Class JRFillChart

    • Method Detail

      • getMode

        public ModeEnum getMode()
        Description copied from interface: JRCommonElement
        Returns the element transparency mode. The default value depends on the type of the report element. Graphic elements like rectangles and lines are opaque by default, but the images are transparent. Both static texts and text fields are transparent by default, and so are the subreport elements.
        Specified by:
        getMode in interface JRCommonElement
        getMode in class JRFillElement
      • getTitlePosition

        public EdgeEnum getTitlePosition()
        Description copied from interface: JRChart
        Gets the title position relative to the chart.
        Specified by:
        getTitlePosition in interface JRChart
      • setTitlePosition

        public void setTitlePosition​(EdgeEnum titlePosition)
        Description copied from interface: JRChart
        Sets the title position relative to the chart.
        Specified by:
        setTitlePosition in interface JRChart
      • getOwnLegendColor

        public Color getOwnLegendColor()
        Returns the color to use for text in the legend.
        Specified by:
        getOwnLegendColor in interface JRChart
        the color to use for text in the legend
      • getLegendColor

        public Color getLegendColor()
        Returns the inherited color to use for text in the legend.
        Specified by:
        getLegendColor in interface JRChart
        the color to use for text in the legend
      • setLegendColor

        public void setLegendColor​(Color legendColor)
        Sets the color to use for text in the legend.
        Specified by:
        setLegendColor in interface JRChart
        legendColor - the color to use for text in the legend
      • getOwnLegendBackgroundColor

        public Color getOwnLegendBackgroundColor()
        Returns the color to use as the background of the legend.
        Specified by:
        getOwnLegendBackgroundColor in interface JRChart
        the color to use as the background of the legend
      • getLegendBackgroundColor

        public Color getLegendBackgroundColor()
        Returns the color to use as the background of the legend.
        Specified by:
        getLegendBackgroundColor in interface JRChart
        the color to use as the background of the legend
      • setLegendBackgroundColor

        public void setLegendBackgroundColor​(Color legendBackgroundColor)
        Sets the color to use for the background of the legend.
        Specified by:
        setLegendBackgroundColor in interface JRChart
        legendBackgroundColor - the color to use for the background of the legend
      • getLegendFont

        public JRFont getLegendFont()
        Returns the font to use in the legend.
        Specified by:
        getLegendFont in interface JRChart
        the font to use in the legend
      • getTitleExpression

        public JRExpression getTitleExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRChart
        Gets the expression whose evaluation will form the title.
        Specified by:
        getTitleExpression in interface JRChart
      • getHyperlinkType

        public HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkType()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Retrieves the hyperlink type for the element.

        The actual hyperlink type is determined by getLinkType(). This method can is used to determine whether the hyperlink type is one of the built-in types or a custom type. When hyperlink is of custom type, CUSTOM is returned.

        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkType in interface JRHyperlink
        one of the hyperlink type constants
        See Also:
      • getBookmarkLevelExpression

        public JRExpression getBookmarkLevelExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRAnchor
        Returns an expression whose value represents the bookmark level (starting from 1) corresponding to this anchor. When the expression is set and its value is not null, it will override the value of the bookmarkLevel attribute.
        Specified by:
        getBookmarkLevelExpression in interface JRAnchor
      • getHyperlinkReferenceExpression

        public JRExpression getHyperlinkReferenceExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the expression whose value represents the hyperlink reference. It is only used when the hyperlink type is reference or anchor
        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkReferenceExpression in interface JRHyperlink
      • getHyperlinkWhenExpression

        public JRExpression getHyperlinkWhenExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the expression that is evaluated in order to decide if the hyperlink should be displayed. This expression always returns a boolean value.
        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkWhenExpression in interface JRHyperlink
      • getHyperlinkAnchorExpression

        public JRExpression getHyperlinkAnchorExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the expression whose value represents the anchor. It is only used when the hyperlink type is anchor.
        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkAnchorExpression in interface JRHyperlink
      • getHyperlinkPageExpression

        public JRExpression getHyperlinkPageExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns an integer representing the page index of the link. It is only used when the hyperlink type is page. If the expression does not evaluate to an integer, an exception will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkPageExpression in interface JRHyperlink
      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
      • getDataset

        public JRChartDataset getDataset()
        Description copied from interface: JRChart
        Gets the chart dataset. Most chart types have different dataset structures, depending on the chart type.
        Specified by:
        getDataset in interface JRChart
      • getPlot

        public JRChartPlot getPlot()
        Description copied from interface: JRChart
        Gets the chart plot. Plots are used to define various chart visual properties, such as colors and transparency.
        Specified by:
        getPlot in interface JRChart
      • getRenderable

        protected Renderable getRenderable()
      • getAnchorName

        protected String getAnchorName()
      • getHyperlinkReference

        protected String getHyperlinkReference()
      • getHyperlinkAnchor

        protected String getHyperlinkAnchor()
      • getHyperlinkPage

        protected Integer getHyperlinkPage()
      • getHyperlinkTooltip

        protected String getHyperlinkTooltip()
      • evaluateRenderer

        protected void evaluateRenderer​(byte evaluation)
                                 throws JRException
      • evaluateChart

        protected org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart evaluateChart​(byte evaluation)
                                                    throws JRException
      • prepare

        protected boolean prepare​(int availableHeight,
                                  boolean isOverflow)
        prepare in class JRFillElement
      • getChartType

        public ChartTypeEnum getChartType()
        Description copied from interface: JRChart
        Gets the chart type. It must be one of the chart type constants in this class.
        Specified by:
        getChartType in interface JRChart
      • createMultiAxisChart

        protected void createMultiAxisChart​(byte evaluation)
                                     throws JRException
        Build and configure a multiple axis chart. A multiple axis chart support more than one range axis. Multiple datasets using different ranges can be displayed as long as they share a common domain axis. Each dataset can be rendered differently, so one chart can contain (for example) two line charts, a bar chart and an area chart.

        Multiple axis charts are handled differently than the other chart types. They do not have a dataset, as each chart that is added to the multiple axis chart has its own dataset. For simplicity, each dataset is treated as its own chart, and in fact we reuse the design of all the chart types and let JFreeChart actually run them. Then we pull out the bits we need and add it to the common chart. All the plot and chart options on the nested charts is ignored, and all formatting is controlled by the plot attached to the multiAxisChart. The one exception is seriesColor, which can be used in a nested report to specify a color for a specific series in that report.
        evaluation - current expression evaluation phase
      • convertRange

        protected convertRange​(JRDataRange dataRange,
                                                    byte evaluation)
                                             throws JRException
        Converts a JasperReport data range into one understood by JFreeChart.
        dataRange - the JasperReport version of the range
        evaluation - current expression evaluation phase
        the JFreeChart version of the range
        JRException - thrown when the low value of the range is greater than the high value
      • convertInterval

        protected org.jfree.chart.plot.MeterInterval convertInterval​(JRMeterInterval interval,
                                                                     byte evaluation)
                                                              throws JRException
        Converts a JasperReports meter interval to one that JFreeChart understands.
        interval - the JasperReports definition of an interval
        evaluation - current evaluation time
        the JFreeChart version of the same interval
        JRException - thrown when the interval contains an invalid range
      • getChartAxisLocation

        protected org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation getChartAxisLocation​(JRFillChartAxis chartAxis)
      • getBookmarkLevel

        public int getBookmarkLevel()
        Description copied from interface: JRAnchor
        Returns the level of the bookmark corresponding to the anchor.
        Specified by:
        getBookmarkLevel in interface JRAnchor
        the level of the bookmark corresponding to the anchor (starting from 1) or NO_BOOKMARK if no bookmark should be created for this anchor
      • getHyperlinkParameters

        public JRHyperlinkParameter[] getHyperlinkParameters()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the list of hyperlink parameters.

        The parameters can be used by custom hyperlink types to generate dynamic links.

        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkParameters in interface JRHyperlink
        the list of hyperlink parameters
      • getLinkType

        public String getLinkType()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the hyperlink type.

        The type can be one of the built-in types (Reference, LocalAnchor, LocalPage, RemoteAnchor, RemotePage), or can be an arbitrary type.

        Specified by:
        getLinkType in interface JRHyperlink
        the hyperlink type
      • getLinkTarget

        public String getLinkTarget()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the hyperlink target name.

        The type can be one of the built-in names (Self, Blank, Top, Parent), or can be an arbitrary name.

        Specified by:
        getLinkTarget in interface JRHyperlink
        the hyperlink target name
      • getHyperlinkTooltipExpression

        public JRExpression getHyperlinkTooltipExpression()
        Description copied from interface: JRHyperlink
        Returns the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip.
        Specified by:
        getHyperlinkTooltipExpression in interface JRHyperlink
        the expression which will generate the hyperlink tooltip