Class BaseCommonReturnValue

    • Field Detail

      • toVariable

        protected String toVariable
        The name of the variable where the value should be copied.
      • incrementerFactoryClassName

        protected String incrementerFactoryClassName
        The incrementer factory class name.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseCommonReturnValue

        protected BaseCommonReturnValue()
    • Method Detail

      • getToVariable

        public String getToVariable()
        Returns the name of the report variable where the value should be copied.
        Specified by:
        getToVariable in interface CommonReturnValue
        the name of the report variable where the value should be copied.
      • getCalculation

        public CalculationEnum getCalculation()
        Returns the calculation type.

        When copying the returned value, a formula can be applied such that sum, maximum, average and so on can be computed.

        Specified by:
        getCalculation in interface CommonReturnValue
        the calculation type.
      • getIncrementerFactoryClassName

        public String getIncrementerFactoryClassName()
        Returns the incrementer factory class name.

        The factory will be used to increment the value of the report variable with the returned value.

        Specified by:
        getIncrementerFactoryClassName in interface CommonReturnValue
        the incrementer factory class name.