Uses of Package
Packages that use net.sf.jasperreports.engine Package Description net.sf.jasperreports.ant Provides Ant task classes for batch-processing report Contains classes for the built-in Barbecue Contains classes for the built-in Barcode4J net.sf.jasperreports.castor.util net.sf.jasperreports.charts Contains interfaces for chart plots and chart Contains base implementations for chart related Contains design time implementations for chart related Contains fill time implementations for chart related net.sf.jasperreports.charts.util Contains utility classes for complex chart net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.simple.handlers net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.spring net.sf.jasperreports.compilers Contains classes for report compiling and expressions Contains classes for built-in Contains interfaces and base classes for the built-in Spider Chart net.sf.jasperreports.components.iconlabel Contains classes for the built-in Icon Label Contains classes and interfaces for the item based Contains classes and interfaces for filling the item based Contains classes for the built-in List Contains classes for the built-in Google Map Contains fill time implementations for Google Map component related net.sf.jasperreports.components.sort net.sf.jasperreports.components.spiderchart Contains classes for the built-in Spider Chart Contains fill time implementations for subreport component related Contains classes for the built-in Table Contains fill time implementations for Table component related Contains utility classes for the built-in Table net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs Contains classes for the Crosstab report Contains base classes for the Crosstab report Contains design classes for the Crosstab report Contains classes to be used at report filling time for the Crosstab report Contains classes to be used in crosstab calculations at report filling Contains classes for bean data Contains classes for data Contains classes for CSV data Contains classes for custom data source data Contains classes for empty data Contains classes for JDBC data Contains classes for JNDI data Contains classes for JSON data Contains classes for data adapters for data source Contains classes for query executer data Contains classes for empty data Contains classes for Excel 2003 data Contains classes for XML data Contains classes for data net.sf.jasperreports.dataadapters.repo net.sf.jasperreports.engine Provides access to the library's main functionality through facade classes for compiling, filling and exporting reports and also publishes the library's main interfaces and net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base Contains base implementations for the library's main Provides interfaces and base classes for the built-in JasperReports component Provides various report data source implementations and allows creating custom data Contains design time implementations for the library's main interfaces as well as report compiling Provides utility classes for exporting reports to various popular formats such as PDF, HTML, RTF, CSV, Excel, DOCX, PPTX, ODT, ODS, XML, Text, Contains classes for handling data types at export Contains classes for drawing elements at export Provides utility classes for exporting reports to Open Document Format, such as ODT and Provides utility classes for exporting reports to Office Open XML Format, such as DOCX, XLSX and net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill Contains fill time implementations for the library's main interfaces and the entire engine used in the filling process (the actual core of JasperReports).net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts Provides support for font net.sf.jasperreports.engine.print Provides printing Provides support for report queries and query Contains factory interfaces and implementations for global report Contains factory interfaces and implementations for style Contains utility classes for the core Contains utility classes for parsing XPath Contains classes for loading report templates from XML net.sf.jasperreports.export Provides exporter input, exporter output and exporter configurationsnet.sf.jasperreports.extensions Provides support for extension net.sf.jasperreports.functions Provides support for built-in JasperReports Provides annotations for built-in JasperReports net.sf.jasperreports.governors Provides support for report net.sf.jasperreports.hibernate net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.actions net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.commands Contains Command net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.headertoolbar Contains classes for the built-in Header Toolbar Contains Action classes for the built-in Header Toolbar Contains utility classes for the built-in Header Toolbar net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.sort Contains classes for the built-in Sort Contains Action classes for the built-in Sort net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.ejbql net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.hibernate net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets Provides support for built-in JasperReports net.sf.jasperreports.jackson.repo net.sf.jasperreports.jackson.util net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.ejbql net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.servlets Provides support for built-in JasperReports net.sf.jasperreports.javascript net.sf.jasperreports.jaxen.query net.sf.jasperreports.jaxen.util.xml net.sf.jasperreports.jdt net.sf.jasperreports.json.export net.sf.jasperreports.json.query net.sf.jasperreports.json.util net.sf.jasperreports.olap Provides support for OLAP data sources and query Provides support for XML/A query executer, result and net.sf.jasperreports.pdf net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.classic net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.common net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.components.iconlabel net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.util net.sf.jasperreports.poi net.sf.jasperreports.poi.components.iconlabel net.sf.jasperreports.poi.export net.sf.jasperreports.poi.query net.sf.jasperreports.renderers Contains image renderer Contains utility classes for working with image Provides support for JasperReports Provides support for JasperReports search net.sf.jasperreports.swing Provides support for JasperReports viewer Provides the built-inDateRange
type Contains utility Contains the Jasper viewer Contains classes for saving reports inside the Jasper Provides JasperReports support for web Contains web servlets Contains utility classes for web net.sf.jasperreports.xalan.query net.sf.jasperreports.xalan.util -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.ant Class Description SimpleJasperReportsContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.barbecue Class Description JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRPrintElement JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.barcode4j Class Description JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRPrintElement JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.castor.repo Class Description JasperReportsContext JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.castor.util Class Description JasperReportsContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.charts Class Description DatasetRunHolder JasperReportsContext JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRIdentifiable JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRStyleContainer JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.charts.base Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyleContainer JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.charts.convert Class Description JasperReportsContext JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRPrintElement JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyleContainer JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.charts.fill Class Description DatasetRunHolder Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRCommonGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRCommonImage An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRPenContainer JRPrintElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImage JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyleContainer JRStyleSetter An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.charts.renderers Class Description JasperReportsContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.charts.util Class Description JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImageAreaHyperlink A component of an image map. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.simple Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.simple.handlers Class Description JRFont An abstract representation of a font. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.chartthemes.spring Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRFont An abstract representation of a font. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.compilers Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionChunk JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRuntimeException JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.charts Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRCloneable JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.headertoolbar Class Description JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.iconlabel Class Description JasperReportsContext JRBoxContainer JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPrintElement JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintImage JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRTextElement An abstract representation of a report text element.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.items Class Description JRCloneable JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.items.fill Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRCloneable JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.list Class Description DatasetRunHolder JasperReportsContext JRAbstractObjectFactory JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRIdentifiable JRPrintElement JRPrintElementContainer Print element container interface.JRPrintElementListContainer JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRPrintElement JRPrintImage JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRCloneable JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRIdentifiable JRPrintElement JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRPrintImage -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.sort Class Description JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRPrintElement JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext ParameterContributorFactory -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.spiderchart Class Description DatasetRunHolder JasperReportsContext JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRCloneable JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRPrintElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintHyperlinkParameters A set of parameters associated with a print element.JRPrintImage -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.subreport.fill Class Description CommonReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.ElementDecorator JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRIdentifiable JROrigin JRPrintElement JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRStyleSetter An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRSubreportParameter JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.JRVisitable VariableReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.table Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRIdentifiable JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPrintElement JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.fill Class Description CommonReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JRAbstractObjectFactory JRAbstractScriptlet Defines an abstract representation of a report scriptlet.JRBand Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.JRCloneable JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDefaultScriptlet This class provides default empty implementations for scriptlet events.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRGroup Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.JRIdentifiable JROrigin JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPrintElement JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRQuery Represents a query used for generation of report data.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRScriptlet JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRSortField Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVisitor VariableReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.util Class Description JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.components.util Class Description DatasetFilter A dataset row filter.EvaluationType Determines the field and variables values to be used when evaluating an expression. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs Class Description DatasetRunHolder ElementsVisitor Report elements visitor extended interface that is able to visit deep/nested elements.JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRIdentifiable JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyleContainer JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.base Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRIdentifiable JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description DatasetRunHolder JRBoxContainer JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRIdentifiable JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.fill Class Description JRAbstractObjectFactory JRCloneable JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyleContainer JRStyleSetter An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.fill.calculation Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRCloneable -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRCloneable -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRDataSourceProvider Abstracts the means of creating and disposing a data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.dataadapters Class Description JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext ParameterContributorFactory -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.dataadapters.http Class Description JRCloneable JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.dataadapters.repo Class Description JasperReportsContext JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine Class Description BookmarkHelper BookmarkIterator CommonReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.DatasetFilter A dataset row filter.DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.DatasetRunHolder Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.DefaultJasperReportsContext EvaluationType Determines the field and variables values to be used when evaluating an expression.ExpressionReturnValue A value copied from an expression into a variable of the parent report.JasperCompileManager Facade class for compiling report designs into the ready-to-fill form and for getting the XML representation of report design objects for storage or network transfer.JasperExportManager Facade class for exporting generated reports into more popular formats such as PDF, HTML and XML.JasperFillManager Facade class for filling compiled report designs with data from report data sources, in order to produce page-oriented documents, ready-to-print.JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperPrintManager Facade class for the printing functionality exposed by the JasperReports library.JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JasperRunManager Facade class for the JasperReports engine.JRAbstractExporter.PageRange JRAbstractScriptlet Defines an abstract representation of a report scriptlet.JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBand Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.JRBoxContainer JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRCommonGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRCommonImage An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.JRCommonRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRCommonText Common interface of design and print text elements.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRConditionalStyle JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JREllipse An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionChunk JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRExpressionCollector.ExpressionVerifier JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRFrame An abstract representation of a report elements container.JRGenericElement A "generic" report element that will produce ageneric print element
in the generated report.JRGenericElementParameter A generic report element parameter.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRGroup Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRImage An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLine An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRParagraph JRParagraphContainer JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPart JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPenContainer JRPrintAnchor JRPrintAnchorIndex JRPrintElement JRPrintElementIndex JRPrintElementListContainer JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintHyperlinkParameter A parameter of the hyperlink associated to a print element.JRPrintHyperlinkParameters A set of parameters associated with a print element.JRPrintImage JRPrintImageArea An area on an image.JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix Class used byJRPropertiesUtil.getProperties(String)
.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRQuery Represents a query used for generation of report data.JRQueryChunk JRRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRScriptlet JRScriptletException JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRSortField Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting.JRStaticText An abstract representation of a report static text.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRStyledTextAttributeSelector Selector of element-level styled text attributes for print text objects.JRStyleSetter An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRSubreportParameter JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.JRTemplate A template that can be used by report.JRTemplateReference A static template reference, consisting of a location from which the template can be loaded.JRTextAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for text alignment.JRTextElement An abstract representation of a report text element.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVirtualizable JRVirtualizer JRVisitable JRVisitor ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext PrintBookmark PrintElementId An Id for a print element.PrintElementVisitor Print element visitor interface.PrintPageFormat PrintPart PrintParts ReportContext ReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report.SimplePrintPart TabStop VariableReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description DatasetRunHolder JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base Class Description CommonReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.DatasetRunHolder Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.ExpressionReturnValue A value copied from an expression into a variable of the parent report.JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractObjectFactory JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBand Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.JRBoxContainer JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRCommonGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRCommonImage An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.JRCommonRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRCommonText Common interface of design and print text elements.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRConditionalStyle JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JREllipse An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionChunk JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRFrame An abstract representation of a report elements container.JRGenericElement A "generic" report element that will produce ageneric print element
in the generated report.JRGenericElementParameter A generic report element parameter.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRGroup Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRImage An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLine An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRParagraph JRParagraphContainer JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPart JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPenContainer JRPrintAnchor JRPrintElement JRPrintElementContainer Print element container interface.JRPrintElementListContainer JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintHyperlinkParameter A parameter of the hyperlink associated to a print element.JRPrintHyperlinkParameters A set of parameters associated with a print element.JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRQuery Represents a query used for generation of report data.JRQueryChunk JRRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRScriptlet JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRSortField Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting.JRStaticText An abstract representation of a report static text.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRStyledTextAttributeSelector Selector of element-level styled text attributes for print text objects.JRStyleSetter An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRSubreportParameter JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.JRTextAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for text alignment.JRTextElement An abstract representation of a report text element.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVirtualizable JRVirtualizer JRVisitable JRVisitor PrintBookmark PrintElementVisitor Print element visitor interface.PrintPageFormat PrintPart PrintParts ReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report.TabStop VariableReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.component Class Description Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.JasperReportsContext JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JROrigin JRPrintElement JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.convert Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JREllipse An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.JRFrame An abstract representation of a report elements container.JRGenericElement A "generic" report element that will produce ageneric print element
in the generated report.JRGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRImage An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.JRLine An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.JRPrintElement JRRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRStaticText An abstract representation of a report static text.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRTextElement An abstract representation of a report text element.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVisitable JRVisitor -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRDataSourceProvider Abstracts the means of creating and disposing a data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description CommonReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.DatasetRunHolder Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.ExpressionReturnValue A value copied from an expression into a variable of the parent report.JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBand Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.JRBoxContainer JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRCommonGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRCommonImage An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.JRCommonRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRCommonText Common interface of design and print text elements.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRConditionalStyle JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JREllipse An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionChunk JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRFrame An abstract representation of a report elements container.JRGenericElement A "generic" report element that will produce ageneric print element
in the generated report.JRGenericElementParameter A generic report element parameter.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRGroup Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRImage An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLine An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRParagraph JRParagraphContainer JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPart JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPenContainer JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRQuery Represents a query used for generation of report data.JRQueryChunk JRRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRScriptlet JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRSortField Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting.JRStaticText An abstract representation of a report static text.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRSubreportParameter JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.JRTextAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for text alignment.JRTextElement An abstract representation of a report text element.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVisitable JRVisitor ReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report.VariableReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractExporter JRAbstractExporter.BaseExporterContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRParagraph JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintElement JRPrintElementIndex JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintHyperlinkParameter A parameter of the hyperlink associated to a print element.JRPrintImage JRPrintImageAreaHyperlink A component of an image map.JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix Class used byJRPropertiesUtil.getProperties(String)
.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyledTextAttributeSelector Selector of element-level styled text attributes for print text objects.PrintBookmark PrintElementVisitor Print element visitor interface.PrintPageFormat PrintPart TabStop -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.draw Class Description JasperReportsContext JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintElement JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRVisitor PrintElementVisitor Print element visitor interface. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.oasis Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractExporter JRAbstractExporter.BaseExporterContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintElement JRPrintElementIndex JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText PrintPageFormat -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.ooxml Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractExporter JRAbstractExporter.BaseExporterContext JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintElement JRPrintElementIndex JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.PrintPageFormat -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.tabulator Class Description JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPrintElement JRPrintFrame A print elements container. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill Class Description BookmarkHelper BookmarkIterator CommonReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset or from an expression into a variable of the parent report.DatasetFilter A dataset row filter.DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.DatasetRunHolder Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.EvaluationType Determines the field and variables values to be used when evaluating an expression.ExpressionReturnValue A value copied from an expression into a variable of the parent report.JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractObjectFactory JRAbstractScriptlet Defines an abstract representation of a report scriptlet.JRAnchor An interface providing anchor functionality.JRBand Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.JRBiConsumer JRBoxContainer JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRCommonGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRCommonImage An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.JRCommonRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRCommonText Common interface of design and print text elements.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRConditionalStyle JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDatasetParameter Dataset parameter value interface.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JREllipse An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.JREvaluation Provides support for expressions evaluation.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionChunk JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRFrame An abstract representation of a report elements container.JRGenericElement A "generic" report element that will produce ageneric print element
in the generated report.JRGenericElementParameter A generic report element parameter.JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRGroup Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRIdentifiable JRImage An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLine An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRParagraph JRParagraphContainer JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPart JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPenContainer JRPrintAnchor JRPrintElement JRPrintElementContainer Print element container interface.JRPrintElementListContainer JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintHyperlinkParameters A set of parameters associated with a print element.JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRQuery Represents a query used for generation of report data.JRRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRRuntimeException JRScriptlet JRScriptletException JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRSortField Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting.JRStaticText An abstract representation of a report static text.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRStyledTextAttributeSelector Selector of element-level styled text attributes for print text objects.JRStyleSetter An interface implemented by objects upon which style attributes can be set.JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRSubreportParameter JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.JRTemplate A template that can be used by report.JRTextAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for text alignment.JRTextElement An abstract representation of a report text element.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.JRVirtualizable JRVirtualizer JRVisitable JRVisitor PrintElementId An Id for a print element.PrintElementVisitor Print element visitor interface.PrintPart ReportContext ReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report.TabStop VariableReturnValue A value copied from a subdataset into a variable of the parent report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts Class Description JasperReportsContext JRCloneable JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRuntimeException -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.part Class Description BookmarkHelper JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRGroup Groups represent a flexible way to organize data on a report.JROrigin JRPart JRPrintPage JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.PrintPart -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.print Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.JRQueryChunk JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.scriptlets Class Description JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractScriptlet Defines an abstract representation of a report scriptlet.JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util Class Description BookmarkHelper DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.Deduplicable Interface implemented by objects that can be deduplicated by detecting previously created identical instances.ElementsVisitor Report elements visitor extended interface that is able to visit deep/nested elements.JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JRBand Implementations of this interface represent various bands in the report template.JRBoxContainer JRBreak An abstract representation of a break element.JRChild An abstract representation of a report element.JRCloneable JRCommonElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRCommonGraphicElement An abstract representation of a report graphic element.JRCommonImage An abstract representation that provides basic functionality for images.JRCommonRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRCommonText Common interface of design and print text elements.JRComponentElement A report element that wraps an abstract component.JRConditionalStyle JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDatasetRun Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementDataset Element datasets are used to represent the report data needed to generate a chart or crosstab.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JREllipse An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionChunk JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRFrame An abstract representation of a report elements container.JRGenericElement A "generic" report element that will produce ageneric print element
in the generated report.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRHyperlink An interface providing hyperlink functionality.JRHyperlinkParameter A hyperlink parameter, consisting of a name and a value expression.JRImage An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.JRImageAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for image alignment.JRLine An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRParagraph JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintElement JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRQueryChunk JRRectangle An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRRuntimeException JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRStaticText An abstract representation of a report static text.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRStyleContainer JRStyledTextAttributeSelector Selector of element-level styled text attributes for print text objects.JRSubreport An abstract representation of a subreport.JRTextAlignment An interface that defines constants useful for text alignment.JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.JRVirtualizable JRVirtualizer JRVisitable JRVisitor PrintElementVisitor Print element visitor interface.PrintParts SimpleJasperReportsContext TabStop -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRTemplate A template that can be used by report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.print Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JROrigin JRParagraph JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintHyperlinkParameter A parameter of the hyperlink associated to a print element.JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.PrintBookmark -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.export Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JROrigin JRPrintAnchorIndex JRPrintPage JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix Class used byJRPropertiesUtil.getProperties(String)
.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.PrintBookmark PrintPart PrintParts ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.extensions Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.fastexcel Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.functions Class Description JasperReportsContext JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.functions.annotations Class Description JasperReportsContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.functions.standard Class Description JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.governors Class Description JRAbstractScriptlet Defines an abstract representation of a report scriptlet.JRDefaultScriptlet This class provides default empty implementations for scriptlet events.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRScriptletException -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.groovy Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.hibernate Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.actions Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.commands Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRIdentifiable ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.crosstabs Class Description JasperReportsContext JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.headertoolbar Class Description DatasetFilter A dataset row filter.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext ParameterContributorFactory -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.headertoolbar.actions Class Description JasperReportsContext JRTextField An abstract representation of a report text.ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.headertoolbar.json Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintElement JRPrintPage JRPrintText -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.sort Class Description JRGenericElementType A key identifying a generic element type.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.sort.actions Class Description JasperReportsContext JRSortField Provides support for in-memory field-based data source sorting. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.interactivity.util Class Description JasperReportsContext JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.ejbql Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.hibernate Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.web Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintHyperlink JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jackson.repo Class Description JasperReportsContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jackson.util Class Description DatasetPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression and an evaluation time attribute.JasperReportsContext JRDefaultStyleProvider An interface that provides a default style when none is specified.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRParagraph JRParameter Provides functionality for report parameters.JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintHyperlink JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertyExpression Report property with a value based on an expression.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.JRReportTemplate A template included in a report.JRRuntimeException JRSection Implementations of this interface represent various sections in the report template.JRVariable An interface for implementing classes that deal with report variables. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.ejbql Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.servlets Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.web Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintHyperlink JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.javascript Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpressionChunk -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jaxen.query Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jaxen.util.xml Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.jdt Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.json.export Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRAbstractExporter JRAbstractExporter.BaseExporterContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRPrintElement JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintPage JRPrintText PrintBookmark PrintParts -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.json.query Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.json.util Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.olap Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.olap.xmla Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JRCloneable JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRExpression Provides the JasperReports expressions functionality.JRExpressionCollector An expression collector traverses a report and collects report expressions out of it.JRPrintElement JRPrintPage JRPropertiesHolder Interface to be implemented by objects that have properties attached.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.JRSubreportParameter JRSubreportReturnValue A value copied from a subreport into a variable of the master report.PrintPart -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.pdf Class Description JasperReportsContext JRAbstractExporter JRAbstractExporter.BaseExporterContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintAnchor JRPrintElement JRPrintEllipse JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintPage JRPrintRectangle JRPrintText JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.PrintPageFormat -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.classic Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintImage JRPrintText JRRuntimeException PrintPageFormat -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.common Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintImage JRPrintText JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties.PrintPageFormat -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.components.iconlabel Class Description JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.pdf.util Class Description JRRuntimeException -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.poi Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.poi.components.iconlabel Class Description JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRField An abstract representation of a data source field.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element.ParameterContributor ParameterContributorContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.poi.export Class Description JasperReportsContext JRAbstractExporter JRAbstractExporter.BaseExporterContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRFont An abstract representation of a font.JRGenericPrintElement A generic print element.JRLineBox This is useful for drawing borders around text elements and images.JRPen This interface is used to customize line settings such as width, style and color.JRPrintElement JRPrintFrame A print elements container.JRPrintGraphicElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImage JRPrintLine JRPrintText -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.poi.query Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRElement An abstract representation of a report element.JRElementGroup Groups several report elements.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.renderers Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintImageAreaHyperlink A component of an image map. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.renderers.util Class Description JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRRuntimeException -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.repo Class Description JasperReport Instances of this class represent compiled report template objects.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRStyle Provides a collection of style settings declared at the report level.ReportContext -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRCloneable -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.spring Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.swing Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintElement JRPrintHyperlink JRPrintImageAreaHyperlink A component of an image map.JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report.PrintPageFormat PrintParts -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRRuntimeException -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.util Class Description JasperReportsContext JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.view Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRPrintHyperlink JRReport An abstract representation of a Jasper report. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.JasperReportsContext JRException General purpose JasperReports exception. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.web Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRRuntimeException -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.web.servlets Class Description JasperPrint An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.web.util Class Description JasperReportsContext JRPropertiesMap Properties map of an JR element.JRPropertiesUtil Class that provides static methods for loading, getting and setting properties. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by Class Description JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRRewindableDataSource This interface represents a data source which can go back to the first element. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.xalan.query Class Description JasperReportsContext JRDataset Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.JRDataSource This interface represents the abstract representation of a JasperReports data source.JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.JRValueParameter A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value. -
Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine used by net.sf.jasperreports.xalan.util Class Description JRException General purpose JasperReports exception.