |
PdfGlyphGraphics2D |
PdfGlyphRenderer |
PdfImage |
PdfOutlineEntry |
PdfPermissionsEnum |
PdfPhrase |
PdfPrintScalingEnum |
PdfProducer |
PdfProducerContext |
PdfProducerFactory |
PdfRadioCheck |
PdfReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the PDF exporter.
PdfServlet |
PdfServlet |
PdfStructure |
PdfStructureEntry |
PdfTextAlignment |
PdfTextChunk |
PdfTextField |
PdfTextRenderer |
PdfTextRendererContext |
PdfVersionEnum |
PdfXmpCreator |
PenEnum |
PenLoader |
PenSerializer |
PersistenceService |
PersistenceServiceFactory |
PersistenceUtil |
PieChartHyperlinkProvider |
PieLabelGenerator |
PlotOrientationDeserializer |
PlotOrientationEnum |
PlotOrientationFieldHandler |
PlotOrientationSerializer |
PlotSettings |
PlSqlQueryExecuterFactory |
Query executer factory for Oracle queries, both inline SQL and stored
PoiDataAdapterServiceFactory |
PoiEncryptUtil |
PoiExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Point |
Simple utility class to store a single point of a shape.
PoiQueryExecuterFactoryBundle |
PopulatedSnapshotCacheHandler |
PositionTypeEnum |
POSTNETComponent |
PptxBorderHelper |
PptxCellHelper |
PptxContentTypesHelper |
PptxExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the PPTX exporter.
PptxFieldTypeEnum |
PptxFontHelper |
PptxParagraphHelper |
PptxPresentationHelper |
PptxPresentationRelsHelper |
PptxReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the PPTX exporter.
PptxRunHelper |
PptxServlet |
PptxServlet |
PptxSlideHelper |
PptxSlideRelsHelper |
PptxTableHelper |
PptxZip |
PrintBookmark |
PrintDrawVisitor |
Print element draw visitor.
PrintElementId |
An Id for a print element.
PrintElementIndex |
PrintElementOriginator |
PrintElementVisitor<T> |
Print element visitor interface.
PrintOrderEnum |
PrintPageFormat |
PrintPart |
PrintPartCreator |
PrintParts |
PrintPartUnrollExporterInput |
PrintServiceExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the print service exporter.
PrintServiceReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the print service exporter.
PrintXmlLoader |
ProcedureCallHandler |
PropagationChangeListener |
PropertiesDefaultsConfigurationFactory<C extends CommonExportConfiguration> |
PropertiesExporterConfigurationFactory<C extends CommonExportConfiguration> |
PropertiesMapDeserializer |
PropertiesMapSerializer |
PropertiesMetadataUtil |
PropertiesNoDefaultsConfigurationFactory<C extends CommonExportConfiguration> |
PropertyConstants |
PropertyEvaluationTimeEnum |
Defines specific moments in time when the property expression of a dataset is supposed to be evaluated.
PropertyExpressionDeserializer |
PropertyExpressionSerializer |
PropertyLoader |
PropertyMetadata |
PropertyRemoveEvent |
PropertyStyleProvider |
PropertyStyleProviderExtensionFactory |
PropertyStyleProviderFactory |
PropertyValues |
PropsAppHelper |
PropsCoreHelper |
ProtectionDomainFactory |
QRCodeBean |
This class is used to generate QRCode component barcode logic.
QRCodeComponent |
Contains the main settings for the QRCode component
QRCodeImageProducer |
QRCodeRasterizedImageProducer |
QRCodeSVGImageProducer |
QueryClauseFunctionBundle |
Extension type that bundles query clause functions.
QueryExecuterDataAdapter |
QueryExecuterDataAdapterImpl |
QueryExecuterDataAdapterService |
QueryExecuterFactory |
Factory classes used to create query executers.
QueryExecutionContext |
RandomAccessDataSource |
RandomDataAdapter |
The interface of the random data adapter
RandomDataAdapterImpl |
The implementation of the Random data adapter
RandomDataAdapterService |
The service uses the data adapter to populate the DataSource
RandomDataSource |
RangeAxisCustomizer |
Customizer to define the minimum and maximum value of the range axis, works for both
XY and Category plot
RangeIntervalMarkerCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
RangeValueMarkerCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
ReadOnlyPartJasperPrint |
RecordedValuesSerializer |
RectangleAnchorEnum |
RectangleConverter |
RectangleDrawer |
RectangleInsetsSerializer |
RectangleLoader |
RedoAction |
ReferenceType |
RegisteredListener<T> |
RelativeDateRange |
Implementation of DateRange for relative range of dates.
RelativeTimestampRange |
Implementation of DateRange for relative range of times.
RemoteXmlDataAdapter |
RemoteXmlDataAdapterImpl |
RemoteXmlDataAdapterService |
RemoveSortFieldCommand |
Renderable |
Provides functionality for image rendering.
RenderersCache |
RendererUtil |
RenderToImageAwareRenderable |
This interface should be implemented by renderable object which want to benefit from better resolution and control
the way the graphic context is created when they are converted to image data, during export to certain document formats.
ReportCategory |
ReportClassFilter |
ReportClassShutter |
ReportClassWhitelist |
ReportCompiler |
ReportContext |
ReportConverter |
ReportCreator |
ReportDeserializer |
ReportElementLoader |
ReportEventListener<T> |
ReportExecutionHyperlinkProducer |
ReportExecutionHyperlinkProducer |
ReportExecutionHyperlinkProducerFactory |
ReportExecutionHyperlinkProducerFactory |
ReportExecutionStatus |
Information related to the status of a report execution.
ReportExecutionStatus.Status |
Report execution statuses.
ReportExportConfiguration |
Instances of this class are used for configuring the behavior of exporters.
ReportExpressionEvaluationData |
ReportExpressionsCompilation |
ReportExpressionsCompiler |
ReportFiller |
ReportFillEvent |
ReportFillListenerProvider |
ReportFillListenerProvider.ListenerConsumer |
ReportFunctions |
ReportLoader |
ReportPageStatus |
Status of a page in a generated report.
ReportResource |
ReportSourceCompilation<P extends JRParameter> |
ReportTemplateDeserializer |
ReportTemplateSerializer |
ReportTemplateSource |
ReportUpdater |
ReportWriter |
ReportWriterConfiguration |
ReportWriterFactory |
RepositoryContext |
RepositoryDataLocation |
RepositoryDataLocationService |
RepositoryResourceContext |
RepositoryService |
RepositoryUtil |
RequestMethod |
RequestMethodFieldHandler |
RequirejsConfigContributor |
RequirejsConfigContributorSwitchDecorator |
RequirejsConfigCreator |
RequirejsConfigTemplateExtensionFactory |
RequirejsModuleMapping |
RequirejsModuleMappingExtensionsRegistryFactory |
RequirejsTemplateConfigContext |
RequirejsTemplateConfigContributor |
ResetableExporterFilter |
ResetInCacheCommand |
ResetTypeEnum |
ResizeColumnAction |
ResizeColumnCommand |
ResizeColumnCommand.ColumnGroupInfo |
ResizeColumnCommand.ColumnUtil |
ResizeColumnData |
ResizeElementCommand |
Resource |
ResourceBundleMessageProvider |
ResourceBundleMessageProviderFactory |
ResourceBundlePersistenceService |
ResourceBundleResource |
ResourceEvaluation |
ResourceInfo |
ResourceManager |
ResourcePathKey |
ResourcePathUtil |
ResourcePropertiesMetadataReader |
ResourceRenderer |
ReturnValue |
A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report.
RewindableDataSourceCollection<D extends JRRewindableDataSource> |
RewindableDataSourceProvider<D extends JRRewindableDataSource> |
RotationEnum |
Row |
Row |
RowExpressionCollector |
RowFactory |
RowGroupInteractiveInfo |
RowStyle |
RoyalMailCustomerComponent |
RtfEditorKitMarkupProcessor |
RtfEditorKitMarkupProcessor.Factory |
RtfExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the RTF exporter.
RtfReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the RTF exporter.
RtfServlet |
RtfServlet |
RunDirectionEnum |
RunLengthColumnValues |
RunLengthStore |
SaveAction |
SaveContributorUtils |
SaveZoomAction |
SaveZoomCommand |
ScaledDialPointer |
ScaledDialRange |
ScaledDialScale |
ScaledDialValueIndicator |
ScaleImageEnum |
ScaleTypeEnum |
ScriptletFactory |
ScriptletFactoryContext |
SearchAction |
SearchData |
SecretsProvider |
SecretsProviderFactory |
SecretsUtil |
SectionSerializer |
SectionTypeEnum |
SerializableResource<T extends Serializable> |
SerializableSerializer<T extends VirtualizationSerializable> |
SerializationConstants |
SerializationUtils |
SerializedObjectPersistenceService |
SerializedReportPersistenceService |
SerializerRegistry |
SeriesNameProvider |
ShapePoints |
Specifies a list of points representing a shape.
ShapeTypeEnum |
ShortArrayValues |
ShortSerializer |
SimpleChartTheme |
SimpleCommonExportConfiguration |
SimpleCsvExporterConfiguration |
SimpleCsvMetadataExporterConfiguration |
SimpleCsvMetadataReportConfiguration |
SimpleCsvReportConfiguration |
SimpleDataRenderer |
The is a default implementation for the
DataRenderable interface that
wraps images that come from files or binary image data in JPG, GIF, or PNG format.
SimpleDimension2D |
SimpleDocxExporterConfiguration |
SimpleDocxReportConfiguration |
SimpleElementRange |
SimpleExporterConfiguration |
SimpleExporterInput |
SimpleExporterInputItem |
SimpleFontExtensionHelper |
SimpleFontExtensionsContainer |
SimpleFontExtensionsRegistryFactory |
SimpleFontFace |
SimpleFontFamily |
SimpleFontSet |
SimpleFontSetFamily |
SimpleGraphics2DExporterConfiguration |
SimpleGraphics2DExporterOutput |
SimpleGraphics2DReportConfiguration |
SimpleGroupFooterElementRange |
SimpleHtmlExporterConfiguration |
SimpleHtmlExporterOutput |
SimpleHtmlReportConfiguration |
SimpleJasperPrintAccessor |
Generated report accessor used for fully generated reports.
SimpleJasperReportsContext |
SimpleJasperReportSource |
SimpleJsonExporterConfiguration |
SimpleJsonExporterOutput |
SimpleJsonMetadataReportConfiguration |
SimpleJsonReportConfiguration |
SimpleMeasuredText |
SimpleMoveColumnCommand |
SimpleOdsExporterConfiguration |
SimpleOdsReportConfiguration |
SimpleOdtExporterConfiguration |
SimpleOdtReportConfiguration |
SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput |
SimplePdfExporterConfiguration |
SimplePdfReportConfiguration |
SimplePdfTextRenderer |
SimplePptxExporterConfiguration |
SimplePptxReportConfiguration |
SimplePrintPageFormat |
SimplePrintPart |
SimplePrintServiceExporterConfiguration |
SimplePrintServiceReportConfiguration |
SimpleQueryExecutionContext |
SimpleRenderToImageAwareDataRenderer |
This class a renderable implementation for wrapping SVG data.
SimpleReportContext |
SimpleReportExportConfiguration |
SimpleRepositoryContext |
SimpleRepositoryResourceContext |
SimpleResizeColumnCommand |
SimpleRtfExporterConfiguration |
SimpleRtfReportConfiguration |
SimpleSQLDataSource |
SimpleTextEvaluation |
SimpleTextEvaluators |
SimpleTextExporterConfiguration |
SimpleTextExpressionEvaluator |
SimpleTextFormat |
SimpleTextLine |
SimpleTextLineWrapper |
SimpleTextLineWrapper.ElementFontInfo |
SimpleTextLineWrapper.FontInfo |
SimpleTextLineWrapper.FontKey |
SimpleTextLineWrapper.FontStatistics |
SimpleTextReportConfiguration |
SimpleWebResource |
SimpleWriterExporterOutput |
SimpleXlsExporterConfiguration |
SimpleXlsMetadataExporterConfiguration |
SimpleXlsMetadataReportConfiguration |
SimpleXlsReportConfiguration |
SimpleXlsxExporterConfiguration |
SimpleXlsxMetadataExporterConfiguration |
SimpleXlsxMetadataReportConfiguration |
SimpleXlsxReportConfiguration |
SimpleXmlExporterOutput |
SingleColumnValueIterator |
SingleObjectValue |
SingleProtectionDomainFactory |
SingletonExtensionRegistry<Type> |
An extension registry that contains a single extension.
SingleValue |
SortAction |
SortAction |
SortByColumnAction |
SortByColumnCommand |
SortByColumnData |
SortCommand |
SortComponent |
SortComponentCompiler |
SortComponentDesignConverter |
SortComponentExtensionsRegistryFactory |
Extension registry factory that includes built-in component element
SortComponentFill |
SortComponentFillFactory |
SortData |
SortedDataSource |
SortedDataSource.SortRecord |
SortedIntList |
SortElement |
SortElementHtmlHandler |
SortElementJsonHandler |
SortElementUtils |
SortFieldTypeEnum |
SortOrderEnum |
SortParameterContributor |
SortParameterContributorExtensionFactory |
SortParameterContributorFactory |
SortRowGroupAction |
SortRowGroupCommand |
SortRowGroupData |
SpansInfo |
SpiderChartCompiler |
SpiderChartComponent |
SpiderChartDesignConverter |
Spider Chart preview converter.
SpiderChartFillFactory |
SpiderChartRendererEvaluator |
Spider Chart design evaluator.
SpiderChartSharedBean |
SpiderDataset |
SpiderPlot |
SpiderRotationEnum |
SplineCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
SplitCell |
SplitTypeEnum |
SpringExtensionsRegistry |
An extension registry which works by looking
for beans of a specific extension type in a Spring beans factory.
SpringExtensionsRegistryFactory |
SpringHibernateDataAdapter |
SpringHibernateDataAdapterImpl |
SpringHibernateDataAdapterService |
SpringHibernateDataAdapterService |
SQLBetweenBaseClause |
Base BETWEEN clause function for SQL queries.
SqlDateSerializer |
SQLLessOrGreaterBaseClause |
SQLQueryClauseFunctionsExtensions |
Extensions factory that registers built-in query clause functions for SQL queries.
StandardAxisLevel |
StandardBarbecueComponent |
StandardBaseColumn |
StandardBoundActionExecutionContext |
StandardCachedDataset |
StandardChartSettings |
StandardColumn |
StandardColumnCacheData |
StandardColumnGroup |
StandardExpressionEvaluators |
StandardGroupCell |
StandardGroupRow |
StandardHttpDataLocation |
StandardItem |
StandardItemData |
StandardItemProperty |
StandardListComponent |
StandardMapComponent |
StandardMarkerItemData |
StandardMeasure |
StandardMeasureValue |
StandardPageCreator |
StandardParameterTypesClauseFunction |
StandardPartEvaluationTime |
StandardPrintParts |
StandardPropertyMetadata |
StandardReportClassWhitelist |
StandardReportClassWhitelistExtension |
StandardRepositoryDataLocation |
StandardResourceInfo |
StandardRow |
StandardSingleQueryClauseFunctionBundle |
Query clause function bundle for a single query language.
StandardSingleQueryParameterTypesClauseFunctionBundle |
StandardSpiderDataset |
StandardSpiderPlot |
StandardSubreportPartComponent |
StandardTable |
StaticTextConverter |
StepCustomizer |
This customizer plots a line chart as spline.
StoreCloneable<T extends StoreCloneable<T>> |
StoreFactoryVirtualizer |
StoreVirtualizer |
StreamCompression |
StreamRepositoryService |
StretchableFillComponent |
StretchTypeEnum |
There are two main reasons for an element to stretch.
StringBufferWriter |
StringBuilderWriter |
StringSerializer |
StringTextValue |
StrokeDeserializer |
StrokeSerializer |
StrokeStyleEnum |
Style |
StyleBuilder |
StyleCache |
StyledTextListInfo |
StyledTextListItemInfo |
StyledTextListWriter |
StyledTextRunConsumer |
StyledTextWriteContext |
StyleLoader |
StyleProvider |
StyleProviderContext |
StyleProviderFactory |
StyleResolver |
StyleUtil |
SubreportConverter |
SubreportElementAdapter |
SubreportFillComponent |
SubreportFillPart |
SubreportFillPart.FillerPrintPart |
SubreportParameterAdapter |
SubreportPartComponent |
Subreport part component interface.
SubreportPartComponentCompiler |
SubreportReturnValueAdapter |
SubreportReturnValueAdapter |
SvgChartRendererFactory |
SvgDataSniffer |
Utility class that uses Batik to check if the provided byte data
is a valid SVG image.
SvgDataSniffer.SvgInfo |
SvgFontProcessor |
SwapFileVirtualizerStore |
SwapFileVirtualizerStoreFactory |
Table |
TableBuilder |
TableCell |
TableCell.CellType |
TableCompiler |
TableCompiler.ColumnCellSelector |
TableComponent |
TableDesignConverter |
Table preview converter.
TableJasperReport |
TableOrderEnum |
TablePosition |
TableReport |
TableReport.TableIndexProperties |
TableReportBaseObjectFactory |
TableReportCompileData |
TableReportDataset |
TableReportGroup |
TableReportScriptlet |
This scriptlet implementation for table component ended up not being used as a scriptlet,
because its prior technique to detect the presence of at least one detail band on the page
was not accurate in case the detail was overflowing onto the new page.
TableStyle |
TableUtil |
TabStop |
TabStopAlignEnum |
Tabulator |
Tabulator.SpanInfo<T extends DimensionEntry> |
TextAdjustEnum |
TextAnchorEnum |
TextCategory |
This class should maintain all function methods that belongs to the Text category.
TextDataSourceAttributes |
TextDirection |
TextDrawer |
TextElementConverter |
TextExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the pure text exporter.
TextFieldConverter |
TextFieldEvaluatedEvent |
TextFormat |
TextFunctions |
TextLayoutAssessor |
TextLayoutLine |
TextLayoutUtils |
TextLine |
TextLineWrapper |
TextLoader |
TextMeasureContext |
TextMeasurer |
Default text measurer implementation.
TextMeasurer.TextMeasuredState |
TextMeasurerFactory |
Default text measurer factory.
TextPositionEnum |
TextReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the pure text exporter.
TextUtils |
TextValue |
TextValueHandler |
ThreadExecutorSubreportRunner |
ThreadLocalStack |
Thread local stack utility class.
ThreadPoolSubreportRunnerFactory |
ThreadPoolSubreportRunnerFactory.ExecutorServiceDisposable |
ThreadPoolSubreportRunnerFactory.SubreportsThreadFactory |
TimeoutGovernor |
TimeoutGovernorException |
TimePeriodChartHyperlinkProvider |
TimePeriodDatasetLabelGenerator |
TimePeriodEnum |
TimeSerializer |
TimeSeriesChartHyperlinkProvider |
TimeSeriesLabelGenerator |
TimestampRange |
TimestampSerializer |
TimestampStore |
TimestampValues |
TimeZoneFieldHandler |
TitleSettings |
TransactionIsolation |
TransactionIsolationHandler |
TransformedColumnValues |
Tuple |
TupleMember |
TuplePosition |
TypedColumnStore |
UndoAction |
UndoAllAction |
UniformBarcodeVisitor |
UniformElementVisitor |
An abstract visitor class that treats all report elements in the same way.
UniformExpressionEvaluator |
UniformPrintElementVisitor<T> |
Print element visitor that delegates all visit calls to a single method.
UnitTypeFieldHandler |
UnusedSpaceImageRenderer |
Am image renderer used to mark the unused vertical space in a list
component preview.
UPCAComponent |
UPCEComponent |
UpdaterElement |
USPSIntelligentMailComponent |
Utility |
UuidSerializer |
UUIDSerializer |
ValueDescriptor |
ValueLength |
ValueLocationEnum |
ValuePropertiesWrapper |
ValuePropertiesWrapperComparator |
ValueTransformer |
VariableEvaluation |
VariableReturnValue |
A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report.
VariableSerializer |
VelocityUtil |
VersionComparator |
VerticalAlignmentDeserializer |
VerticalAlignmentFieldHandler |
VerticalAlignmentSerializer |
VerticalFillList |
Vertical fill list component implementation.
VerticalImageAlignEnum |
VerticalTextAlignEnum |
VirtualElementsData |
Virtual data type used by report pages to virtualize elements.
VirtualizableElementCounter |
VirtualizableElementList |
List implementation that can virtualize blocks of elements.
VirtualizableFrame |
VirtualizablePageElements |
VirtualizationContextIdHolder |
VirtualizationInput |
VirtualizationListener<T> |
Listener that plugs into the virtualization process.
VirtualizationObjectInputStream | subclass used for deserializing report
data on virtualization.
VirtualizationObjectOutputStream | subclass used for serializing report
data on virtualization.
VirtualizationOutput |
VirtualizationSerializable |
VirtualizationSerializer |
VirtualizedPageEvaluationAction |
Delayed evaluation action that devirtualizes a set of elements in order to
evaluate one or several of them.
VirtualizerStore |
VirtualizerStoreFactory |
WebConstants |
WebHtmlResourceHandler |
WebLocaleResolver |
WebLocaleResolver |
WebReportContext |
WebReportContext |
WebRequestContext |
WebResource |
WebResourceHandler |
WebResourceHandler |
WebResourceHandlersExtensionRegistryFactory |
WebResourceHandlersExtensionRegistryFactory |
WebUtil |
WebUtil |
WhenNoDataTypeEnum |
WhenNoDataTypeTableEnum |
WhenResourceMissingTypeEnum |
WrappingImageDataToGraphics2DRenderer |
WrappingRenderToImageDataRenderer |
WrappingSvgDataToGraphics2DRenderer |
SVG renderer implementation based on Batik.
WriterExporterOutput |
WriterHelper |
XalanNsAwareXPathExecuter |
XalanXmlDataSource |
XalanXPathExecuter |
XalanXPathExecuterFactory |
XalanXPathQueryExecuter |
Xalan XPath query executer implementation.
XalanXPathQueryExecuterFactory |
Xalan XPath query executer factory.
XlsDataAdapter |
XlsDataAdapterImpl |
XlsDataAdapterService |
XlsDataSource |
XlsExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the Excel exporters.
XlsMetadataExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the Excel metadata exporters.
XlsMetadataReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the Excel metadata exporters.
XlsQueryExecuter |
XlsQueryExecuterFactory |
XlsReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the Excel exporters.
XlsRowLevelInfo |
XlsServlet |
XlsServlet |
XlsxBorderHelper |
XlsxBorderInfo |
XlsxBorderStyle |
XlsxCellHelper |
XlsxContentTypesHelper |
XlsxDataAdapter |
XlsxDataAdapterImpl |
XlsxDataAdapterService |
XlsxDataSourceFactory |
XlsxDrawingHelper |
XlsxDrawingRelsHelper |
XlsxExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the XLSX exporter.
XlsxFontHelper |
XlsxFontInfo |
XlsxFormatHelper |
XlsxFormatInfo |
XlsxMetadataExporter |
Exports a JasperReports document to XLSX format based on the metadata provided.
XlsxMetadataExporterConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the XLSX metadata exporters.
XlsxMetadataReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the XLSX metadata exporters.
XlsxParagraphHelper |
XlsxRelsHelper |
XlsxReportConfiguration |
Interface containing settings used by the XLSX exporter.
XlsxRunHelper |
XlsxServlet |
XlsxServlet |
XlsxSharedStringsHelper |
XlsxSheetHelper |
XlsxSheetRelsHelper |
XlsxStyleHelper |
XlsxStyleInfo |
XlsxWorkbookHelper |
XlsxZip |
XmlaDataAdapter |
XmlaDataAdapterImpl |
XmlaDataAdapterService |
XmlChartTheme |
XmlChartThemeCastorWriter |
XmlChartThemeExtensionsRegistryFactory |
XmlDataAdapter |
XmlDataAdapterImpl |
XmlDataAdapterService |
XmlDataSniffer |
Utility class that checks if provided byte data is a valid XML document.
XmlDataSniffer.XmlSniffResult |
XmlExporterOutput |
XmlHandlerNamespace |
XML namespace information used by an XML handler.
XmlLoader |
XmlNamespace |
An XML namespace.
XmlResourceHandler |
XmlServlet |
XmlServlet |
XmlValueHandler |
A handler that deals with arbitrary values being exported to XML and parsed back
to JasperPrint objects.
XmlValueHandlerUtils |
XYChartHyperlinkProvider |
XYDatasetLabelGenerator |
XYZElement |
ZoomTypeEnum |