Interface JRQueryChunk

    • Field Detail


        static final String PROPERTY_CHUNK_TOKEN_SEPARATOR
        A property that specifies the list of token separators for tokenized query clauses.

        The default separators are the comma (','), the semicolon (';') and the vertical bar ('|').

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final byte TYPE_CLAUSE_TOKENS
        A $X{..} query clause containing one or several tokens.

        The clause will be processed by the query executer. The default implementation treats the first token as a function ID and delegates the processing to a function registered for the ID.

        The clause text is tokenized in the following manner:

        • The first appearance of any separator (as specified by PROPERTY_CHUNK_TOKEN_SEPARATOR) if located in the clause text.
        • This separator is then used to tokenize the entire text, including the remaining separators characters in tokens.
        Note that this implies that the first token cannot contain any of the separator characters, only subsequent tokens are able to do so.

        See Also:
        PROPERTY_CHUNK_TOKEN_SEPARATOR, getTokens(), Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        byte getType()
      • getTokens

        String[] getTokens()
        Returns the chunk tokens for clause chunks.
        the chunk tokens
      • getTokenSeparator

        Character getTokenSeparator()
        Returns the chunk tokens separator character for clause chunks.
        the chunk tokens separator character