Class JREmptyDataSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JRDataSource, JRRewindableDataSource

    public class JREmptyDataSource
    extends Object
    implements JRRewindableDataSource
    A simple data source implementation that simulates a data source with a given number of virtual records inside. It is called empty data source because even though it has one or more records inside, all the report fields are null for all the virtual records of the data source.

    The simplest implementation of the JRDataSource interface, this class can be used in reports that do not display data from the supplied data source, but rather from parameters, and when only the number of virtual rows in the data source is important.

    Teodor Danciu (
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • JREmptyDataSource

        public JREmptyDataSource()
      • JREmptyDataSource

        public JREmptyDataSource​(int count)
    • Method Detail

      • next

        public boolean next()
        Description copied from interface: JRDataSource
        Tries to position the cursor on the next element in the data source.
        Specified by:
        next in interface JRDataSource
        true if there is a next record, false otherwise
      • getFieldValue

        public Object getFieldValue​(JRField field)
        Description copied from interface: JRDataSource
        Gets the field value for the current position.
        Specified by:
        getFieldValue in interface JRDataSource
        an object containing the field value. The object type must be the field object type.