Class XalanXPathQueryExecuter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XalanXPathQueryExecuter
    extends JRAbstractQueryExecuter
    Xalan XPath query executer implementation.

    The XPath query of the report is executed against the document specified by the PARAMETER_XML_DATA_DOCUMENT parameter.

    All the parameters in the XPath query are replaced by calling String.valueOf(Object) on the parameter value.

    Narcis Marcu (
    • Method Detail

      • getCanonicalQueryLanguage

        protected String getCanonicalQueryLanguage()
        Description copied from class: JRAbstractQueryExecuter
        Returns a canonical query language for this query executer implementation.

        The canonical language is used to retrieve extensions for the query executer.

        The default implementation returns the runtime query language used in the dataset, but query executer implementations should override this method and return a fixed language.

        getCanonicalQueryLanguage in class JRAbstractQueryExecuter
        a canonical query language
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: JRQueryExecuter
        Closes resources kept open during the data source iteration.

        This method is called after the report is filled or the dataset is iterated. If a resource is not needed after the data source has been created, it should be released at the end of createDatasource.

      • cancelQuery

        public boolean cancelQuery()
                            throws JRException
        Description copied from interface: JRQueryExecuter
        Cancels the query if it's currently running.

        This method will be called from a different thread if the client decides to cancel the filling process.

        true if and only if the query was running and it has been canceled