Interface JRXPathExecuter

    • Method Detail

      • selectNodeList

        NodeList selectNodeList​(Node contextNode,
                                String expression)
                         throws JRException
        Selects a node list by evaluating an XPath expression on a context node.
        contextNode - the context node (a document can also be used)
        expression - the XPath expression
        the selected node list
        JRException - if the XPath evaluation failed
      • selectObject

        Object selectObject​(Node contextNode,
                            String expression)
                     throws JRException
        Selects an object by evaluating an XPath expression on a context node.

        If the expression evaluates to a node list, the first node in the list should be returned. Otherwise, the primitive value resulted from the evaluation should be returned as a java.lang.String, java.lang.Number or java.lang.Boolean.

        contextNode - the context node (a document can also be used)
        expression - the XPath expression
        the selected node or value
        JRException - if the XPath evaluation failed