Interface JRChart

    • Field Detail


        static final String PROPERTY_CHART_RENDER_TYPE
        Specifies the type of chart rendering. Possible values are draw, image and svg. If the rendering type is draw a vector image is constructed, using the JFreeChart dedicated APIs. For type image, a PNG encoded image will be generated, while for type svg, an SVG snippet will be generated.

        Defaults to draw.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String PROPERTY_CHART_THEME
        Property used to specify the chart theme name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getShowLegend

        Boolean getShowLegend()
      • setShowLegend

        void setShowLegend​(Boolean isShowLegend)
      • getTitleExpression

        JRExpression getTitleExpression()
        Gets the expression whose evaluation will form the title.
      • getTitleFont

        JRFont getTitleFont()
      • getTitlePosition

        EdgeEnum getTitlePosition()
        Gets the title position relative to the chart.
      • setTitlePosition

        void setTitlePosition​(EdgeEnum titlePosition)
        Sets the title position relative to the chart.
      • getTitleColor

        Color getTitleColor()
      • getOwnTitleColor

        Color getOwnTitleColor()
      • setTitleColor

        void setTitleColor​(Color titleColor)
      • getSubtitleExpression

        JRExpression getSubtitleExpression()
        Gets the expression whose evaluation will form the subtitle.
      • getSubtitleFont

        JRFont getSubtitleFont()
      • getSubtitleColor

        Color getSubtitleColor()
      • getOwnSubtitleColor

        Color getOwnSubtitleColor()
      • setSubtitleColor

        void setSubtitleColor​(Color subtitleColor)
      • getLegendColor

        Color getLegendColor()
      • getOwnLegendColor

        Color getOwnLegendColor()
      • setLegendColor

        void setLegendColor​(Color legendColor)
      • getOwnLegendBackgroundColor

        Color getOwnLegendBackgroundColor()
      • getLegendBackgroundColor

        Color getLegendBackgroundColor()
      • setLegendBackgroundColor

        void setLegendBackgroundColor​(Color legendBackgroundColor)
      • getLegendFont

        JRFont getLegendFont()
      • getLegendPosition

        EdgeEnum getLegendPosition()
      • setLegendPosition

        void setLegendPosition​(EdgeEnum legendPosition)
      • getDataset

        JRChartDataset getDataset()
        Gets the chart dataset. Most chart types have different dataset structures, depending on the chart type.
      • getPlot

        JRChartPlot getPlot()
        Gets the chart plot. Plots are used to define various chart visual properties, such as colors and transparency.
      • getChartType

        ChartTypeEnum getChartType()
        Gets the chart type. It must be one of the chart type constants in this class.
      • getCustomizerClass

        String getCustomizerClass()
        Gets a user specified chart customizer class name.
        See Also:
      • getRenderType

        String getRenderType()
      • setRenderType

        void setRenderType​(String renderType)
      • setTheme

        void setTheme​(String theme)