Package net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs
A crosstab is a special type of report element that summarizes data into a two-dimensional grid. Crosstabs usually display the joint distribution of two or more variables in the form of a table in which both rows and columns are dynamic, and in which the table cells use these variables to display aggregate data such as sums, counts, minimums, and maximums.
Crosstabs are useful because they are easy to understand, can be used with any level of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and provide greater insight than single statistics.
Crosstab Attributes
When a crosstab does not fit entirely on the current page and either a column or row break occurs, the crosstab is split into multiple pieces and continues on the same page or overflows onto a new page. By default, the subsequent crosstab pieces redisplay the column and rows headers, in order to recreate the context for the values displayed inside the crosstab cells. To suppress this behavior, set theisRepeatColumnHeaders
attributes to false.
When a column break occurs and there is still enough space on the current page, the
subsequent crosstab piece is placed below the previous one at a controlled offset that you
can specify with the columnBreakOffset
Crosstabs can either be filled from left to right (the default) or from right to left (mainly
for reports in right-to-left languages). When a crosstab is filled from right to left, the
crosstab contents will start from the right extremity of the crosstab element area and
grow toward the left. The filling direction can be specified using the runDirection
The declared width of the crosstab element is important because, depending on the
attribute, the crosstab can either stretch beyond the width limit and fill all
its columns before rendering the next row, or on the contrary, would be forced to stop
rendering columns within the crosstab width limit and continue with the remaining
columns only after all rows have started rendering.
Crosstab Parameters
Crosstabs use an internal calculation engine for bucketing and preparing the aggregated data they display. However, sometimes it is useful to pass single values from the containing report and display them inside the crosstab. This would be the case for some crosstab header titles.
Any number of crosstab parameters can be declared inside the crosstab
element. Each
parameter has its own name and type, as well as its own expression used at runtime to
obtain the value to pass into the crosstab.
All parameters must be declared explicitly using the corresponding
tag, even when no expression is associated with the parameter
and all parameter values are passed from the parent report using a single
instance through the <parametersMapExpression>
Crosstab parameters can be referenced only from crosstab cell expressions using the
syntax, so they can participate only in the displayed values.
Crosstab Dataset
The crosstab calculation engine aggregates data by iterating through an associated dataset. This can be the parent report's main dataset or a dataset run that uses one of the report's declared subdatasets.Crosstab dataset resetting, incrementing, and filtering out data work the same as for the main dataset.
Presorted Data
The calculation engine of a crosstab works faster if the data in its associated dataset is already sorted in accordance with the row and column groups (buckets) declared by the crosstab, in this order: row buckets, and then column buckets.If data is not already sorted in the dataset before the iteration starts, then the crosstab calculation engine can sort it during the data aggregation process using supplied comparators. However, this will result in some performance loss.
Data Grouping (Bucketing)
The original dataset data through which the crosstab calculation engine iterates to make the required data aggregation must be grouped in accordance with the declared rows and columns of the crosstab. Row and column groups in a crosstab rely on group items called buckets. A bucket definition consists of the following:- An expression evaluated at runtime that obtains the group items (buckets) in which to place the aggregated information
- A comparator to sort the group items (buckets) in case the natural ordering of the values is not acceptable or even possible
Row Groups
Crosstabs can have any number of row groups, nested according to the order in which they were declared.
All groups require a unique name, specified using the name
attribute. This
name is used to reference the group when declaring the content of its corresponding cells
or when referencing the bucket values of the group to display them in the group headers.
A row group can have one header for introducing the rows that correspond to each distinct bucket value and a special header for introducing the totals of the group when the crosstab ends or when a higher-level row group breaks due to a changing bucket value. Both header areas are optional. If present, they have a free-form layout. You can place almost any kind of report element inside, except for subreports, charts, and crosstabs.
For each row header, specify the width in pixels using the width
attribute. This value is
used by the engine to render the headers that introduce bucket values. For the totals
header, the width comes as a sum of the row headers it wraps.
When multiple nested row groups are used in the crosstab, the height of the row headers
for the higher-level groups grows in order to wrap the rows of the nested groups. The
attribute determines how the row header content should adapt to the
increased height.
The totalPosition
attribute controls the appearance of the row that displays
the totals for the row group. Possible values are:
- the row that displays the totals for the group precedes the rows corresponding to the group's bucket valuesEnd
- the row that displays the totals for the group is rendered after the rows corresponding to the group's bucket valuesNone
- the row that displays the totals for the group is not displayed
attribute determines how the row header content should adapt to the
increased height. The possible values for this attribute are as follows:
- the content of the row header does not stretch and remains at the top of the header areaMiddle
- the content of the row header does not stretch and moves to the middle of the header areaBottom
- the content of the row header does not stretch and moves to the bottom of the header areaStretch
- the content of the row header adapts its height proportionally to the newly increased row header height
Column Groups
A crosstab can contain any number of nested columns. The order of column groups is also important.
Column groups are also uniquely identified by the name
attribute, typically to reference
the column group (when declaring the content of its corresponding cells) or the bucket
values of the group (for display in the group headers).
Any column group can have two optional header regions, one at the top of the bucket
columns and the other at the top of the column displaying the totals of the column group.
These column header regions have a free-form layout and can contain any kind of report
element, except subreports, charts, and crosstabs.
The height
attribute specifies the height of the column headers in pixels. The header for
the group totals column takes its height from the total height of the column headers it wraps.
The column headers of crosstabs with multiple nested column groups must adapt their
content to the increased width caused by the nested columns they wrap. There are four
possibilities as specified by the values of the headerPosition
- the content of the column header does not stretch and remains to the left of the header areaCenter
- the content of the column header does not stretch and moves to the center of the header areaRight
- the content of the column header does not stretch and moves to the right of the header areaStretch
- the content of the column header adapts its width proportionally to the newly increased column header width
attribute controls the appearance of the column that displays the
totals for the column group:
- the column that displays the totals for the group precedes the columns corresponding to the group's bucket valuesEnd
- the column that displays the totals for the group is rendered after the columns corresponding to the group's bucket valuesNone
- the column that displays the totals for the group is not displayed
The crosstab calculation engine aggregates data, called a measure, while iterating through the associated dataset. A measure is typically displayed in the crosstab cells. For each thing that the crosstab needs for accumulating data during bucketing, a corresponding measure must be declared.
Crosstab measures are identified by a unique name. The value of the name
of a measure cannot coincide with any row or column group names.
Just like report variables, crosstab measures have an associated type specified by the class attribute.
The <measureExpression>
tag specifies the expression that produces the values used by the
calculation engine to increment the measure during the data aggregation process.
Crosstab measures behave just like report variables. They store a value that is
incremented with each iteration through the crosstab dataset. The supported types of
calculations are the same for measure as for report variables, except for the calculation
type System
, which does not make sense for measures.
Furthermore, custom-defined calculations can be introduced using implementations of
the JRExtendedIncrementer
In addition to the calculations supported by the report variables and mentioned in the
preceding paragraph, one can use crosstabs to calculate and display percentage values for
numerical measurements that have calculation type Sum
or Count
. To do this, set the
attribute to a value other than None
. Currently, only percentages of the
grand total of the crosstab are supported.
The percentage calculation is a type of calculation that requires at least a second pass
through the data after the totals are calculated. However, there may be other custom made
calculations that require a similar second pass. To enable users to define their own
types of calculations that require a second pass, implement the
interface and
associate it with the measure using the percentageCalculatorClass
Built-in Crosstab Total Variables
The value of a measure is available inside a crosstab cell through a variable bearing the same name as the measure. In addition to the current value of the measure, totals of different levels corresponding to the cell can be accessed through variables named according to the following scheme:<Measure>_<Column Group>_ALL
- yields the total corresponding to a column group (that is, the total for all the entries in the column group from the same row)<Measure>_<Row Group>_ALL
- yields the total corresponding to a row group (that is, the total for all the entries in the row group from the same column)<Measure>_<Row Group>_<Column Group>_ALL
- yields the combined total corresponding to the row and column groups (that is, the total corresponding to all the entries in both row and column groups)
For example, if one creates a crosstab having Year and Month column groups, a City row group, and a Sales measure, the following variables can be used:
: The current measure valueSales_Month_ALL
: The total for all the months (one year) corresponding to the current cellSales_Year_ALL
: The total for all the yearsSales_City_ALL
: The total for all the citiesSales_City_Month_ALL
: The total for all the cities and all the months (one year)Sales_City_Year_ALL
: The grand total
These variables can be used in both detail and total cells. In total cells, such a variable
can be used to access a total corresponding to a higher-level group of the same
dimension (for example, in a Month
total cell, Sales_Year_ALL
can be used as the total
for all the years) or a total corresponding to a group on the other dimension (for example,
in a Month
total cell, Sales_City_ALL
can be used as the total for all the cities and one
A typical usage of these variables is to show measure values as percentages out of arbitrary level totals.
Crosstab Governor
The crosstab calculation engine performs all calculations in memory. If large volumes of data are processed, it could be possible to run out of memory due to the large number of totals and aggregation variables that the engine keeps track of.To avoid the situation in which the JVM raises an OutOfMemory error, and thus triggers memory reclaim procedures with potentially serious effects on the application's overall behavior, a crosstab governor has been put in place. This is basically a simple memory consumption test that the engine performs when filling a crosstab, to check whether a given memory threshold has been reached. When the limit is reached, the program raises an exception that can be caught and dealt within the caller program, preventing a more serious OutOfMemory error from occurring.
The governor threshold is given as an integer number representing the maximum number
of cells multiplied by the number of measures in the generated crosstab. It can be set
using the net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.bucket.measure.limit
property. This property defaults to -1, meaning that the crosstab governor is disabled by
Crosstab Cells
A crosstab cell is a rectangular area at the intersection of a crosstab row and a crosstab column. The cell is a free-form element that can contain any kind of report element except subreports, charts, and crosstabs.Crosstab cells are of two types:
- detail crosstab cell - both the row and the column correspond to bucket values, not totals.
- total crosstab cell - either the row or the column or both correspond to a group total.
tag in which
both the rowTotalGroup
and columnTotalGroup
attributes are empty. For the detail
crosstab cell, both the width
and the height
attributes are mandatory, specifying the
size of the cell in pixels.
Total crosstab cells are those declared using a <crosstabCell>
tag for which at least
one of the two rowTotalGroup
and columnTotalGroup
attributes are present and point
to a row group or a column group, respectively.
If the rowTotalGroup
attribute is present, then the crosstab cell displays column totals
for the mentioned row group. For such total crosstab cells, only the height is
configurable, and the width is forced by the detail cell.
If the columnTotalGroup
attribute is present, then the cell displays row totals for the
specified column group. For these cells, only the width is configurable, and the cell
inherits the value of the height attribute from the detail cell.
All crosstab cells can have a background color and a border, specified by the
attribute and the nested <box>
tag, respectively. In the resulting document,
each crosstab cell is transformed into a frame element containing all the nested elements
of that cell.
The optional <crosstabHeaderCell>
tag defines the content of the region found at the
upper-left corner of the crosstab where column headers and row headers meet. The size
of this cell is calculated automatically based on the defined row and column widths and
The optional <whenNoDataCell>
defines a pseudo-crosstab cell used by the engine to
display something when the crosstab does not have any data. The crosstab dataset might
not have any virtual records to iterate through, raising the question of what to display in
the parent report.
If this pseudo-cell is declared, its content is rendered if the crosstab data is missing,
allowing users to view messages such as "No data for the crosstab!" instead of only
empty space.
Interface Summary Interface Description CrosstabColumnCell CrosstabConstants JRCellContents Crosstab cell contents interface.JRCrosstab Crosstab element interface.JRCrosstabBucket Crosstab groups bucketing information interface.JRCrosstabCell Crosstab data cell interface.JRCrosstabColumnGroup Crosstab column group interface.JRCrosstabDataset Input dataset interface used by crosstabs.JRCrosstabGroup Base interface for crosstab row and column groups.JRCrosstabMeasure Crosstab measure interface.JRCrosstabParameter Crosstab parameters interface.JRCrosstabRowGroup Crosstab row group interface. -
Class Summary Class Description CrosstabDeepVisitor Deep crosstab visitor.