Interface JRImage
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public interface JRImage extends JRGraphicElement, JREvaluation, JRAnchor, JRHyperlink, JRCommonImage
An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image. Images can be aligned and scaled. They can also contain hyperlinks or be anchors for other hyperlinks.Image Alignment
If the scale type for the image isClip
) and the actual image is smaller than its defined size in the report template or does not have the same proportions, the image might not occupy all the space allocated to it in the report template. In such cases, one can align the image inside its predefined report space using thehAlign
attributes, which specify the alignment of the image on the horizontal axis (Left
) and the vertical axis (Top
). By default, images are aligned at the top and to the left inside their specified bounds.Caching Images
All image elements have dynamic content. There are no special elements to introduce static images on the reports as there are for static text elements. However, most of the time, the images on a report are in fact static and do not necessarily come from the data source or from parameters. Usually, they are loaded from files on disk and represent logos and other static resources.To display the same image multiple times on a report (for example, a logo appearing on the page header), you do not need to load the image file each time. Instead, you can cache the image for better performance. When you set the
flag attribute to true, the reporting engine will try to recognize previously loaded images using their specified source. For example, it will recognize an image if the image source is a file name that it has already loaded, or if it is the same URL. This attribute can be accessed using thegetUsingCache()
method.The caching functionality is available for image elements whose expressions return objects of any type as the image source. The
flag is set to true by default for images havingjava.lang.String
expressions and to false for all other types. The key used for the cache is the value of the image source expression; key comparisons are performed using the standard equals method. As a corollary, for images having
source with caching enabled, the input stream is read only once, and subsequently the image will be taken from the cache.The
flag should not be set in cases when an image has a dynamic source (for example, the image is loaded from a binary database field for each row) because the images would accumulate in the cache and the report filling would rapidly fail due to an out-of-memory error. Obviously, the flag should also not be set when a single source is used to produce different images (for example, a URL that would return a different image each time it's accessed).Lazy Loading Images
flag attribute (seeisLazy()
method) specifies whether the image should be loaded and processed during report filling or during exporting. This can be useful in cases in which the image is loaded from a URL and is not available at report-filling time, but will be available at report-export or display time. For instance, there might be a logo image that has to be loaded from a public web server to which the machine that fills the reports does not have access. However, if the reports will be rendered in HTML, the image can be loaded by the browser from the specified URL at report-display time. In such cases, theisLazy
flag should be set to true (it is false by default) and the image expression should be of typejava.util.String
, even if the specified image location is actually a URL, a file, or a classpath resource. When lazy loading an image at fill time, the engine will no longer try to load the image from the specified String location but only store that location inside the generated document. The exporter class is responsible for using that String value to access the image at report-export time.Missing Images Behavior
For various reasons, an image may be unavailable when the engine tries to load it either at report-filling or export time, especially if the image is loaded from some public URL. In this case you may want to customize the way the engine handles missing images during report generation. TheonErrorType
attribute available for images allows that. It can take the following values:Error
- An exception is thrown if the engine cannot load the image. This is the default behavior.Blank
- Any image-loading exception is ignored and nothing will appear in the generated documentIcon
- If the image does not load successfully, then the engine will put a small icon in the document to indicate that the actual image is missing
Image Expression
The value returned by the image expression (seegetExpression()
) is the source for the image to be displayed. The image expression is introduced by the<imageExpression>
element and can return values from only the limited range of classes listed following:java.lang.String
value, the engine tries to see whether the value represents a URL from which to load the image. If it is not a valid URL representation, it tries to locate a file on disk and load the image from it, assuming that the value represents a file name. If no file is found, it finally assumes that the string value represents the location of a classpath resource and tries to load the image from there. An exception is thrown only if all these attempts fail.Evaluating Images
As with text fields, one can postpone evaluating the image expression, which by default is performed immediately. This will allow users to display somewhere in the document images that will be built or chosen later in the report-filling process, due to complex algorithms, for example.The evaluation attributes
inherited from theJREvaluation
, are available in the<image>
element. TheevaluationTime
attribute can take the following values:Now
- The image expression is evaluated when the current band is filled.Report
- The image expression is evaluated when the end of the report is reached.Page
- The image expression is evaluated when the end of the current page is reached.Column
- The image expression is evaluated when the end of the current column is reached.Group
- The image expression is evaluated when the group specified by theevaluationGroup
attribute changesAuto
- Each variable participating in the image expression is evaluated at a time corresponding to its reset type. Fields are evaluatedNow
.- Author:
- Teodor Danciu (
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAnchor
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRElement
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description JRExpression
Indicates how the engine will treat a missing image.Boolean
Indicates if the engine is loading the current image from cache.boolean
Indicates if the images will be loaded lazily or not.void
setLazy(boolean isLazy)
Gives control over when the images are retrieved from their specified location.void
setOnErrorType(OnErrorTypeEnum onErrorTypeEnum)
Specifies how the engine should treat a missing image.void
setUsingCache(Boolean isUsingCache)
Specifies if the engine should be loading the current image from cache.-
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAnchor
getAnchorNameExpression, getBookmarkLevel, getBookmarkLevelExpression
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBoxContainer
getDefaultLineColor, getLineBox
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCloneable
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCommonElement
getBackcolor, getForecolor, getHeight, getKey, getMode, getOwnBackcolor, getOwnForecolor, getOwnMode, getWidth, setBackcolor, setForecolor, setMode
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCommonGraphicElement
getFill, getLinePen, getOwnFill, setFill
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCommonImage
getOwnRotation, getOwnScaleImage, getRotation, getScaleImage, setRotation, setScaleImage
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRElement
clone, collectExpressions, getElementGroup, getPositionType, getPrintWhenExpression, getPrintWhenGroupChanges, getPropertyExpressions, getStretchType, getStyleExpression, getX, getY, isPrintInFirstWholeBand, isPrintRepeatedValues, isPrintWhenDetailOverflows, isRemoveLineWhenBlank, setPositionType, setPrintInFirstWholeBand, setPrintRepeatedValues, setPrintWhenDetailOverflows, setRemoveLineWhenBlank, setStretchType, setWidth, setX
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JREvaluation
getEvaluationGroup, getEvaluationTime
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRHyperlink
getHyperlinkAnchorExpression, getHyperlinkPageExpression, getHyperlinkParameters, getHyperlinkReferenceExpression, getHyperlinkTarget, getHyperlinkTooltipExpression, getHyperlinkType, getHyperlinkWhenExpression, getLinkTarget, getLinkType
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRIdentifiable
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRImageAlignment
getHorizontalImageAlign, getOwnHorizontalImageAlign, getOwnVerticalImageAlign, getVerticalImageAlign, setHorizontalImageAlign, setVerticalImageAlign
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPenContainer
getDefaultLineColor, getDefaultLineWidth
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesHolder
getParentProperties, getPropertiesMap, hasProperties
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyleContainer
getDefaultStyleProvider, getStyle, getStyleName, getStyleNameReference
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRVisitable
Method Detail
Boolean getUsingCache()
Indicates if the engine is loading the current image from cache. Implementations of this method return the actual value for the internal flag that was explicitly set on this image element.- Returns:
- Boolean.TRUE if the image should be loaded from cache, Boolean.FALSE otherwise or null in case the flag was never explicitly set on this image element
void setUsingCache(Boolean isUsingCache)
Specifies if the engine should be loading the current image from cache. If set to Boolean.TRUE, the reporting engine will try to recognize previously loaded images using their specified source. For example, it will recognize an image if the image source is a file name that it has already loaded, or if it is the same URL.If set to null, the engine will rely on some default value which depends on the type of the image expression. The cache is turned on by default only for images that have java.lang.String objects in their expressions.
boolean isLazy()
Indicates if the images will be loaded lazily or not.
void setLazy(boolean isLazy)
Gives control over when the images are retrieved from their specified location. If set to true, the image is loaded from the specified location only when the document is viewed or exported to other formats. Otherwise it is loaded during the report filling process and stored in the resulting document.- Parameters:
- specifies whether
OnErrorTypeEnum getOnErrorType()
Indicates how the engine will treat a missing image.- Returns:
- a value representing one of the missing image handling constants in
void setOnErrorType(OnErrorTypeEnum onErrorTypeEnum)
Specifies how the engine should treat a missing image.- Parameters:
- a value representing one of the missing image handling constants inOnErrorTypeEnum
JRExpression getExpression()