Class JRBaseMultiAxisPlot

    • Field Detail

      • axes

        protected List<JRChartAxis> axes
        All the axes contained in this plot. Each entry indicates a chart containing the dataset and layout of that entry and where to draw that chart's range axis. All entries in the list are of the type JRChartAxis
    • Constructor Detail

      • JRBaseMultiAxisPlot

        public JRBaseMultiAxisPlot​(JRChartPlot multiAxisPlot,
                                   JRChart chart)
        Constructs a copy of an existing multiple axis chart plot.
        multiAxisPlot - the plot to copy
      • JRBaseMultiAxisPlot

        public JRBaseMultiAxisPlot​(JRMultiAxisPlot multiAxisPlot,
                                   ChartsBaseObjectFactory factory)
        Creates a copy of an existing multiple axis chart plot and registers any expression contained in the plot with the specified factory. Since the plot contains multiple other charts nested inside of it all of the expressions used by those charts is also registered with the factory.
        multiAxisPlot - the plot to copy
        factory - the factory to register expressions with