Class JRDesignThermometerPlot

    • Constructor Detail

      • JRDesignThermometerPlot

        public JRDesignThermometerPlot​(JRChartPlot plot,
                                       JRChart chart)
        Constructs a new plot that is a copy of an existing one.
        plot - the plot to copy
    • Method Detail

      • setDataRange

        public void setDataRange​(JRDataRange dataRange)
        Sets the range of values that can be displayed by this thermometer. Specifies the upper and lower bounds of the display area of the meter.
        dataRange - the range of values to display
      • setValueDisplay

        public void setValueDisplay​(JRValueDisplay valueDisplay)
        Sets the formatting option for the textual display of the value.
        valueDisplay - the value display formatting options
      • setValueLocation

        public void setValueLocation​(ValueLocationEnum valueLocationObject)
        Sets where to show the textual display of the value.
        valueLocationObject - where to show the textual display of the value
      • setMercuryColor

        public void setMercuryColor​(Color mercuryColor)
        Sets the default color of the mercury in the thermometer. This color will be used when the value is not in a specified range.
        mercuryColor - the default color of the mercury
      • setLowRange

        public void setLowRange​(JRDataRange lowRange)
        Specifies the low range of the thermometer.
        lowRange - the low range of the thermometer
      • setMediumRange

        public void setMediumRange​(JRDataRange mediumRange)
        Specifies the medium range of the thermometer.
        mediumRange - the medium range of the thermometer
      • setHighRange

        public void setHighRange​(JRDataRange highRange)
        Specifies the high range of the thermometer.
        highRange - the high range of the thermometer