Interface JRFrame

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Cloneable, JRBoxContainer, JRChild, JRCloneable, JRCommonElement, JRElement, JRElementGroup, JRIdentifiable, JRPropertiesHolder, JRStyleContainer, JRVisitable
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    JRBaseFrame, JRDesignFrame, JRFillFrame

    public interface JRFrame
    extends JRElement, JRElementGroup, JRBoxContainer
    An abstract representation of a report elements container.

    A frame is a report element that contains sub elements. It has a background, a border and it stretches to accommodate its content. It is usually helpful when a common background and/or common border must be put around a group of elements.

    For the Graphics2D and PDF exporters, a frame is equivalent to a rectangle placed behind a group of elements. The HTML exporter creates sub-tables for frames and the XLS exporter includes the frame sub elements into the grid.

    For elements inside a frame, the coordinates, positionType and stretchType properties are relative to the frame instead of the band.

    Frames can be nested into one another to any depth.

    Lucian Chirita (