Package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export
Exporting Reports
In some application environments, it is useful to transform the JasperReports-generated documents from the proprietary format into other, more popular formats like PDF, HTML, RTF, or XLSX. This way, users can view those reports without having to install special viewers on their systems, which is especially important in the case of documents sent over a network.
There is a facade class in JasperReports for this type of functionality:
; it can be used to obtain
PDF, HTML, or XML content for the documents produced by the report-filling process.
Exporting means taking a JasperPrint
which represents a JasperReports document, and transforming it into a different format.
The main reason to export reports into other formats is to allow more people to view
those reports. HTML reports can be viewed by anybody these days, since at least one
browser is available on any system. Viewing JasperReports documents in their
proprietary form would require the installation of special software on the target platform
(at least a Java applet, if not more).
With time, more and more output formats will be supported by the JasperReports library. For the moment, the various exporter implementations shipped with the library produce Graphics2D, PDF, HTML, RTF, CSV, Excel, DOCX, PPTX, ODT, ODS, XML, pure text and JSON output.
The JasperExportManager
class offers
easy access for only the PDF, HTML, and XML implementations, as these have historically been
the most common formats or required the least export configuration.
Here's how you can export your report to HTML format using the facade export manager class:
JasperExportManager.exportReportToHtmlFile(myReport);To avoid excessive utility methods, this class was originally written such that the default settings only offer easy access to the most common export formats. When new exporters were added to the library, the export manager class was not extended, and users were encouraged to use the exporter classes directly. Only by doing that could they fully customize the behavior of that particular exporter using specific exporter parameters.
JasperReports tries to expose its exporting functionality in a flexible way and allow users
to fully customize how documents are exported, as well as extend the existing
functionality if needed. All document exporting in JasperReports is done through a very
simple interface called Exporter
. Every
document format that JasperReports currently supports has an implementation of this
interface. When a report must be exported, an instance of the desired exporter
implementation is created and configured before the export method is called to launch
the actual export process on that exporter.
Exporter Input
All the input data the exporter might need is supplied by the so-called exporter input before the exporting process is started. This is because the exporting process is always invoked by calling theexportReport()
method of the
interface, and this method does not
receive any parameters when called.
The input data for an exporter comes in the form of one or more
objects that must be exported to some other document format, along with other optional
export settings. These
objects may be already in memory, come from the network through an input stream, or
reside in files on disk.
An exporter should be able to handle such a wide range of document sources. In fact, all
the exporter implementations that are shipped inside the library already do this. They all
extend the JRAbstractExporter
class, which
holds all the logic for dealing with the source documents that need to be exported inside
its defined setExporterInput(ExporterInput exporterInput)
As shown in the method signature,
all we need is an ExporterInput
instance that holds the necessary
input data. This object must implement the public List<ExporterInputItem> getItems()
method in order to obtain a list of ExporterInputItem
objects. Each
object in the list contains a single
object along with its related export
configuration settings.
Exporter Output
There are at least three types of exporters, depending on the type of output they produce:- Exporters that export to text- or character-based file formats (HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT, XML ... exporters)
- Exporters that export to binary file formats (PDF, XLS ... exporters)
- Exporters that export directly to graphic devices (Graphics2D and Java Print Service exporters)
setting to see whether it needs to
output the text content it produces to:
- a supplied
object - a supplied
object - a supplied
object - a
object - a file with a given
file name
A binary exporter uses similar logic to find the output destination for the binary content
it produces. It checks generic exporter output settings in this exact order:
, or file with a given java.lang.String
file name.
Special exporters that do not produce character or binary output but rather render the document directly on a target device have special export settings to configure their output.
Output settings for all built-in exporters can be set using the
public void setExporterOutput(O exporterOutput)
method inherited from their
parent class. The exporterOutput
argument must be an instance of ExporterOutput
Other Export Configuration Settings
Other export configuration settings can be communicated to exporters using thepublic void setConfiguration(C configuration)
public void setConfiguration(RC configuration)
inherited from the
parent class. The first method accepts
an ExporterConfiguration
argument and applies settings per exporter.
The second one accepts a ReportExportConfiguration
and applies
settings per each exported report in a batch export.
Below are some examples of report configuration settings available in the
- the start page index - specifies the 0-based index for the first page in a page range to be exported
- the end page index - specifies the 0-based index for the last page in a page range to be exported
- the page index - specifies the 0-based index for a single page to be exported. If present, this setting overrides both the first page index and the end page index
- the x offset - to move the page content horizontally, when it doesn't always fit with the printer page margins
- the y offset - to move the page content vertically, when it doesn't always fit with the printer page margins
- etc
Batch Mode Export
The first thing an exporter needs to know is whether it is acting on a singleJasperPrint
document or a list with several such generated documents. Exporting
multiple JasperPrint
objects to a single resulting document is called batch mode
Not all exporters can work in batch mode, but those that do first look into the supplied
exporter input values to see whether a java.util.List
of JasperPrint
object has been supplied to them. If so, the exporter
loops through this list of documents and produces a single document from them.
If the exporters act on a single document, then they check whether an in-memory JasperPrint
value is supplied to the exporter input data. If no such value is found for this setting, then the input for the
exporter is a single JasperPrint
document to be loaded from an input stream, an URL,
a file object, or a file name. If the exporter does not find any of these
settings, then it throws an exception telling the caller that no input source was set for the export process.
Exporter Filters
When exporting a report to any format, it is possible to filter the elements from the generated report by skipping elements that do meet a certain condition. This allows report designers to control what gets exported to each format. In many cases, it's not desirable to export all report sections and elements to all output formats; for instance, some visual report elements should only be displayed in output formats that are meant for on-screen viewing and not in other data-centric output formats.JasperReports comes with two built-in filter implementations that cover the most frequent use cases. It also defines a set of interfaces that can be used to introduce other filter implementations. Custom export filter can be written by users to support specific filtering mechanisms.
When exporting a report, a filter can be explicitly specified using an export parameter, or a filter can be implicitly created based on the properties/export hints present in the report.
To explicitly specify an export filter, the exporter configuration setting
public ExporterFilter getExporterFilter()
(method in the
class) should be used to pass a filter object, which would be an instance of a class that
implements the ExporterFilter
interface. The filter object can be of one the built-in export filter types, or of a custom
filter implementation type.
When no value is found for the export filter setting, the exporter will use a default filter
factory to instantiate a filter that will be used for the export. The default filter factory
class is set via a property named
The built-in default filter factory implementation calls all registered filter factories and
allows each of them to apply filters on the exporter report. If any of the filters decides to
exclude an element, the element will be excluded from the export process. In most cases
the built-in default filter factory provides the desired behavior. However users can
choose to change it by setting another value for the default filter factory property.
To allow a custom export filter implementation to be used by the implicit export filter
mechanism, one needs to register an export filter factory class with JasperReports. To do
so, a property named net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.filter.factory.<factory_name>
to be included in the
file (or set at runtime via
). The factory name is an arbitrary suffix, and the property value should
be the name of a class that implements
. The engine
uses the class name to instantiate an export filter factory, therefore the factory class
needs to have an accessible no-argument constructor.
Each registered filter factory has the chance of producing a filter every time a report
export occurs. The filter factory receives an object that contains information about the
current export process, including the exporter report and a property prefix that
corresponds to the exporter, and decides based on this information whether it applies to
the current export or not. This would usually involve consulting custom properties of the
exporter report to determine whether the report contains properties that indicate some
filtering criteria. The recommended practice is to make the filter factory recognize
properties that have a specific suffix appended to the exporter property prefix. For
instance, the element key filter factory recognizes properties that have exclude.key
appended after the exporter property prefix.
If the exporter factory decides that it applies to the current report, it needs to return a non
null exporter filter, which is an instance of a class that implements
. This filter will be
applied to each element in the generated report and will be able to trigger the exclusion
elements that match a given criteria.
Each exporter uses a different property prefix such that different filter criteria can be set
for each exporter. The built-in exporters use property prefixes of the form
. Below are the
property prefixes for the built-in output formats:
Java Print/Graphics2D
If created, this default exporter filter will filter out content from the exported document based on element origin information. Elements present in JasperReports generated documents keep information about their origin. The origin of an element is defined by its parent section in the initial report template, and optionally the name of the group and/or subreport that the element originated from.
This built-in filter implementations also exclude from export elements that match a given element key.
Element keys are set at report design time and are propagated into generated reports. Each element in a filled report has the same key as the element from the report template that generated it.
To trigger an element key filter, the report designer needs to define one or more report
properties that start with <exporter_property_prefix>.exclude.key
. Each such
property matches a single element key which is to be excluded by the filter. The element
key is given by the property value, or if no value is set for the property, by the property
Monitoring Export Progress
Some applications need to display a progress bar to show the user how much has been already processed from the supplied document and how much remains to be exported.
All exporters can inform the caller program of their progress through a simple interface
called JRExportProgressMonitor
. To
monitor the exporter's progress, implement this interface and supply an instance of its
export progress monitor class as the value for the getProgressMonitor()
exporter configuration setting, which is recognized by almost all built-in exporters.
The interface has only one method, afterPageExport()
, which gets called by the
exporter on the monitor object after exporting each page from the supplied document.
The monitor object can keep track of the number of pages already exported and the total
number of pages to be exported by checking the number of pages in the source
Grid Exporters
The main goal of the JasperReports library is to produce high-quality, pixel-perfect documents for printing. The documents it produces can have rich content, and all the elements on a given page are positioned and sized absolutely. The library tries to keep the same document quality throughout all supported export formats, but there are some limitations for each of these formats. All existing exporters fall into one of two categories, depending on the way the content of the documents they produce can be structured:- exporters that target document formats that support free-form page content (Graphics2D, PDF, RTF, XML exporters).
- exporters that target document formats that only support relative positioning of elements on a page or a grid-based layout (HTML, Excel, CSV exporters).
element for each page and try to put each element on that page
inside a <td>
tag. Likewise, the XLS exporter must put each element inside a sheet cell.
These grid exporters have an obvious limitation: a built-in algorithm for transforming an absolutely positioned page layout into a grid-based layout. This algorithm analyzes each page and tries to build a virtual table in which to place elements so that the overall layout of the document remains intact. However, since a table cell can contain only a single element, elements that overlap in the initial absolutely positioned layout will not display correctly in a grid-based layout. In fact, when two elements overlap, the element behind will not even appear in the grid-based layout.
When the report templates are very complex or agglomerated, passing from absolute positioning to grid or table layout produces very complex tables with many unused rows and columns, in order to make up for the empty space between elements or their special alignment. Here are a few very simple guidelines for obtaining optimized HTML, XLS, or CSV documents when using the built-in JasperReports grid exporters:
- Minimize the number of rows and columns in the grid-oriented formats (the number of "cuts"). To do this, align your report elements as often as you can, both on the horizontal and the vertical axes, and eliminate the space between elements.
- Make sure report elements will not overlap when the report is generated. If two elements share a region, they cannot share the same cell in the resulting grid structure. Overlapping elements might lead to unexpected results.
Related Documentation
JasperReports Tutorial-
Interface Summary Interface Description ExporterFilter ExporterFilterFactory A factory ofExporterFilter
instances.ExporterNature GenericElementCsvHandler A generic print element CSV export handler.GenericElementGraphics2DHandler A generic print element Graphics2D export handler.GenericElementHandler A generic print element export handler.GenericElementHandlerBundle A bundle ofgeneric element handlers
that share the same namespace.GenericElementHtmlHandler A generic print element HTML export handler.GenericElementRtfHandler A generic print element RTF export handler.GenericElementTransformer A generic print element transformer.GenericElementTransformerContext A context in which an element tranformation takes place.GenericElementXmlHandler A generic print element XML export handler.HtmlResourceHandler HyperlinkURLResolver JRCsvExporterContext A context that represents information about a CSV export process.JRExporterContext A context that represents information about an export process.JRExportProgressMonitor JRGraphics2DExporterContext A context that represents information about an Graphics2D export process.JRHtmlExporterContext A context that represents information about an HTML export process.JRHyperlinkProducer A simple hyperlink generator that can be used to handle custom hyperlink types.JRHyperlinkTargetProducer A simple hyperlink target generator that can be used to handle custom hyperlink targets.JRRtfExporterContext A context that represents information about an RTF export process.JRTextExporterContext A context that represents information about a text export process.JRXmlExporterContext A context that represents information about an XML export process.PdfConstants ResetableExporterFilter XmlResourceHandler