JasperReports - Configuration Reference |
This document lists all the configuration properties available for the JasperReports library.
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net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.negative.width | ||||
A property that determines whether elements having negative width values are allowed.
If this value is set to false, the report is verified not to contain elements with negative width values. This is useful when the report is meant to be exported to grid-based formats such as HTML, XLS or CSV, which might enter an infinite loop. Having elements with negative widths does not make sense, but allowing this is a workaround in case older report templates still need to pass validation at report compile time. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.negative.x | ||||
Property that determines whether elements positioned at negative X offsets on bands, frames and other element containers are
allowed in a report.
Elements placed at negative X offsets can cause unexpected problems in grid-based exporters where they can overlap elements from previous bands/element containers. If the property is set to false, elements in the report are verified to have positive X offsets. Otherwise, no check is performed on element X offsets. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.negative.y | ||||
Property that determines whether elements positioned at negative Y offsets on bands, frames and other element containers are
allowed in a report.
Elements placed at negative Y offsets can cause unexpected problems in grid-based exporters where they can overlap elements from previous bands/element containers. If the property is set to false, elements in the report are verified to have positive Y offsets. Otherwise, no check is performed on element Y offsets. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.3 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.overlap | ||||
A property that determines whether elements are allowed to overlap.
If this value is set to false, the report is verified not to contain elements that overlap. This is useful when the report is meant to be exported to grid-based formats such as HTML, XLS or CSV. Setting this property to false ensures that element overlap issues are caught at report compile time. Additionally, when this property is set to false false, the report is verified not to have any content in the background section as this content would likely be overlapped by other sections and would not show in grid-based exporters. By default, the property is set to true which means that no element overlap checks are performed. The property can be set at the following levels:
Note that print when expressions or export filters cannot be taken into consideration while checking for overlapping elements as this check is performed at report compilation time. If a report contains two elements that overlap but have print when expressions that guarantee that only one of them will be printed, or if export filters are in place to exclude one of the elements, one of them should be explicitly marked to allow element overlap when the report is configured to check for overlaps. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.awt.check.available.printers | ||||
Property whose value is used to check the availability of printers accepting jobs. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.3 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font | ||||
When set to false, it forces the engine to check if the font used as value for the fontName attribute inside the report template is available either through the JasperReports font extension mechanism or as a JVM accesible font, and raise a JRFontNotFoundException exception, if this font is not available. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.awt.indent.first.line | ||||
Property used to disable the indentation for the first line in a paragraph. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.awt.justify.last.line | ||||
Property used to force the justified alignment for the last line in a paragraph. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.awt.superscript.fix.enabled | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 3.1.3 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
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net.sf.jasperreports.band.split.type | ||||
Specifies the default split type for bands. See the splitType attribute of the report band. | ||||
Default: | Stretch | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.big.decimal.minimum.precision | ||||
An integer property that provides the minimum precision to be used for java.math.BigDecimal division operations. Important note: this property is only effective when Java 1.5 or newer is used. See BigDecimalUtils for details. | ||||
Default: | 16 | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 3.5.4 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
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net.sf.jasperreports.bookmarks.data.source.parameter | ||||
Property that references the parameter containing the bookmarks data source. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Part | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.dial.label | ||||
Property containing the label text attached to the measured value in a meter or thermometer chart. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 3.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.dial.value.display.visible | ||||
Property specifying whether the measured value should be rendered visible on a meter or thermometer chart's display zone. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 3.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.domain.axis.integer.unit | ||||
Flag property enabling the JFreeCharts engine to use integer tick units on a domain value axis. If set to true, it will take precedence over the net.sf.jasperreports.chart.domain.axis.tick.interval and net.sf.jasperreports.chart.domain.axis.tick.count properties. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.domain.axis.tick.count | ||||
Property specifying the number of ticks on a domain value axis. If it is not set, the JFreeCharts engine will use its own defaults to instantiate the axis. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 3.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.domain.axis.tick.interval | ||||
Property specifying the interval between 2 consecutive ticks on a domain value axis. If the net.sf.jasperreports.chart.domain.axis.tick.count property
is set, this interval will be neglected.
If it is not set, the JFreeCharts engine will use its own defaults to instantiate the axis. By default it is not set. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 3.1.4 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.pie.ignore.duplicated.key | ||||
Specifies whether duplicated key entries in pie dataset should be ignored and only the last value be considered, or whether an exception should be raised instead. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.integer.unit | ||||
Flag property enabling the JFreeCharts engine to use integer tick units on a range value axis. If set to true, it will take precedence over the net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval and net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.count properties. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.count | ||||
Property specifying the number of ticks on a range value axis. If it is not set, the JFreeCharts engine will use its own defaults
to instantiate the axis.
By default it is not set. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 3.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.interval | ||||
Property specifying the interval between 2 consecutive ticks on a range value axis. If the net.sf.jasperreports.chart.range.axis.tick.count property
is set, this interval will be neglected.
If it is not set, the JFreeCharts engine will use its own defaults to instantiate the axis. By default it is not set. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 3.1.4 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.render.type | ||||
Specifies the default render type for charts. See the renderType attribute of the chart elements.
Possible values are:
Default: | draw | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.renderer.factory.{render_type} | ||||
Prefix for properties that map chart renderers.
Properties having this prefix indicate the JRRenderable implementation to be used when rendering a chart element having a rendering type specified in the property suffix. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chart.theme | ||||
Property used to specify the chart theme name. | ||||
Default: | default | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.argument.{name} | ||||
An arbitrary argument used when launching Chromium/Google Chrome.
The {name} suffix is used as argument name, and the property value as argument value. A boolean property value is required for flags. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.enabled | ||||
Determines whether Chromium/Google Chrome is to be used to render JavaScript based components
(such as Custom Visualization Components) for exporting to formats other than HTML.
When enabled, a browser instance is launched (in headless mode by default) on the machine where JasperReports is running. Scripts and resources needed to render the components are written to a temporary folder, and JasperReports communicates with the browser instance via the Chrome DevTools Protocol. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.executable.path | ||||
The path of the Chromium/Google Chrome executable.
If not set, a predefined list of common paths will be checked. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.headless | ||||
Determines whether Chromium/Google Chrome is to be launched in headless mode. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.idle.timeout | ||||
The number of milliseconds after which an idle Chromium/Google Chrome instance will be
shut down.
After shuttind down an idle instnace, a fresh browser process is launched when needed. The property can be set to 0 to repress shutting down idle instances. |
Default: | 900000 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.live.timeout | ||||
The number of milliseconds a Chromium/Google Chrome instance is allowed to live.
The instance is shut down after the configured timeout, first waiting for the ongoing component render tasks to finish. After shuttind down an instance, a fresh browser process is launched when needed. The property can be set to 0 to repress shutting down browser instances. |
Default: | 7200000 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.page.isolate | ||||
Whether to create Chrome pages in isolated mode for component render tasks.
Isolated pages do not share cookies and other page data. The implementation relies on the Chrome DevTools Protocol Target.createBrowserContext command. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.page.timeout | ||||
The number of milliseconds after which a component render task is interrupted.
A component render task usually consists of loading an HTML page from a temporary file, running JavaScript code to render the component and retriving an SVG representation of the component or taking a screenshot. Interrupting a component render task raises an exception which in most cases aborts the report export process. The property can be set to 0 to repress the interrupting component render tasks (unless the component itself has a timeout defined). |
Default: | 60000 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.tempdir.path | ||||
The path were temporary resource files used for rendering components will be written. | ||||
Default: | System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.{language} | ||||
Prefix for properties that map report compilers to expression languages.
Properties having this prefix indicate the JRCompiler implementation to be used when compiling report designs that rely on the expression language specified as property suffix. For reports that use Java as expression language (which is the default), net.sf.jasperreports.jdt.JRJdtCompiler is used as report compiler, if available, and net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRJdk13Compiler otherwise. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.classpath | ||||
Property specifying the classpath used by the report compiler during the compilation process. | ||||
Default: | System.getProperty("java.class.path") | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.0.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.keep.java.file | ||||
Property specifying whether the temporary source file created by the report compiler should be kept or deleted after the report compilation process ended. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.0.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.max.groovy.method.size | ||||
Property that determines the maximum size of a generated groovy method. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.max.java.method.size | ||||
Property that determines the maximum size of a generated Java method. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.temp.dir | ||||
Property specifying the temporary working directory to be used by the report compiler. | ||||
Default: | System.getProperty("user.dir") | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.0.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.antiAlias | ||||
Flag property that specify the barcode image should use antialiasing. Default value is true. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.gray | ||||
Flag property that specify the barcode image should use the gray color scheme. Default value is true. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.producer | ||||
Property that determines which image producer to be used for a barcode component element. The property can
have a value of the name of the class that implements the image producer interface or an
alias that has been set for such a class, using a property of the form
JasperReports provides two barcode image producer implementations: one which renders the barcode in SVG format and one which renders the barcode as a rasterized image. The first implementation is registered under the svg alias and is used by default; the second one has image as alias and can be used by changing the net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.producer.{alias} property at any level. The SVG barcode image producer uses the Barcode4J API to export the barcode to SVG, then it creates a SVG renderer based on the Batik SVG library. Hence, this option introduces a dependency on Batik for viewing or exporting a report that includes barcodes. The rasterized image producer draws the barcode on a PNG image which can be then displayed in the generated report. This producer uses further properties, set at the same levels as the image producer property, to allow the customization of the generated image. |
Default: | svg | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.producer.{alias} | ||||
Property that determines which image producer implementation to be used for an alias associated
with the barcode component element using the net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.producer
The value of this property represents the name of the class that implements the image producer interface for the specified alias. Rendering the barcode in SVG format is registered under the svg alias and is used by default; the built-in property value for this alias is net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.BarcodeSVGImageProducer. Rendering the barcode as rasterized is registered under the image alias and the built-in property value for this alias is net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.BarcodeRasterizedImageProducer. If the svg alias is set, the built-in SVG renderer is based on the Batik SVG library. Hence, this option introduces a dependency on Batik for viewing or exporting a report that includes barcodes. The rasterized image producer draws the barcode on a PNG image which can be then displayed in the generated report. This producer uses further properties, set at the same levels as the image producer property, to allow the customization of the generated image. Note: This property does not apply to QRCode barcodes which are generated based on a different library (ZXing). For QRCode barcodes, see net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.qrcode.producer.{alias}. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.resolution | ||||
Property that specify the barcode image resolution (ppi). Default value is 300. | ||||
Default: | 300 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.qrcode.producer.{alias} | ||||
Property that determines which image producer implementation to be used for an alias associated
with the QRCode component element using the net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.producer
The value of this property represents the name of the class that implements the image producer interface for the specified alias. Rendering the QRCode component in SVG format is registered under the svg alias and is used by default; the built-in property value for this alias is net.sf.jasperreports.barcode4j.QRCodeSVGImageProducer. Rendering the QRCode component as rasterized is registered under the image alias and the built-in property value for this alias is net.sf.jasperreports.barcode4j.QRCodeRasterizedImageProducer. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.filter.char | ||||
Property that specifies the character to be used on the column header when the tables's column has a filtered applied. | ||||
Default: | \2606 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.icon.font | ||||
Global property that specifies the font to be used for the icons on the column header. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.map.client.id | ||||
Property that specifies the client ID for Google Maps API for Business. If set, it takes precedence over the API key property.
Usually works along with the signature property for signed URLs. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.map.default.marker.icon | ||||
Property that specifies the URL of the default marker icon for the Google map component. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.map.google.version | ||||
Property that indicates which version of the Google Maps API to be loaded. The version property may be set as:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.map.key | ||||
Property that specifies the Google Maps API key. Using an API key enables additional features:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.map.signature | ||||
Property that specifies the encrypted client signature for signed request URLs. For complete information see the official Authentication and Authorization documentation for Maps Image APIs and Web Services APIs. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.qrcode.character.encoding | ||||
Property that provides the character encoding to be used for QR code component elements. | ||||
Default: | UTF-8 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 6.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.sort.down.arrow.char | ||||
Property that specifies the character to be used on the column header when the tables's column is sorted descending. | ||||
Default: | \u25BC | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.sort.up.arrow.char | ||||
Property that specifies the character to be used on the column header when the tables's column is sorted ascending. | ||||
Default: | \u25B2 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.accessible | ||||
Property that enables/disables the automatic addition of specific custom properties to the elements that make up the table and its cells. These properties would be then used to produce special document accessibility metadata during exports. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 6.19.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.column.field | ||||
Property that specifies the field to be used for sorting and/or filtering | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Column | |||
Since: | 5.0.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.column.filterable | ||||
Property that enables/disables filtering | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Column | |||
Since: | 5.0.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.column.sortable | ||||
Property that enables/disables sorting | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Column | |||
Since: | 5.0.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.column.variable | ||||
Property that specifies the variable to be used for sorting and/or filtering | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Column | |||
Since: | 5.0.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.floating.header | ||||
Property that enables/disables the floating header in the table component when scrolling.
If the interactivity has been disabled by setting net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.interactive to false, then setting this property will have no effect. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.generate.pdf.tags | ||||
Property that enables/disables the automatic addition of specific custom properties to table cell elements, that would in turn trigger the creation of special document accessibility tags during PDF export. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | |||
Since: | 6.1.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.interactive | ||||
Property that enables/disables the interactivity in the table component | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Component | Column | |||
Since: | 4.7.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.name | ||||
Property that provides a name for table. The name is used as report name in element origins. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Component | |||
Since: | 6.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.when.no.data.type | ||||
Property that specifies a default value for the whenNoDataType attribute of table components. | ||||
Default: | Blank | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.consume.space.on.overflow | ||||
Property used to force the expanding text fields to occupy all remaining space at the bottom of the page so that no other element renders there. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.create.sort.fields.for.groups | ||||
Property that specifies whether additional sort fields should be created automatically to preserve the integrity of dataset groups, when interactive sorting is performed. The groups need to have simple expressions using single field or single variable reference, for this feature to work properly. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.bucket.measure.limit | ||||
Property that limits the number of buckets in a crosstab, to avoid out of memory errors. | ||||
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.3.4 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.cell.column.span | ||||
Property that provides the crosstab column span of a print frame. (FIXME not a user defined property) | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Internal | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.cell.row.span | ||||
Property that provides the crosstab row span of a print frame. (FIXME not a user defined property) | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Internal | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.cell.type | ||||
Property that provides the type of the cell that generated a print frame. (FIXME not a user defined property)
The property value is one of |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Internal | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.column.header.sort.measure.index | ||||
Property that provides the index of measure to be used for sorting the crosstab. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.floating.headers | ||||
Property that enables/disables the floating headers in the crosstab component when scrolling.
If the interactivity has been disabled by setting net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.interactive to false, then setting this property will have no effect. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Crosstab | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
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net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.ignore.width | ||||
Property that provides the default value for the crosstab ignoreWidth attribute. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.5.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.interactive | ||||
Property that enables/disables the interactivity in the crosstab component. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Crosstab | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.crosstab.row.group.column.header | ||||
Property that specifies this element is the column header for a row group represented by its index. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.column.names.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Property having this prefix store the comma separated names of the columns to be extracted from the CSV source. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.date.pattern | ||||
Property holding the value of the date format pattern to be used when parsing the CSV data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.encoding | ||||
Property holding the value of the charset used to encode the CSV stream. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.field.column.index | ||||
Property specifying the 0-based index of the column in the CSV data to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case CSV data is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.field.column.name | ||||
Property specifying the name of the column in the CSV data to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case CSV data is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.field.delimiter | ||||
Property holding the value of the field delimiter from the CSV source. | ||||
Default: | , | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.locale.code | ||||
Property holding the java.lang.String code of the locale to be used when parsing the CSV data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.number.pattern | ||||
Property holding the value of the number format pattern to be used when parsing the CSV data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.record.delimiter | ||||
Property holding the value of the record delimiter from the CSV source | ||||
Default: | \n | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.source | ||||
String property representing a valid path to the requested resource containing the CSV data. It can be:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.csv.timezone.id | ||||
Property holding the java.lang.String value of the time zone id to be used when parsing the CSV data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.customizer.{arbitrary_name}.{property_name} | ||||
Properties having this form are usually supposed to be read by NamedChartCustomizer instances assigned to a chart element using a custom property in the form of net.sf.jasperreports.customizer.class.{arbitrary_name}. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Chart | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.customizer.class.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Properties having this prefix specify the name of a class that implements the JRChartCustomizer interface and has an empty constructor. This class will be used to instantiate a chart customizer object that will be then called to customize the chart produced by the element. The {arbitrary_name} suffix of the property is considered to be the name of the chart customizer instance and in case the chart customizer class implements the NamedChartCustomizer interface, this name is passed to it after instantiation using the setName(String) method. Named customizer implementations such as the ones extending the JRAbstractChartCustomizer could use this name to read custom chart element properties that are supposed to be their own, because they have this name as part of the full custom property name in the form of net.sf.jasperreports.customizer.{arbitrary_name}.{property_name}. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Chart | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.cut.text.max.height | ||||
Property used to specify the maximum height the text field element can stretch to before the text content gets cut. This works in conjunction with the textAdjust property of text elements which needs to be set to CutText value. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.20.6 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.data.adapter | ||||
Property that provides the location of a data adapter resource to be used for the dataset. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.data.cache.included | ||||
Flag property that specifies if data associated with this object (report parameter, subreport element, subdataset run, report part) will be included in the data snapshot. Default value is false for report parameters and true for subreport elements, subdataset run and report parts. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Parameter | Subdataset Run | Subreport | Part | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.data.cache.persistable | ||||
Flag property that specifies if the data snapshot can be persisted. Default value is true. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.data.cache.recordable | ||||
Flag property that specifies if data recording is enabled. Default value is true. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.first.line.indent | ||||
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the first line indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default the first line in JR paragraphs has no indentation. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.name | ||||
Specifies the default font name when no default font is explicitly given in a report. | ||||
Default: | SansSerif | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.3.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.size | ||||
Specifies the default font size when no default font size is explicitly given in a report. | ||||
Default: | 10 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.3.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.left.indent | ||||
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the left indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no left indentation. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.line.spacing.size | ||||
Specifies the default value for the text line spacing size, if no explicit information is provided in a
JR paragraph.
This value is used in combination with the size-dependent line spacings in LineSpacingEnum: |
Default: | 1 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.locale | ||||
The default locale used to fill reports. The property is overridden by the REPORT_LOCALE parameter value. | ||||
Default: | system locale | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.embedded | ||||
Property indicating the default PDF font embedding behavior, if not specified in the report template or at export time. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.3.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.encoding | ||||
Property indicating the default PDF encoding, if not specified in the report template or at export time. | ||||
Default: | Cp1252 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.3.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.font.name | ||||
Property indicating the default PDF font, if not specified in the report template or at export time. | ||||
Default: | Helvetica | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.3.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.right.indent | ||||
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the right indent, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no right indentation. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.spacing.after | ||||
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the spacing after lines, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no spacing after lines. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.spacing.before | ||||
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the spacing before lines, if no explicit information is provided in a JR paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide no spacing before lines. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.tab.stop.width | ||||
Specifies the default value (in pixels) for the tab stop width, if no explicit information is provided in a paragraph.
By default JR paragraphs provide 40 pixels wide tab stops. |
Default: | 40 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.timezone | ||||
The default time zone used to fill reports. The property is overridden by the REPORT_TIME_ZONE parameter value. | ||||
Default: | system time zone | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.ejbql.query.hint.{hint} - in net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.ejbql.JRJpaQueryExecuter | ||||
Properties with this prefix introduce JPA implementation specific EJBQL query hints to be used by the JRJpaQueryExecuter. The suffix is the name of the hint, as documented by the specific JPA implementation. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.ejbql.query.hint.{hint} - in net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.ejbql.JRJpaQueryExecuter | ||||
Properties with this prefix introduce JPA implementation specific EJBQL query hints to be used by the JRJpaQueryExecuter. The suffix is the name of the hint, as documented by the specific JPA implementation. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.ejbql.query.page.size - in net.sf.jasperreports.jakarta.ejbql.JRJpaQueryExecuter | ||||
Property specifying the number of result rows to be retrieved at once. Result pagination is implemented by
jakarta.persistence.Query.setFirstResult() and jakarta.persistence.Query.setMaxResults().
By default, all the rows are retrieved (no result pagination is performed). |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.ejbql.query.page.size - in net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.ejbql.JRJpaQueryExecuter | ||||
Property specifying the number of result rows to be retrieved at once. Result pagination is implemented by
javax.persistence.Query.setFirstResult() and javax.persistence.Query.setMaxResults().
By default, all the rows are retrieved (no result pagination is performed). |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.element.template.populate.style | ||||
Flag that determines whether report style attributes are to be populated in
element print template objects during report execution.
This results in a speed improvement of large report exporting for some export
Setting the flag modifies the structure of the generated report with respect to style attributes and should not be used when JasperPrint objects are meant to undergo postprocessing related to element styles. Enabling the property also results in altered XML exporter output and should not be used when original XML exporter output is required. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.evaluator.class.reference.fix.enabled | ||||
Property that indicates whether a legacy fix for a JVM issue related to
evaluator classes generated by JasperReports is enabled. The fix is
enabled by default.
Due to the fix, the garbage collector might not be able to collect a classloader that loaded JasperReports classes. This would be inconvenient in scenarios in which JasperReports classes are repeatedly loaded by different classloaders, e.g. when JasperReports is part of the classpath of a web application which is often reloaded. In such scenarios, set this property to false. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 3.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.evaluator.ignore.npe | ||||
The expression evaluation engine in JasperReports has always ignored
java.lang.NullPointerException exceptions raised during expression evaluation.
An expression raising NullPointerException is evaluated to null.
However, in certain cases, users want to be able to track down the source of
their NPE and this configuration property can be set to instruct the expression
evaluation engine to treat NPEs just the way all other expression exceptions are treated.
The default value of this configuration property is true, meaning NPEs are ignored. The property can be set globally, at report or at dataset level. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.{arbitrary_name}.default.filter.factory | ||||
Property that gives the default filter factory for a specific exporter.
Contains the property prefix net.sf.jasperreports.export. concatenated with an arbitrary name indicating the exporter type and
the property suffix default.filter.factory.
For instance, the default filter factory for XLS exporters is net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.default.filter.factory. If this property is not defined for a specific exporter, the generic exporter factory given by PROPERTY_DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY is used. |
Default: | same default value as for net.sf.jasperreports.export.default.filter.factory | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude | ||||
Element level property to exclude elements when exporting to a specific format. Possible values for the {format} token are pdf, html, xls, xlsx, rtf, odt, ods, csv and txt. The element will be excluded from a specific export format if the property is set to true at element level. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.key.{suffix} | ||||
Properties with this syntax are used by the exporters to create default exporter filter instances that filter
out content based on element key information. Possible values for the {format} token are
pdf, html, xls, xlsx, rtf, odt, ods, csv
and txt. The {suffix} token can be either the element's key value or an arbitrary string. The value of the property, if
defined, should be the element's key value. If the property has no value, its suffix will be assumed as a value.
The following example shows how to specify element keys which are to be excluded from specific export outputs: <jasperReport ...> <!-- exclude elements with keys Image1 and Text4 from HTML export --> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.exclude.key.Image1"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.exclude.key.Text4"/> <!-- exclude elements with keys Image5 from PDF export --> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.exclude.key.the.image" value="Image5"/> ... </jasperReport> |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Properties with this syntax are used by the exporters to create default exporter filter instances that filter
out content based on element origin information. Possible values for the {format} token are
pdf, html, xls, xlsx, rtf, odt, csv
and txt. The {suffix} token can be: band, group or
See this FAQ for more details about filtering out content while exporting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.keep.first.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Properties with this syntax are used by the exporters to create default exporter filter instances that filter
out content based on element origin information. Possible values for the {format} token are
pdf, html, xls, xlsx, rtf, odt, csv
and txt. The {suffix} token can be: band, group or
See this FAQ for more details about filtering out content while exporting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.accessibility.tag | ||||
Property that specifies the type of accessible content introduced by the element. Possible values are described by the AccessibilityTagEnum. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.19.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.character.encoding | ||||
Property whose value is used as as default for the getEncoding() export output setting. Stores the character encoding for exported reports. | ||||
Default: | UTF-8 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.configuration.override.report.hints | ||||
Property that establishes the priority of export parameters against report hints.
Its value is used as default for the isOverrideHints() export configuration setting. If the property is true, export parameters override report hints; this is the default behavior. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 5.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.column.name | ||||
Property specifying the name of the CSV exported column the element belongs to. It must be one of the column names in the net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.column.names.{suffix}, if provided. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.column.names.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Properties with 'net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.column.names.' prefix contain a list of
comma-separated names of the columns used in the metadata-based CSV export.
Column names in this property are used as default list for the getColumnNames() CSV metadata export output setting. Note: For accurate results it's recommended that column names in the list to follow the same order as the original columns. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.data | ||||
Property that specifies a custom value to be associated with the column specified by the
The property itself defaults to the text value of the report element this property is assigned to. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.escape.formula | ||||
Flag property that enforces field values containing formula to be escaped in order to be interpreted as pure text. Its value is used as default for the getEscapeFormula() CSV export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.18.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.delimiter | ||||
Property that contains the character or sequence of characters used to delimit two fields on the same record. Its value is used as default for the getFieldDelimiter() CSV export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | , | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.enclosure | ||||
Property containing the character to enclose a field value on a record.
If a sequence of characters is set for this property, only the leading one will be taken into account. Regular white spaces are trimmed and will not be considered. Non-breaking spaces (such as   or ) will be taken into account. Its value is used as default for the getFieldEnclosure() CSV export configuration setting. When this property is set in the JRXML report, we have to ensure that characters representing XML entity references are XML-escaped, accordingly. For instance, use " instead of ", ' instead of ', etc: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.enclosure" value="""/> or <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.enclosure" value="'"/> |
Default: | " | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.2.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.force.field.enclosure | ||||
Property that enforces all exported field values to be enclosed within a pair of enclosure characters (usually a pair of quotes:""). Its value is used as default for the getForceFieldEnclosure() CSV export configuration flag. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.2.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.record.delimiter | ||||
Property that contains the character or sequence of characters used to delimit two records.
Its value is used as default for the getRecordDelimiter() CSV export configuration setting. |
Default: | \n | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.repeat.value | ||||
Property that specifies whether the value associated with PROPERTY_COLUMN_NAME should be repeated or not when it is missing. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.write.bom | ||||
Property that specifies whether a BOM character should be put at the beginning of the output.
Its value is used as default for the isWriteBOM() CSV export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.write.header | ||||
Property that specifies whether the CSV metadata-based exporter should include a header (the column names) in the output.
Its value is used as default for the isWriteHeader() CSV metadata export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.default.exclude | ||||
Element level property that acts as default for net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude properties. Setting this property to true will exclude the element from all export formats except the ones for which net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude is explicitly set to false. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.default.filter.factory | ||||
A property that gives the generic default filter factory class name. | ||||
Default: | net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.DefaultExporterFilterFactory | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.background.as.header | ||||
This property specifies whether the report's background section elements should be placed inside the DOCX header section,
usually to achieve a watermark effect.
It serves as default value for the isBackgroundAsHeader() DOCX export configuration setting. The property itself defaults to false. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.21.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.embed.fonts | ||||
This property indicates whether the embeddable true type fonts used in the report should be embedded into the generated DOCX
Its value is used as default for the isEmbedFonts() DOCX export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.9.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.encryption.password | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the getEncryptionPassword() DOCX export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.flexible.row.height | ||||
This property indicates whether table rows can grow if more text is added into cells.
Its value is used as default for the isFlexibleRowHeight() DOCX export configuration setting. If set to false, the table rows do not increase in height automatically and the user has to enlarge them manually. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.frames.as.nested.tables | ||||
This property specifies whether JRPrintFrame frames are to be exported as nested tables.
Its value is used as default for the isFramesAsNestedTables() DOCX export configuration setting. If set to false, the frame content will be integrated into the master/page table. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Frame Element | |||
Since: | 3.5.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.hidden.text | ||||
This property is used to mark text elements as being hidden either for printing or on-screen display. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.6 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by the DOCX exporter to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.metadata.application | ||||
Property that contains the application information to use for the generated DOCX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataApplication() DOCX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.metadata.author | ||||
Property that contains the author information to use for the generated DOCX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataAutor() DOCX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.metadata.keywords | ||||
Property that contains the keywords to use for the generated DOCX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataKeywords() DOCX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.metadata.subject | ||||
Property that contains the subject information to use for the generated DOCX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataSubject() DOCX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.metadata.title | ||||
Property that contains the title information to use for the generated DOCX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataTitle() DOCX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.new.line.as.paragraph | ||||
This property specifies whether the newline element present in a justified paragraph introduces a new justified paragraph.
If set to true, the text line before the new paragraph will lose the justified alignment.
It serves as default value for the isNewLineAsParagraph() DOCX export configuration setting. The property itself defaults to false (for backward compatibility reasons). |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.filter.factory.{filter_element} | ||||
A set of properties that are used to register filter factories. They all contain the fixed prefix net.sf.jasperreports.export.filter.factory.
and a suffix indicating the considered filter element.
For example: net.sf.jasperreports.export.filter.factory.origin indicates an element origin filter factory. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.graphics2d.min.job.size | ||||
Flag property that controls the use of an AWT rendering fix which causes the printer job size to be reduced when the exporter
draws onto a printer graphic context.
Its value is used as default for the isMinimizePrinterJobSize() Graphics2D export configuration setting. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 1.2.8 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.graphics2d.white.page.background | ||||
Property that that determines whether the Graphics2D exporter is to draw white backgrounds for exported pages.
Its value is used as default for the isWhitePageBackground() Graphics2D export configuration setting. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.accessible | ||||
Configuration property that determines the exporter to produce accessible HTML.
Its value is used as default for the isAccessibleHtml() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.between.pages | ||||
Configuration property that provides the HTML code that will be inserted between pages of the generated report.
Its value is used as default for the getBetweenPagesHtml() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.border.collapse | ||||
Configuration property that provides the value for the border-collapse CSS property to be applied
to the table generated for the report. Possible values are:
Default: | collapse | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.class | ||||
Property used to specify the value of the CSS class attribute of elements when exported to HTML format. The value of this property will be used as the value for the class attribute of the <td> tag for the element when exported to HTML. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.convert.svg.to.image | ||||
This property specifies whether the SVG graphics should be rasterized as images. The property provides a default value for the isConvertSvgToImage() export setting. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Image Element | Chart | Component | |||
Since: | 6.3.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.embed.image | ||||
This property specifies whether the image should be Base64 encoded and embedded into the src attribute of the image tag, and not referenced as separate resource. The property provides a default value for the isEmbedImage() export setting. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Image Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.embedded.svg.use.fonts | ||||
This property specifies whether the HTML embedded SVG should have the font family names replaced with the web fonts coming from font extensions, similar to what we do for text elements. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Image Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.flush.output | ||||
A boolean property that determines whether the HTML exporter should flush the output stream after writing the HTML content to it. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.footer | ||||
Configuration property that provides the HTML code that will be inserted after the generated report content.
Its value is used as default for the getHtmlFooter() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.header | ||||
Configuration property that provides the HTML code that will be inserted before the generated report content.
Its value is used as default for the getHtmlHeader() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.id | ||||
Property used to specify the value of the ID attribute of elements when exported to HTML format. The value of this property will be used as the value for the id attribute of the <td> tag for the element when exported to HTML. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by the HTML exporter to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.include.element.uuid | ||||
Property that determines whether design element UUIDs are included in the HTML exporter output as data-eluuid attributes of td elements.
Its value is used as default for the HtmlReportConfiguration.isIncludeElementUUID() HTML export configuration setting. It only applies to text elements with numeric values. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.21.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.remove.emtpy.space.between.rows | ||||
Flag property that specifies whether the blank lines that sometimes appear between rows as spacers should be removed.
Its value is used as default for the isRemoveEmptySpaceBetweenRows() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.size.unit | ||||
Property that specifies the unit to use when measuring lengths or font size. This can be one of the supported size units from
the CSS
specifications like "px" for pixels or "pt" for points. The default value is "px", meaning that lengths and font sizes are
specified in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the getSizeUnit() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | px | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.use.background.image.to.align | ||||
Property that indicates whether the images should be rendered using CSS background images, to achieve certain image alignment
requirements, especially in the case of lazy images,
for which the real dimensions are not known at report fill time.
Its value is used as default for the isUseBackgroundImageToAlign() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Image Element | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.white.page.background | ||||
Property that indicates whether the report background should be turned to white. If not set, the default background will appear,
depending on the selected CSS styles.
Its value is used as default for the isWhitePageBackground() HTML export configuration setting. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.html.wrap.break.word | ||||
Property that specifies whether the export engine should force text wrapping by breaking words (CSS word-wrap: break-word).
Its value is used as default for the isWrapBreakWord() HTML export configuration setting. Note that this CSS property is not currently supported by all browsers. An alternative approach for forcing word breaks in HTML is to save the line breaks at fill time via the net.sf.jasperreports.text.save.line.breaks property. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.ignore.page.margins | ||||
This flag property specifies whether page margins should be ignored when the report is exported using a grid-based exporter.
Its value is used as default for the Excel and HTML isIgnorePageMargins() export configuration setting. If the property is true, any page in the document will be exported without taking into account its margins. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.boolean.{path} | ||||
This element-level property is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter and provides the exported value of a boolean type for that element. This value will be exported within the JSON tree following the path specified by the property suffix. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.data | ||||
This element-level property is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter
and provides the exported value for that element. By default is considered the value of the report element itself.
When working with this property, numbers have to be written with no thousand separators and using a period as decimal. For instance, 1,000,000 should be written as "1000000" and 2,000.45 should be written as "2000.45". Dates must be written according to ISO 8601 standard: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss". |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.date.{path} | ||||
This element-level property is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter
and provides the exported value of a date type for that element. This value will be exported within the JSON tree following
the path specified
by the property suffix.
When working with this property, dates must be written according to ISO 8601 standard: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss". |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.escape.members | ||||
This report-level flag is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter and specifies if the member property names should be enclosed with quotes or no. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.number.{path} | ||||
This element-level property is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter
and provides the exported value of a numeric type for that element. This value will be exported within the JSON tree following
the path specified
by the property suffix.
When working with this property, numbers have to be written with no thousand separators and using a period as decimal. For instance, 1,000,000 should be written as "1000000" and 2,000.45 should be written as "2000.45". |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.path | ||||
This element-level property is used by the JsonMetadataExporter and specifies a given path within the JSON tree, where the current element will be exported. If the net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.schema property is not present in the report, this property can be used to determine a rule in the JSON schema as well. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.repeat.{path} | ||||
This element-level flag is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter and specifies whether the value associated to that JSON path should be repeated or not when it is missing. Usually this property works in conjunction with one of the net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.{type}.{path} properties. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.repeat.value | ||||
This element-level flag is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter and specifies whether the value associated to the JSON path specified by net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.path property should be repeated or not when it is missing. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.schema | ||||
This report-level property is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter
and specifies the path to a JSON schema file that will be used to generate the JSON structure at export time. Nodes in a given
schema should provide:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.json.string.{path} | ||||
This element-level property is considered by the JsonMetadataExporter and provides the exported value of a String type for that element. This value will be exported within the JSON tree following the path specified by the property suffix. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.matcher.filter.key | ||||
Property that specifies a key for the element, in order to make it eligible for the exporter filter during the report export. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.ods.flexible.row.height | ||||
This property indicates whether table rows in ODS documents can grow if more text is added into cells.
Its value is used as default for the isFlexibleRowHeight() ODS export configuration setting. If set to false, the rows in the ODS document do not increase in height automatically and the user has to enlarge them manually. Otherwise, the table rows will adjust their height automatically in order to fit their content in. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.odt.flexible.row.height | ||||
This property table rows in ODT documents can grow if more text is added into cells.
Its value is used as default for the isFlexibleRowHeight() ODT export configuration setting. If set to false, the table rows in the ODT document do not increase in height automatically and the user has to enlarge them manually. Otherwise, the table rows will adjust their height automatically in order to fit their content in. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.odt.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by the ODT exporter to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.128.bit.key | ||||
Property that specifies whether the encryption key is 128 bits.
Its value is used as default for the is128BitKey() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.bookmarks.enabled | ||||
Property that determines if the bookmarks are to be created or not in the resulting PDF document. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.6 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.classic.document.language | ||||
The language of the document, used for glyph substitution when Apache FOP is present
and the net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.classic.fop.glyph.substitution.enabled
property is set.
See the OpenPDF code. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.classic.fop.glyph.substitution.enabled | ||||
Flag that determines whether glyph substitution based on Apache FOP is enabled.
The flag is set to false by default, disabling glyph substitution.
When Apache FOP is present on the classpath, glyph substitution can only be disabled when using OpenPDF 1.3.32 and newer, or a version patched by Jaspersoft (1.3.30.jaspersoft.x from https://jaspersoft.jfrog.io/jaspersoft/third-party-ce-artifacts/com/github/librepdf/openpdf/). The property needs to be explicitly set to true when using an unpatched version of OpenPDF older than 1.3.32 together with Apache FOP. Also see the net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.classic.document.language property which can be used to control Apache FOP glyph substitution. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.collapse.missing.bookmark.levels | ||||
Property that determines if missing bookmark levels are collapsed, or if
empty bookmarks are created for the missing levels.
The property dictates what happens when a filled report contains an anchor having a bookmark level that is not the immediate successor of its parent (e.g. an anchor with bookmark level 3 follows immediately after a bookmark of level 1). If the property is not set, an empty bookmark is created for the missing level(s) in order to preserve the original level of the bookmark. When the property is set, the level of the bookmark will be collapsed and the bookmark will be created as a direct descendant of its nearest parent. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.compressed | ||||
Property that specifies whether the PDF document should be compressed.
Its value is used as default for the isCompressed() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.create.batch.mode.bookmarks | ||||
Property that specifies whether the PDF document should contain an outline section.
Its value is used as default for the isCreatingBatchModeBookmarks() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.display.metadata.title | ||||
Property that specifies whether the document title should be displayed in the title bar instead of the file name. Should be
set to true for accessible documents that provide a document title.
Its value is used as default for the isDisplayMetadataTitle() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.encrypted | ||||
Property that specifies whether the final PDF document should be encrypted.
Its value is used as default for the isEncrypted() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.even.page.offset.x | ||||
Property that specifies the X offset (in pixels) for moving elements in even page number pages, to simulate gutter margins.
Its value is used as default for the getEvenPageOffsetX() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.even.page.offset.y | ||||
Property that specifies the Y offset (in pixels) for moving elements in even page number pages, to simulate gutter margins.
Its value is used as default for the getEvenPageOffsetY() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.border.style | ||||
Property that specifies the PDF-compatible border style for input fields. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.check.type | ||||
Property applicable to check input fields in a PDF form that specifies the check type decoration. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.checked | ||||
Flag property applicable for check input fields that specifies if the input field is checked. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.choice.separators | ||||
Specifies the set of characters used as choices separator in the choices list. See net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.choices property. | ||||
Default: | | | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.choices | ||||
Specifies the list of choices for an input field such as list or combobox. Choices in the list are delimited by a set of separator
characters provided
by the net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.choice.separators property.
If no net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.choice.separators property is set, the default choices separator is "|". Example: 'One'|'Two'|'Three' |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.combo.edit | ||||
Flag property applicable for combobox input fields that specifies if the combobox field is editable. By default the combobox is not editable. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.name | ||||
Property that specifies the field name, which serves as unique identifier within the PDF form. If not specified, the field name is generated using the report element UUID. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.read.only | ||||
Flag property that specifies if the input field is read-only. As a known limitation, this property is not applicable for radio group fields. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.text.multiline | ||||
Flag property applicable for input text fields that specifies if the input text is also multiline. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.type | ||||
Property that specifies the input field type in PDF forms. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.value | ||||
Property that specifies the initial text content for the text field or the initial selected value in list or combobox field, depending on the PDF form field type of the element. When this property is missing, the actual text content of the text element is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.12.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.font.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Prefix of properties that specify font files for the PDF exporter. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 1.0.0 | |||
NOTE: Properties with this prefix are not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set them dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.fontdir.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Prefix of properties that specify font directories for the PDF exporter. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 1.0.0 | |||
NOTE: Properties with this prefix are not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set them dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.force.linebreak.policy | ||||
Property that specifies whether the PDF exporter should use a SplitCharacter
implementation to ensure that PDF text wrap behavior is the same as in AWT.
Its value is used as default for the isForceLineBreakPolicy() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.force.svg.shapes | ||||
Property that specifies whether the rendering of SVG images using shapes on the PDF Graphics2D context should be forced.
Its value is used as default for the isForceSvgShapes() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by the PDF exporter to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.javascript | ||||
Property that contains the user defined JavaScript piece of code to be inserted into the generated PDF document.
Its value is used as default for the getPdfJavaScript() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.justified.letter.spacing | ||||
Property that determines whether justified text alignment can modify letter spacing in words. Default value is false. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.legacy.target.blank.links | ||||
Flag that enables legacy hyperlinkTarget="Blank" links in PDF.
Before version 6.21.0, the PDF exporter created hyperlinkTarget="Blank" links using a JavaScript action that worked in Adobe Acrobat (and possibly other viewers), but not in the PDF viewers built into the Firefox and Chrome browsers. Starting from version 6.21.0, standard PDF links are created for elements with hyperlinkTarget="Blank". This flag can be set to reinstate the pre 6.21.0 behaviour. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.legacy.text.measuring.fix | ||||
This property controls the addition of 1 pixel to the PDF text rendering area to compensate for the fact that the legacy text measuring code was truncating the text height causing the last line of text in PDF to not fit in certain cases, especially at small font sizes. This should be enabled only when the legacy text measuring is enabled with the net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.text.measuring property, otherwise the additional pixel in PDF text rendering is not needed since the newer text measuring code no longer truncates text height. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.author | ||||
Property that contains the author information to use for the generated PDF metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataAutor() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.creator | ||||
Property that contains the creator information to use for the generated PDF metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataCreator() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.keywords | ||||
Property that contains the keywords to use for the generated PDF metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataKeywords() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.producer | ||||
Property that contains the producer information to use for the generated PDF metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataProducer() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.21.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.subject | ||||
Property that contains the subject information to use for the generated PDF metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataSubject() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.title | ||||
Property that contains the title information to use for the generated PDF metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataTitle() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.odd.page.offset.x | ||||
Property that specifies the X offset (in pixels) for moving elements in odd page number pages, to simulate gutter margins.
Its value is used as default for the getOddPageOffsetX() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.odd.page.offset.y | ||||
Property that specifies the Y offset (in pixels) for moving elements in odd page number pages, to simulate gutter margins.
Its value is used as default for the getOddPageOffsetY() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.owner.password | ||||
Property that contains the password belonging to the owner of the document, if it is encrypted. If the owner password is not
specified, but the PDF is
encrypted, then the password will be a random string.
Its value is used as default for the getOwnerPassword() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.permissions.allowed | ||||
Property that contains the allowed user permissions of the PDF document, if it is encrypted. Allowed values are one or many
the permission names enumerated in
PdfPermissionsEnum class, separated by a pipe (|) sign:
Its value is used as default for the getAllowedPermissions() PDF export configuration setting. By default no user permissions are allowed at all. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.permissions.denied | ||||
Property that contains the denied user permissions of the PDF document, if it is encrypted. This property works in conjunction
the net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.permissions.allowed. If present, denied permissions
will be excluded from the allowed values. This property may contain one or many permission names enumerated in
PdfPermissionsEnum class, separated by a pipe (|) sign:
Its value is used as default for the getDeniedPermissions() PDF export configuration setting. By default there are no user permissions allowed for the document. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.print.scaling | ||||
Property that specifies the print scaling preference in the PDF print dialog.
Its value is used as default for the getPrintScaling() PDF export configuration setting. Possible values are default and none. |
Default: | default | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.size.page.to.content | ||||
Property which specifies if the size of each page should be increased to accommodate its content. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.7.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.colspan | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF COLSPAN tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.h1 | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF H1 tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.h2 | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF H2 tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.h3 | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF H3 tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.h4 | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF H4 tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.h5 | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF H5 tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.h6 | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF H6 tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.l | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF L tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.language | ||||
Property that specifies the language that the exporter should put in the language tag of the generated PDF.
Its value is used as default for the getTagLanguage() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.lbl | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF Lbl tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.21.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.lbody | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF LBody tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.21.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.li | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF LI tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.note | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF Note tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.21.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.reference | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF Reference tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.21.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.rowspan | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF ROWSPAN tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.table | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF TABLE tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.td | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF TD tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.th | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF TH tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.tr | ||||
Property used to associate a PDF TR tag with this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tagged | ||||
Property that specifies whether the exporter should put structure tags in the generated PDF.
Its value is used as default for the isTagged() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.use.cmyk.colors | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the isUseCMYKColors() export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.user.password | ||||
Property that contains the user password needed to open the document, if it is encrypted.
Its value is used as default for the getUserPassword() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.version | ||||
Property that contains a Character instance representing the version of the generated PDF.
Its value is used as default for the getPdfVersion() PDF export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdfa.conformance | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the getPdfaConformance()
export configuration setting. It specifies the conformance level of the PDF/A document. Possible values are: pdfa1a, pdfa1b and none.
By default, this property is set to none. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdfa.embed.icc.profile | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the isEmbedIccProfile() export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdfa.icc.profile.path | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the getIccProfilePath() export configuration setting. It specifies the path to the ICC profile file for the PDF/A compliant documents. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.background.as.slide.master | ||||
Property that specifies whether the elements from the background section on the first page should be exported as the contents
of the slide master,
and then ignoring the background section elements for all pages/slides.
Its value is used as default for the isBackgroundAsSlideMaster() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.embed.fonts | ||||
This property indicates whether the fonts used in the report should be embedded into the generated PPTX document.
Note: PowerPoint does not embed TTF content type. Only EOT (Embedded OpenType) fonts are considered for embedding. Embeddable TTF fonts should be converted into EOT format first, then placed in the classpath using the font extension mechanism. Its value is used as default for the isEmbedFonts() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.9.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.encryption.password | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the getEncryptionPassword() PPTX export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.field.type | ||||
Property that specifies the field type associated with this element in the PPTX export.
When this property is set, the element value will be automatically updated when the presentation is open.
The result displayed in the field depends on the report locale.
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.frame.as.table | ||||
This property serves as default value for the isFrameAsTable() export configuration setting.
Its default value is false. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Table | Frame Element | |||
Since: | 6.20.6 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.hide.slide.master.pages | ||||
Property specifying the pages and/or page ranges for which the contents of the slide master should be hidden on. The value of the property should be a comma separated list of page numbers or page ranges. Page ranges are made of page numbers separated by a hyphen-minus character. For example: 1, 3-5, 7 | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by the PPTX exporter to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.metadata.application | ||||
Property that contains the application information to use for the generated PPTX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataApplication() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.metadata.author | ||||
Property that contains the author information to use for the generated PPTX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataAutor() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.metadata.keywords | ||||
Property that contains the keywords to use for the generated PPTX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataKeywords() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.metadata.subject | ||||
Property that contains the subject information to use for the generated PPTX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataSubject() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.metadata.title | ||||
Property that contains the title information to use for the generated PPTX metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataTitle() PPTX export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.slide.master.page | ||||
Property that specifies the page number from which the slide master content is coming from. The default is 1, meaning the first page. | ||||
Default: | 1 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.slide.master.report | ||||
Property that specifies from which report is the page providing slide master content coming from, in a multi-report batch export. The default is 1, meaning the first report. | ||||
Default: | 1 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.pptx.to.slide.master | ||||
Property that specifies whether the element, when found on the first page, should be exported as the contents of the slide master, and then ignored for all pages/slides. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.rtf.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by the RTF exporter to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.character.height | ||||
Property whose floating point value is representing the pixel/character vertical ratio.
Its value is used as default for the getCharHeight() Text export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.character.width | ||||
Property whose floating point value is representing the pixel/character horizontal ratio.
Its value is used as default for the getCharWidth() Text export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.line.separator | ||||
Property whose value represents the separator between two lines of text in the exported report.
Its value is used as default for the getLineSeparator() Text export configuration setting. |
Default: | the value of the "line.separator" system property | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.page.height | ||||
Property whose integer value representing the page height in characters.
Its value is used as default for the getPageHeightInChars() Text export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.page.separator | ||||
Property whose value represents text that will be inserted between pages of the generated report.
Its value is used as default for the getPageSeparator() Text export configuration setting. |
Default: | the duplicated value of the "line.separator" system property | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.page.width | ||||
Property whose integer value is representing the page width in characters.
Its value is used as default for the getPageWidthInChars() Text export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.6.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.trim.line.right | ||||
Property that specifies whether the text lines in the document should be trimmed to the right.
Its value is used as default for the isTrimLineRight() export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.filter | ||||
This element-level property is used to indicate the boundaries of the autofilter data range in the current sheet.
Allowed values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.column | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether Excel should autofit the current column width.
Allowed values are:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.page.height | ||||
Flag property that provides a default value for the isAutoFitPageHeight() export setting.
If set to true, the exporter will automatically fit the print height of a sheet to the number of JasperPrint pages exported
in that sheet
Allowed values are:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.row | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether Excel should autofit the current row height.
Allowed values are:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 4.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.average.char.width.factor | ||||
This property specifies the multiplication factor to be applied to the report fill time calculated average char width that is used to estimate the text length for XLS/XLSX/ODS export column autofit feature. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.21.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row | ||||
Custom element property specifying if a sheet will break after the row displaying that element. It is very useful especially when displaying each report's group on a separate sheet is intended. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row | ||||
Custom element property specifying if a sheet will break before the row displaying that element. It is very useful especially when displaying each report's group on a separate sheet is intended. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 3.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.cell.hidden | ||||
Property that specifies if the cell content is hidden or exposed in the formula bar of a protected sheet.
Its value is used as default for the isCellHidden() Excel export configuration setting. By default the property is not set (false), and the cell content is not hidden. This property has effect only if the enclosing sheet is protected. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.cell.locked | ||||
Property that specifies if the cell content is locked (read-only) within a protected sheet.
Its value is used as default for the isCellLocked() Excel export configuration setting. By default the property is considered (true), but it only has effect if the enclosing sheet is protected. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.collapse.row.span | ||||
Property that specifies whether row spans should be collapsed and merging cells across rows should be inhibited.
Its value is used as default for the isCollapseRowSpan() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.name | ||||
Represents the name for the column that should appear in the metadata-based Excel export. It must be one of the column names stored in net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.names.{arbitrary_name}, if provided. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.names.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Properties with 'net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.names.' prefix contain a list of comma-separated
column names used in the metadata-based Excel export.
Column names in these properties are used as default list of values for the getColumnNames() Excel metadata export configuration setting. The order of the columns is important and for accurate results they should be in the same order as the original columns. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.width | ||||
Element-level property used to adjust the column width to values suitable for Excel output, taking into account
that column widths are measured in Excel in Normal style default character width units. The pixel-to-character width
translation depends on the default normal style character width, so it cannot be always accurately fitted. In this case,
one can adjust the current column width by setting this property with an integer value measured in pixels. The JR engine
will perform the pixel-to-character width mapping using this value instead of the element's width attribute.
If defined, this property will override the PROPERTY_COLUMN_WIDTH_RATIO value for the current column |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.width.metadata | ||||
Element-level property used to adjust the column width to values suitable for Excel metadata output, taking into account
that when column headers are included in the report, they come with no available width settings.
Also, keep in mind that column widths are measured in Excel in Normal style default character width units. The pixel-to-character width translation depends on the default normal style character width, so it cannot be always accurately fitted. In this case, one can adjust the current column width by setting this property with an integer value measured in pixels. The JR engine will perform the pixel-to-character width mapping using this value instead of the element's width attribute. If defined, this property will override both the PROPERTY_COLUMN_WIDTH value for the current column and the the element's width attribute. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.20.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.width.ratio | ||||
Property used to adjust all column widths in a document or sheet with the same width ratio, in order to get column width
values suitable for Excel output. Usually column widths are measured by Excel in Normal style default character width
units, while the JR engine uses pixels as default size units. When exporting the report to the Excel output format, the
pixel-to-character width translation depends on the normal style default character width provided by the Excel instance,
so it cannot be always accurately fitted. In this case, one can alter the generated column widths by setting this property
with a float value representing the adjustment ratio. The property can be set:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.create.custom.palette | ||||
Flag property specifying whether the standard color palette should be customized so that the XLS result uses the original
report colors.
Its value is used as default for the isCreateCustomPalette() Excel export configuration setting. The colors used in the result XLS are determined in the following manner:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.data | ||||
Property that specifies the value to be placed in the cell associated with the
in the metadata-based Excel export.
When working with this property, numbers have to be written with no thousand separators and using a period as decimal. For instance, 1,000,000 should be written as "1000000" and 2,000.45 should be written as "2000.45". Dates must be written according to ISO 8601 standard: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss". By default this value is represented by the value stored in the report element this property is assigned to. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.defined.names.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Property prefix used to identify a set of properties that store defined names for the generated Excel workbook.
Defined names in these properties are used as default for the getDefinedNames() Excel export configuration setting. Each property suffix (the {arbitrary_name} part) serves as name identifier and should be in accordance with the following rules (see Rules for Excel defined names):
The name test_sum_all is visible in the entire workbook and refers to the test_sum_1 name defined for Sheet_1. Note: Names that reference other names with limited visibility/scope (like the above test_sum_all) are NOT supported for the XLS (Excel 2003) export format. They work only in the XLSX (Excel 2007 or newer) exporter. A good practice would be to use only names visible in the entire workbook when exporting to XLS. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type | ||||
Property that specifies whether the exporter should take into consideration the type of the original text field expressions
and set the cell types and values accordingly.
Its value is used as default for the isDetectCellType() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.encryption.password | ||||
Property whose value is used as default for the getEncryptionPassword() XLS/XLSX export configuration setting. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.first.page.number | ||||
Property that specifies the first page number in the page setup dialog.
Its value is used as default for the getFirstPageNumber() Excel export configuration setting. When the property is set at Element level, it can be used to set the first page number for the current sheet. Global settings are overridden by report level settings; report level settings are overridden by element (sheet) level settings. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.height | ||||
Property used at print time to indicate the number of pages height to fit the sheet in.
Its value is used as default for the getFitHeight() Excel export configuration setting. Print pages for a given sheet in Excel are generated according to 'Paper size' settings in the Print menu, with no respect to the initial pagination of the report. In this case differences between a JasperReport print page and a page in Excel may occur. Usually the content of a given sheet is considered to be printed into a single page. But when a sheet contains too many rows, including all of them in a single page may lead to an unreadable printed document. In this case the sheet must be split into multiple print pages. In JasperReports this number of pages can be set with the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.height property. Note: When this property is set to a value (for instance, n), Excel will estimate if n pages are enough to cover the entire sheet height, keeping font settings and row heights unchanged. If the number of pages is too small, font and row height adjustments will be performed in order to make room for the entire content. The printed document will come out with smaller fonts and thinner rows than those exposed in the related sheet. See also the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.width property. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.width | ||||
Property used at print time to indicate the number of pages width to fit the sheet in.
Its value is used as default for the getFitWidth() Excel export configuration setting. Print pages for a given sheet in Excel are generated according to 'Paper size' settings in the Print menu, with no respect to the initial pagination of the report. In this case differences between a JasperReport print page and a page in Excel may occur. In most common cases the content of a given sheet is supposed to be printed into a single page. But problems may occur when a sheet contains too many rows and/or columns and the printed page becomes unreadable. If too many columns are involved, we can split the sheet width into multiple print pages, in order to make the content readable. In JasperReports this number of pages can be set with the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.width property. Note: When this property is set to a value (for instance, n), Excel will estimate if n pages are enough to cover the entire sheet width, keeping font settings and column widths unchanged. If the number of pages is too small, font and column width adjustments will be performed in order to include the entire content into available pages. The printed document will come out with smaller fonts and thinner columns than those exposed in the related sheet. See also the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.fit.height property. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.font.size.fix.enabled | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether the font size should be decreased so that texts fit into the specified cell height.
Its value is used as default for the isFontSizeFixEnabled() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.force.page.breaks | ||||
Flag property that provides a default value for the isForcePageBreaks() export setting.
If set to true, the exporter will automatically add a page break at the end of each page exported on the current sheet.
Allowed values are:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula | ||||
Property that stores the formula which has to be applied to a given cell in an Excel sheet. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 3.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.freeze.column | ||||
Indicates the name of the first unlocked column in document's sheets. All columns to the left of this one will be 'frozen'.
Allowed values are letters or letter combinations representing valid column names in Excel, such as A, B, AB, AC, etc.
The property should be used when all sheets in the document have the same freeze column name. The property is available for: |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.freeze.column.edge | ||||
Property that indicates the vertical edge of the freeze pane, relative to the current cell. If set, it overrides the
Allowed values are:
The property is available for:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.freeze.row | ||||
Specifies the index of the first unlocked row in document's sheets. All rows above this will be 'frozen'.
Allowed values are represented by positive integers in the 1..65536 range. Negative values are not considered.
The property should be used when all sheets in the document have the same freeze row index. The property is available for: |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.freeze.row.edge | ||||
Property that indicates the horizontal edge of the freeze pane, relative to the current cell. If set, it overrides the
Allowed values are:
The property is available for:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.anchors | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether local anchors should be ignored when elements are exported to Excel.
Its value is used as default for the isIgnoreAnchors() Excel export configuration setting. If set to true, local anchors will be excluded from export. Otherwise they will be exported along with elements they belong to. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.cell.background | ||||
Property that specifies whether cell background color should be ignored in the generated document.
Its value is used as default for the isIgnoreCellBackground() Excel export configuration setting. If the property is set at element level, its value will be applied only to the sheet containing that element. Other sheets in the document will not be affected. Note: Since v.6.2.0 this property can be set also per report element. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.6.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.cell.border | ||||
Property that specifies whether cell borders should be ignored in the generated document.
Its value is used as default for the isIgnoreCellBorder() Excel export configuration setting. If the property is set at element level, its value will be applied only to the sheet containing that element. Other sheets in the document will not be affected. Note: Since v.6.2.0 this property can be set also per report element. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.graphics | ||||
Property that specifies whether graphic elements should be ignored and only text elements will be exported.
Its value is used as default for the isIgnoreGraphics() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.hyperlink | ||||
This property is used by XLS, XLSX and ODS exporters to determine if a certain hyperlink should be activated or not. This flag can be controlled at hyperlink declaration level by using the hyperlink parameter with the same name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Hyperlink | |||
Since: | 5.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.row.height | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether the height of the element should contribute to the current row height calculation.
The current row height is given by the tallest element on the row, unless row height auto fit is activated.
But in certain cases, the tallest element might span multiple rows and thus its bigger height should not be considered, especially in case of metadata based exports. Allowed values are:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.text.formatting | ||||
Property that specifies whether the text formatting (such as text color, background color, bold style, italic, underline,
should be ignored in the resulting Excel document at export time or not.
Its value is used as default for the isIgnoreTextFormatting() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.image.anchor.type | ||||
Property that specifies the image anchor type. Possible values are:
Its value is used as default for the getImageAnchorType() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | MoveNoSize | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Image Element | Chart | Component | |||
Since: | 5.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.image.border.fix.enabled | ||||
Flag property that specifies whether the minimum image padding will be forced to 1 pixel, to avoid situations where the image
hides the cell border.
Its value is used as default for the isImageBorderFixEnabled() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.max.rows.per.sheet | ||||
Property that specifies the maximum number of rows allowed to be exported to the same sheet. Negative values or zero means
that no limit has been set.
Its value is used as default for the getMaxRowsPerSheet() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.metadata.application | ||||
Property that contains the application information to use for the generated XLS metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataApplication() XLS export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.metadata.author | ||||
Property that contains the author information to use for the generated XLS metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataAutor() XLS export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.metadata.keywords | ||||
Property that contains the keywords to use for the generated XLS metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataKeywords() XLS export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.metadata.subject | ||||
Property that contains the subject information to use for the generated XLS metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataSubject() XLS export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.metadata.title | ||||
Property that contains the title information to use for the generated XLS metadata.
Its value is used as default for the getMetadataTitle() XLS export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet | ||||
Property that specifies whether each report page should be written in a different XLS sheet.
Its value is used as default for the isOnePagePerSheet() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.page.scale | ||||
Property used to adjust the page content to a given percent of the normal size in the print preview pane.
Its value is used as default for the getPageScale() Excel export configuration setting. Allowed values are positive integers from 10 to 400, representing percents of the normal size. When the property is set at Element level, it can be used to set the page scale per sheet Global settings are overridden by report level settings; report level settings are overridden by element (sheet) level settings. The property overrides the PROPERTY_FIT_WIDTH and PROPERTY_FIT_HEIGHT values. This property is by default not set (null). |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.password | ||||
Property that contains a String value representing the password in case of password protected sheets in documents.
Its value is used as default for the getPassword() Excel export configuration setting. This property is by default not set (null). |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern | ||||
Property whose value is an Excel compatible pattern, to be used as replacement for the text field pattern when exporting to XLS formats. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern.{arbitrary_pattern} | ||||
Properties having net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern. prefix are used to store specific Excel format patterns that correspond to their related Java format pattern. The {arbitrary_pattern} suffix represents the Java pattern and the property value is the related Excel pattern. When these properties are defined in a JRXML report design, special characters should be XML-escaped. When they are defined in a properties file, one should also escape special characters. If some properties are defined in the report, they will override the context properties. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.footer.margin | ||||
Custom property storing the footer margin for an Excel sheet, expressed in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
getPrintFooterMargin() Excel export configuration setting:
When this property is set globally or per report, all sheets in the generated document will come with the same footer margins.
If these margins should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that footer margins
in a
sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide footer
margin properties, the
maximum value for the footer margin will be considered.
Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. Default value for this property is 0. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.header.margin | ||||
Custom property storing the header margin for an Excel sheet, expressed in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
getPrintHeaderMargin() Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report, all sheets in the generated document will come with the same header margins.
If these margins should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that header margins
in a
sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide header
margin properties, the
maximum value for the header margin will be considered.
Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. Default value for this property is 0. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.bottom.margin | ||||
Custom property storing the bottom page margin for an Excel sheet, expressed in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report level, all sheets in the generated document will have the same bottom page margins. If these margins should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that the bottom page margin in a sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide bottom page margin properties, the maximum value for the related margin will be considered. Default value for this property is 0. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.height | ||||
Custom property specifying the page height in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
getPrintPageHeight() Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report, all sheets in the generated document will come with the same page height.
If this page height should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that the page
height in a
sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide the
page height property, the
maximum value for the page height will be considered.
Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. The property is not set by default. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.left.margin | ||||
Custom property storing the left page margin for an Excel sheet, expressed in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report level, all sheets in the generated document will have the same left page margins. If these margins should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that the left page margin in a sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide left page margin properties, the maximum value for the related margin will be considered. Default value for this property is 0. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.right.margin | ||||
Custom property storing the right page margin for an Excel sheet, expressed in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report level, all sheets in the generated document will have the same right page margins. If these margins should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that the right page margin in a sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide right page margin properties, the maximum value for the related margin will be considered. Default value for this property is 0. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.top.margin | ||||
Custom property storing the top page margin for an Excel sheet, expressed in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report level, all sheets in the generated document will have the same top page margins. If these margins should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that the top page margin in a sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide top page margin properties, the maximum value for the related margin will be considered. Default value for this property is 0. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.width | ||||
Custom property specifying the page width in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Its value is used as default for the related
getPrintPageWidth() Excel export configuration setting.
When this property is set globally or per report, all sheets in the generated document will come with the same page width.
If this page width should differ from a sheet to another, we can set the above property at element level, so that the page
width in a
sheet will be read from the element in the sheet that contains this property. When several elements in a sheet provide the
page width property, the
maximum value for the page height will be considered.
Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. The property is not set by default. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.columns | ||||
Property that specifies whether the empty spacer columns should be removed or not.
Its value is used as default for the isRemoveEmptySpaceBetweenColumns() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.rows | ||||
Property that specifies whether the empty spacer rows should be removed or not.
Its value is used as default for the isRemoveEmptySpaceBetweenRows() Excel export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.repeat.value | ||||
Property that specifies whether the value associated with PROPERTY_COLUMN_NAME should be repeated or not when it is missing. This property is available for the metadata-based Excel export. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.row.outline.level.{arbitrary_level} | ||||
Property prefix used to indicate the current outline row level, and when necessary, the ending row of the current outline
group with the given level. The suffix of these properties is associated with the outline level, while the property value
if the current row group should continue or should end. The most recommended practice is to use the outline level itself as
suffix, although this is not mandatory. The suffix may take any other string value, but one has to keep in mind that suffixes
used as sorted row levels descriptors. For instance, because "aaa" < "bbb", the outline level associated with the "aaa" suffix
will be smaller than the level associated with the "bbb" suffix. A completely intuitive representation of the row levels uses
the row
level as property suffix.
In such a case, the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.outline.level.2 property means that its value is correlated with the outline level 2, so the current row belongs to a level 2 row group. Based on Office Open XML specs, allowed values for outline levels are positive integers from 1 to 7. The value of this property could be any expression (including null). When such a property occurrence is met, the suffix indicates the outline level for that row. If multiple properties with the same prefix are defined for the same row, the deepest outline level is considered for that row. To end an outline row group one has to set the related outline level property with the End value. This is a special property value instructing the JR engine that the current row group of that level ends on the current row. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.direction | ||||
This property indicates if the sheet is left-to-right or right-to-left oriented. Possible values are:
Default: | LTR | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.footer.center | ||||
Custom property storing the text content of the Excel sheet center footers.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
The text content in Excel center footer is limited to 255 characters. It may be normal plain text, or may contain some special
character sequences that are usually interpreted by Excel app as dynamic settings for headers/footers:
For instance, a center footer property that contains the 'Page <i> of <n>' structure should be set as follows: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.footer.center" value="Page &P of &N"/> Starting with v.6.4.3 this property can be set also at element level, in order to control headers/footers in each sheet separately. If several elements in a sheet contain the same center footer property, the value for the last element in the sheet will be considered. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.footer.left | ||||
Custom property storing the text content of the Excel sheet left footers.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
The text content in Excel left footer is limited to 255 characters. It may be normal plain text, or may contain some special
character sequences that are usually interpreted by Excel app as dynamic settings for headers/footers:
For instance, a left footer property that contains the 'Page <i> of <n>' structure should be set as follows: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.footer.left" value="Page &P of &N"/> Starting with v.6.4.3 this property can be set also at element level, in order to control headers/footers in each sheet separately. If several elements in a sheet contain the same left footer property, the value for the last element in the sheet will be considered. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.footer.right | ||||
Custom property storing the text content of the Excel sheet right footers.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
The text content in Excel right footer is limited to 255 characters. It may be normal plain text, or may contain some special
character sequences that are usually interpreted by Excel app as dynamic settings for headers/footers:
For instance, a right footer property that contains the 'Page <i> of <n>' structure should be set as follows: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.footer.right" value="Page &P of &N"/> Starting with v.6.4.3 this property can be set also at element level, in order to control headers/footers in each sheet separately. If several elements in a sheet contain the same right footer property, the value for the last element in the sheet will be considered. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.center | ||||
Custom property storing the text content of the Excel sheet center headers.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
The text content in Excel center header is limited to 255 characters. It may be normal plain text, or may contain some special
character sequences that are usually interpreted by Excel app as dynamic settings for headers/footers:
For instance, a center header property that contains the 'Page <i> of <n>' structure should be set as follows: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.center" value="Page &P of &N"/> Starting with v.6.4.3 this property can be set also at element level, in order to control headers/footers in each sheet separately. If several elements in a sheet contain the same center header property, the value for the last element in the sheet will be considered. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.left | ||||
Custom property storing the text content of the Excel sheet left headers.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
The text content in Excel left header is limited to 255 characters. It may be normal plain text, or may contain some special
character sequences that are usually interpreted by Excel app as dynamic settings for headers/footers:
For instance, a left header property that contains the 'Page <i> of <n>' structure should be set as follows: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.left" value="Page &P of &N"/> Starting with v.6.4.3 this property can be set also at element level, in order to control headers/footers in each sheet separately. If several elements in a sheet contain the same left header property, the value for the last element in the sheet will be considered. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.right | ||||
Custom property storing the text content of the Excel sheet right headers.
Its value is used as default for the related
Excel export configuration setting.
The text content in Excel right header is limited to 255 characters. It may be normal plain text, or may contain some special
character sequences that are usually interpreted by Excel app as dynamic settings for headers/footers:
For instance, a right header property that contains the 'Page <i> of <n>' structure should be set as follows: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.header.right" value="Page &P of &N"/> Starting with v.6.4.3 this property can be set also at element level, in order to control headers/footers in each sheet separately. If several elements in a sheet contain the same right header property, the value for the last element in the sheet will be considered. Properties set at element level take priority over properties set globally or per report level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.name | ||||
Property used to set the name of the sheet containing a given element. Its value overrides the report-level settings for the
sheet name.
If several elements in the sheet contain this property, the engine will consider the value of the last exported element's property. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.1.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.names.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Report properties (exporter hints) that configure sheet names to be used when exporting to Excel.
The properties are useful when defining sheet names in the JRXML template is required.
Sheet names set via these properties are used as defaults for the getSheetNames() Excel export configuration setting. The properties should start with the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.names. prefix, followed by an arbitrary suffix. Each property can hold a single sheet name or several names separated by the slash ("/") character. Values are collected in the order in which the properties appear in the JRXML template, so one has to be careful with the order when editing a JRXML. The property suffixes are not important, but the order of the properties matters. For instance, if a given report has 3 resulting sheets, there are multiple possibilities to define the sheet names as "First sheet", "Second sheet" and "Third sheet" within the JRXML template:
By default no sheet name properties are set. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.tab.color | ||||
Property whose value is used to set the tab color of a given sheet in XLSX and ODS output formats.
When set at report level, all sheets in the document will have their tabs colored the same way.
When set at report element level and multiple elements in a sheet provide this property,
the last read value will be considered.
Its value usually can be expressed as #-prefixed CSS color. Report-level settings are overridden by element-level settings for this property. If several elements in a sheet contain this property, the engine will consider the value of the last exported element's property. Note: This property is not supported by the XLS output format. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.show.gridlines | ||||
Flag property that specifies if the gridlines in a given sheet are shown.
Its value is used as default for the isShowGridLines() Excel export configuration setting. If multiple elements in a sheet provide this property, the last read value will be considered. Global settings are overridden by report level settings; report level settings are overridden by element (sheet) level settings. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.shrink.to.fit | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether the text font size should be decreased in order to
keep the entire text visible in the cell. If set to true, this will automatically disable the
wrap text setting for the cell (see net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.wrap.text).
Usually this property works in conjunction with net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text, in order to preserve the entire text content at export time. The value of this property is used as default for the isShrinkToFit() Excel export configuration setting. Settings at global level are overridden by report level settings; report level settings are overridden by element level settings. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.use.timezone | ||||
Property that determines whether date values are to be translated to the timezone that was used to fill the report.
Its value is used as default for the isUseTimeZone() Excel export configuration setting. By default, date values are exported to Excel using the default timezone of the system. Setting this property to true instructs the exporter to use he report fill timezone to export date values. The property only has effect when net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type is set. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background | ||||
Property that specifies whether the page background should be white or the default XLS background color.
Its value is used as default for the isWhitePageBackground() Excel export configuration setting. If the property is set at element level, its value will be applied only to the sheet containing that element. Other sheets in the document will not be affected. Note: Since v.6.2.0 this property can be set also per report element |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 2.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.workbook.template | ||||
Property used to store the location of an existing workbook template.
Its value is used as default for the getWorkbookTemplate() Excel export configuration setting. The content of an existing workbook document or template can be embedded into exported document if the template location is known. In this case the content of the template will be exported first and the content of the exported report will be appended to this one. Macros and other settings in the existing template will be also preserved in the generated document. Templates can be loaded from Excel template files (*.xlt) as well as from valid Excel documents (*.xls). This property is used in the Excel exporter based on Apache POI APIs (JRXlsExporter). There's no similar property for the JRXlsxExporter. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.workbook.template.keep.sheets | ||||
Flag property that specifies whether to keep the sheets of the existing template into generated document.
Its value is used as default for the isKeepWorkbookTemplateSheets() Excel export configuration setting. Sometimes is important to embed in a generated document only macros and/or other global settings from an existing template, but without keeping the own sheets of the template document. If set to false, this property prevent the template sheets to be exported. This property is used in conjunction with PROPERTY_WORKBOOK_TEMPLATE. Allowed values are:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.wrap.text | ||||
Custom element property specifying if text wrapping is allowed in a given cell.
Its value is used as default for the isWrapText() Excel export configuration setting. If set to false, text wrapping is forbidden, otherwise it is allowed. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.7.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.write.header | ||||
Property that specifies whether the export header (the column names) should be written or not, in the metadata-based Excel
Its value is used as default for the isWriteHeader() Excel metadata export configuration setting. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.macro.template | ||||
Property used to store the location of an existing Excel 2007 workbook template containing a macro object.
When exporting into Excel 2007 format, the macro object will be copied into the generated document if the template location
is valid.
Macros can be loaded from Excel 2007 macro-enabled template files (*.xltm) as well as from valid
Excel macro-enabled documents (*.xlsm).
The value of this property is used as default for the getMacroTemplate() Excel 2007 export configuration setting. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xml.end.page.index | ||||
Property used to store the end page index for the XML export. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xml.page.count | ||||
Property used to store the page count for the XML export. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xml.replace.invalid.chars | ||||
Stores the text sequence used to replace invalid XML characters.
By default, this property is set to replace invalid chars with question marks. Depending on particular needs, the following settings are available:
Default: | ? | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.7.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.export.xml.start.page.index | ||||
Property used to store the start page index for the XML export. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.extension.{registry_id}.{property_suffix} | ||||
Property that can be used to provide a registry-specific property, by appending the registry ID and then a fixed property
suffix to the fixed property prefix "net.sf.jasperreports.extension.".
For example: the net.sf.jasperreports.extension.chart.theme.spring.beans.resource contains the spring beans resource bundle location for the spring-based extensions registry class with the "chart.theme" registry ID. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Extension | |||
Since: | 3.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.extension.file.repository.resolve.absolute.path | ||||
Flag property that indicates whether the absolute path to be used instead, when resources are not found in the file repository. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Extension | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.extension.file.repository.root | ||||
Specifies the file repository root location. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Extension | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Properties used to indicate extensions registry factories.
Such factories are used by the default components registry class to instantiate sub extensions registries. Each such property contains the fixed property prefix net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory. and an arbitrary name suffix which is used as registry ID when instantiating. The property should have as value the name of a ExtensionsRegistryFactory implementation. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Extension | |||
Since: | 3.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.extensions.registry.class | ||||
A property that provides the default ExtensionsRegistry
implementation class.
This property is only read at initialization time, therefore changing the property value at a later time will have no effect. |
Default: | net.sf.jasperreports.extensions.DefaultExtensionsRegistry | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 3.1.0 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.file.buffer.os.memory.threshold | ||||
Property specifying the maximum in-memory buffer length that triggers the creation of a temporary file on disk to store further
content sent to a
FileBufferedOutputStream instance.
Note: While the Global level setting is available for all document exporters, the Report level setting is processed for the XLSX output format only. To avoid memory leaks when exporting reports with a large number of sheets to XLSX format, just set this property to 0 at report level. |
Default: | 262144 | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 1.3.4 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.force.html.embed.image | ||||
Flag that determines whether charts, barcodes and other visualization elements produce images that are embedded into HTML export output. The flag is set to true by default. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Chart | Component | |||
Since: | 6.20.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.frame.border.split.type | ||||
Provides the default border split type for frames.
The property can be set at report and global/JasperReports context levels. The property value can be NoBorders, in which case frames that span two pages do not have the bottom border of the first fragment and the top border of the second fragment drawn, and DrawBorders, in which case both fragments have borders drawn on all sides. |
Default: | NoBorders | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages | ||||
If the governor that checks if a report exceeds a specified limit of pages is turned on, this property will indicate the maximum number of pages allowed to be ran, in order to prevent a memory overflow error. If the number of pages in the report becomes greater than this value, the report execution will be stopped. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.governor.max.pages.enabled | ||||
A flag indicating whether the governor that checks if a report exceeds a specified limit of pages is turned on. With this property enabled, the JR engine will stop the report execution if the number of pages becomes greater than a custom given value. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.governor.timeout | ||||
If the governor that checks if the elapsed time during report execution exceeds a specified amount of time is turned on, this property will indicate the maximum allowed amount of time, in order to prevent a memory overflow error. If this value becomes exceeded, the report execution will be stopped. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.governor.timeout.enabled | ||||
A flag indicating whether the governor that checks if the elapsed time during report execution
exceeds a specified amount of time is turned on.
With this property enabled, the JR engine will stop the report execution if the elapsed time becomes greater than the limit value. By default it should be turned off. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 3.1.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.hql.clear.cache | ||||
Property specifying whether Hibernate session cache should be cleared between two consecutive fetches when using pagination.
By default, the cache cleanup is not performed. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.hql.field.mapping.descriptions | ||||
Property specifying whether field descriptions should be used to determine the mapping between the fields and the query return
By default, field description are used. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.hql.query.list.page.size | ||||
Property specifying the number of result rows to be retrieved at once when the execution type is list. Result pagination is implemented by org.hibernate.Query.setFirstResult() and org.hibernate.Query.setMaxResults(). By default, all the rows are retrieved (no result pagination is performed). | ||||
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.hql.query.run.type | ||||
Property specifying the Hibernate query execution type. Possible values are:
Default: | list | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.body | ||||
Property that specifies the body entity of the POST/PUT request used by the HTTP data adapters. If present in the dataset or at report parameter level, it overrides the request body specified in the data adapter definition. When specified at parameter level, it does not need to provide a value. Instead, it is used to mark the report parameter that would provide the POST/PUT request body entity value. If multiple parameters have this property set, the last one will be used to provide the request body value. Also, when the POST/PUT request body is specified, all other POST parameter values are ignored. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.header | ||||
Property which specifies that the current parameter will contribute a request header value when HTTP data adapters are used. The value of this property indicates the name of the request header to be contributed. In case the property is used, but no value is provided, the name of the request header will be the same as the current report parameter name. Request headers introduced this way override the request headers having the same name which were declared at data adapter level. If multiple parameters try to provide a value for the same request header, the request header will be added multiple times to the request. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.method | ||||
Property that specifies the request method used by the HTTP data adapters.
If present in the dataset or at report parameter level, it overrides the request method specified in the data adapter definition.
When specified at parameter level, it does not need to provide a value. Instead, it is used to mark the report parameter that
provide the request method.
If multiple parameters have this property set, the last one will be considered as request method value.
This property takes priority over request BODY or POST parameters. If the property is missing, its default value depends on the presence/absence of the request BODY or POST parameters: if BODY or POST. parameters are present, the default value is POST, otherwise it is GET. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.password | ||||
Property that specifies the password to be used by the HTTP data adapters with basic authentication. If present in the dataset or at report parameter level, it overrides the password specified in the data adapter definition, or the value provided by the report parameter having the now deprecated HTTP_DATA_PASSWORD name. When specified at parameter level, it does not need to provide a value. Instead, it is used to mark the report parameter that would provide the password value. If multiple parameters have this property set, the last one will be used to provide the password value. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.post.parameter | ||||
Property which specifies that the current parameter will contribute a POST request parameter value when HTTP data adapters are used. The value of this property indicates the name of the request parameter to be contributed. In case the property is used, but no value is provided, the name of the request parameter will be the same as the current report parameter name. Request parameters introduced this way override the request parameters having the same name which were declared at data adapter level or were provided by the report parameters having the now deprecated HTTP_DATA_POST_PARAMETER_ prefix. If multiple parameters try to provide a value for the same request parameter, the request parameter will be sent multiple times, becoming a request parameter of type array. All POST parameter values are ignored if a POST/PUT request body is specified. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.url | ||||
Property that specifies the base URL to be used by the HTTP data adapters. If present in the dataset or at report parameter level, it overrides the URL specified in the data adapter definition, or the value provided by the report parameter having the now deprecated HTTP_DATA_URL name. When specified at parameter level, it does not need to provide a value. Instead, it is used to mark the report parameter that would provide the URL value. If multiple parameters have this property set, the last one will be used to provide the URL value. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.url.parameter | ||||
Property which specifies that the current parameter will append a request parameter value to the base URL when HTTP data adapters are used. The value of this property indicates the name of the request parameter to be appended. In case the property is used, but no value is provided, the name of the request parameter will be the same as the current report parameter name. Request parameters introduced this way override the request parameters having the same name which were declared at data adapter level or were provided by the report parameters having the now deprecated HTTP_DATA_URL_PARAMETER_ prefix. If multiple parameters try to provide a value for the same request parameter, the request parameter will be sent multiple times, becoming a request parameter of type array. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.http.data.username | ||||
Property that specifies the user name to be used by the HTTP data adapters with basic authentication. If present in the dataset or at report parameter level, it overrides the user name specified in the data adapter definition, or the value provided by the report parameter having the now deprecated HTTP_DATA_USERNAME name. When specified at parameter level, it does not need to provide a value. Instead, it is used to mark the report parameter that would provide the user name value. If multiple parameters have this property set, the last one will be used to provide the user name value. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | Parameter | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.image.dpi | ||||
Specifies the image resolution in dots-per-inch, for the images created by the engine when rasterizing SVGs or when clipping other renderers. | ||||
Default: | 72 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.image.encoder | ||||
Property specifying the name of the class implementing the JRImageEncoder interface to be used by the engine. If not set, the engine will try to an image encoder implementation that corresponds to the JVM version. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.image.reader | ||||
Property specifying the name of the class implementing the JRImageReader interface to be used by the engine. If not set, the engine will try to an image reader implementation that corresponds to the JVM version. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.javabean.field.property | ||||
Property specifying the JavaBean property name for the dataset field in case an JavaBean data source is used. This mapping was previously specified using the fieldDescription attribute, but using this custom property is now recommended. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.javascript.class.compiler.expressions.per.script | ||||
Property that determines the maximum number of report expressions that will be included in a single generated Java class. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.7.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.javascript.class.compiler.optimization.level | ||||
Property that determines the optimization level to use when compiling expressions into Java bytecode.
See org.mozilla.javascript.Context.setOptimizationLevel |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.7.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.javascript.class.compiler.script.max.size | ||||
Property that determines the maximum size of a script that will be compiled into a single Java class. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.7.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.javascript.evaluator.optimization.level | ||||
Property that determines the optimization level to use when compiling expressions into Java bytecode.
See org.mozilla.javascript.Context.setOptimizationLevel |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.7.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.cached.rowset | ||||
Flag property specifying if data will be stored in a cached rowset. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.1.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.concurrency | ||||
Property specifying the concurrency rule for the java.sql.ResultSet created by the
JRJdbcQueryExecuter. Possible values are:
Default: | readOnly | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 3.5.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.data.adapter.auto.commit | ||||
Flag that sets a default value for the autoCommit attribute of JDBC data adapters.
By default no value is set, which means that setAutoCommit is not called on JDBC connections created by data adapter. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.data.adapter.read.only | ||||
Flag that sets a default value for the readOnly attribute of JDBC data adapters.
By default no value is set, which means that setReadOnly is not called on JDBC connections created by data adapter. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.data.adapter.transaction.isolation | ||||
Property that sets a default value for the transactionIsolation attribute of JDBC data adapters.
By default no value is set, which means that setTransactionIsolation is not called on JDBC connections created by data adapter. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.fetch.size | ||||
Property specifying the fetch size for the java.sql.ResultSet created by the JRJdbcQueryExecuter and the JRHibernateQueryExecuter. | ||||
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 1.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.fields.time.zone | ||||
Property specifying the default time zone to be used for all date/time fields when sending and retrieving date/time values
to and from the database.
The property can be set globally or at dataset level. The property value can be a time zone ID or REPORT_TIME_ZONE. In the latter case the report time zone (as in JRParameter.REPORT_TIME_ZONE) will be used. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.holdability | ||||
Property specifying the cursor holdability after commit for the java.sql.ResultSet created by the
JRJdbcQueryExecuter. Possible values are:
Default: | hold | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 3.5.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.max.field.size | ||||
Property specifying the limit for the maximum number of bytes in a ResultSet column storing character or binary values created by the JRJdbcQueryExecuter. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 3.5.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.parameters.time.zone | ||||
Property specifying the default time zone to be used for all date/time parameters when sending and retrieving date/time values
to and from the database.
The property can be set globally or at dataset level. The property value can be a time zone ID or REPORT_TIME_ZONE. In the latter case the report time zone (as in JRParameter.REPORT_TIME_ZONE) will be used. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.1.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.query.timeout | ||||
Property specifying the number of seconds to wait for the Statement created by the
JRJdbcQueryExecuter to execute.
The value must be greater than or equal to 0. Setting this property to 0 means that there is no limit. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.result.set.type | ||||
Property specifying the type for the java.sql.ResultSet created by the
JRJdbcQueryExecuter. Possible values are:
Default: | forwardOnly | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 3.5.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.time.zone | ||||
Property specifying the default time zone to be used for sending and retrieving date/time values to and from the database.
The property can be set globally, at dataset level, at parameter and field levels, and as a report/dataset parameter. Note that sending a value as parameter will override all properties, and the time zone will be used for all date/time parameters and fields in the report. The property value can be a time zone ID or REPORT_TIME_ZONE. In the latter case the report time zone (as in JRParameter.REPORT_TIME_ZONE) will be used. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | Parameter | Field | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jrxml.writer.exclude.properties.{suffix} | ||||
Properties having this prefix specify which properties will be excluded when a JRXML representation is extracted from an in-memory
JRReport object. The value of such a report context property is
a regular expression that matches property names in the JRReport object. Properties with matching names will be
excluded from the generated JRXML representation.
This feature does not apply to property expressions. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jrxml.writer.exclude.uuids | ||||
Property to control the writing of UUIDs for report elements and other report entities in the generated JRXML representation of the report template. When the UUDIs are missing in the JRXML report template definition, they will be regenerated automatically on report template loading. Excluding UUIDs from generated JRXML is useful for triggering their regeneration and thus ensuring they are unique again in case the report template source was edited manually and UUIDs were duplicated by copy/paste. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.json.date.pattern | ||||
Parameter/property holding the format pattern used to instantiate java.util.Date instances. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.json.field.expression | ||||
Property specifying the JSON expression for the dataset field in case a JSON data source is used. This mapping was previously specified using the fieldDescription attribute, but using this custom property is now recommended. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.json.locale.code | ||||
Built-in parameter/property holding the java.lang.String code of the locale to be used when parsing the JSON data.
The allowed format is: language[_country[_variant]] |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.json.number.pattern | ||||
Parameter/property holding the format pattern used to instantiate java.lang.Number instances. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.json.source | ||||
Built-in parameter/property holding the value of the source for the JSON file.
It can be:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.json.timezone.id | ||||
Built-in parameter/property holding the java.lang.String value of the time zone id to be used when parsing the JSON data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.jsonql.field.expression | ||||
Property specifying the JSONQL expression for the dataset field. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.compiler.source.included.fields | ||||
Property to specify fields that are to be included in classes generated for reports.
Starting with JasperReports 6.13.0, classes generated for reports only include fields that are used in expressions. This property can be used to specify fields to include in classes, even when not used in expressions. The property value can either be *, which means that all fields are to be included in classes, or a list of comma separated field names. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.compiler.source.included.parameters | ||||
Property to specify parameters that are to be included in classes generated for reports.
Starting with JasperReports 6.13.0, classes generated for reports only include parameters that are used in expressions. This property can be used to specify parameters to include in classes, even when not used in expressions. The property value can either be *, which means that all parameters are to be included in classes, or a list of comma separated parameter names. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.compiler.source.included.variables | ||||
Property to specify variables that are to be included in classes generated for reports.
Starting with JasperReports 6.13.0, classes generated for reports only include variables that are used in expressions. This property can be used to specify variables to include in classes, even when not used in expressions. The property value can either be *, which means that all variables are to be included in classes, or a list of comma separated variable names. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.expression.parser | ||||
Property that specifies whether a legacy parser method should be used to parse this expression. Default value is false. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.frame.width.stretch.disabled | ||||
Flag to disable stretching the width of frames to accomodate containing elements
that become wider than their design time width at fill time (such as crosstabs
and subreports).
Before version 6.13.0, frame width was not increased in such cases, resulting in frames whose contents exceeded the frame width. Some exporters are not able to properly handle such frames, therefore starting from version 6.13.0 frames are automatically stretched horizontally. The property can be set to true to revert to the pre 6.13.0 behaviour. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Frame Element | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.relative.path.enabled | ||||
Property that determines whether resource paths in subreports, style templates and data adapters
should be interpreted as relative to the master report location.
Starting with version 6.6.0, relative paths in subreports, style templates and data adapters are resolved as relative to the resource that contains them. Prior to version 6.6.0, relative paths in subreports, style templates and data adapters were resolved as relative to the master report resource. This property can be set to true to restore the pre 6.6.0 functionality. The default value of the property is false. The property should only be set when upgrading from a version older than 6.6.0 with a repository that relied on the fact that paths were relative to the master report. The property might be removed at some point in the future. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.legacy.text.measuring | ||||
Property that indicates whether the legacy text measuring is enabled. Legacy text measuring truncates text height to an integer value instead of rounding it up, which causes text to be cut in PDF export, in certain cases. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.20.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.markup.processor.factory.{markup} | ||||
Prefix for properties that map markup text processors.
Properties having this prefix indicate the MarkupProcessor implementation to be used when parsing a given styled text having the markup type specified in the property suffix. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.measure.simple.text | ||||
Flag property that specifies whether a faster text measurer should be used for simple texts (text without markup or complex scripts). Default value is true. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.measure.simple.text.element.cache.size | ||||
Property that specifies the size of the element font infos cache. Default value is 2000. | ||||
Default: | 2000 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.7.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.measure.simple.text.exact | ||||
Property that specifies the exact text measuring type. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 4.7.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.olap.field.mapping | ||||
Property specifying the mapping for the dataset field in case an OLAP data source is used. This mapping was previously specified using the fieldDescription attribute, but using this custom property is now recommended. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination | ||||
Determines how page breaks are to be handled in reports that are not paginated.
Possible values are:
Default: | ignore | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Break Element | |||
Since: | 5.0.4 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.parameter.evaluation.time | ||||
Specifies the default value for the getEvaluationTime() property of a dataset parameter.
Possible values are defined by the ParameterEvaluationTimeEnum enumeration.
Default: | Late | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.part.print.transfer.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Prefix for properties that specify properties to be transferred from report templates to report parts during report filling. By default properties starting with net.sf.jasperreports.print.part are transferred. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.20.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.pattern.timezone | ||||
Property that specifies the timezone ID for this element. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 5.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.print.collapse.missing.bookmark.levels | ||||
This property is used to determine whether missing bookmarks levels should be colapsed when the propety net.sf.jasperreports.print.create.bookmarks is set | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.print.create.bookmarks | ||||
Property used to determine whether bookmarks should be collected at report generation time. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text | ||||
Property used to determine whether the fill process must preserve the original text for text elements that are not able to fit their entire contents. When this property is set, the engine saves the original text in the JRPrintText print text object, along with the index at which the text is to be truncated by the print object. | ||||
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 2.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.print.part.name | ||||
Element property that triggers the creation of a report part starting on the page on which the element appears. The property value provides the name for the report part. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.20.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.print.part.visible | ||||
Flag set at report/book part level to determine whether report viewers are to be display a tab for the part. The flag is set to true by default. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Part | |||
Since: | 6.20.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.print.transfer.{arbitrary_suffix} | ||||
Properties having this prefix specify the properties to be transferred from report templates to print objects during the report filling. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.properties | ||||
The name of the system property that specifies the properties file name. If the system property net.sf.jasperreports.properties has been set then the specified properties file is loaded. Otherwise the jasperreports.properties file is loaded, if found in the classpath. | ||||
Default: | jasperreports.properties | |||
Scope: | System | |||
Since: | 1.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.property.evaluation.time | ||||
Specifies the default value for the getEvaluationTime() setting of a dataset property expression.
Possible values are defined by the PropertyEvaluationTimeEnum enumeration.
Default: | Early | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.query.chunk.token.separators | ||||
Property that specifies the list of token separators characters for TYPE_CLAUSE_TOKENS tokenized query clauses. | ||||
Default: | , ; | | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 2.0.5 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.{language} | ||||
Properties with this prefix associate a query executer factory implementation with a query language. To obtain query executer factories, a property having the query language appended to this prefix is used to get the query executer factory name. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.2.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.report.class.filter.enabled | ||||
Flag to enable filtering of classes that can be used in report expressions.
The list of allowed classes is configured via net.sf.jasperreports.report.class.whitelist.{arbitrary_name} properties. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.report.class.whitelist.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Defines a list of classes that are allowed in report expressions.
The property value should be a comma separated list of class names. Wildcards are supported in class names:
The net.sf.jasperreports.report.class.filter.enabled flag needs to be set in order for the whitelist to apply. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.13.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.report.version | ||||
Property that specifies the JasperReports version associated with this report. Report elements/attributes newer than this version will be skipped by the JRXML writers (see the JRXmlWriter class for example) during the report template generation. If not set, the version is considered to be the currenly deployed version. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.scale.font.step.limit | ||||
Property used to specify the minimum amount when scaling down font size to adjust the content in text elements. This works in conjunction with the textAdjust property of text elements which needs to be set to ScaleFont value. | ||||
Default: | 0.5 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 6.11.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.sql.date.pattern.timezone | ||||
Property that specifies the timezone ID for elements of type java.sql.Date in the report. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.sql.field.column.index | ||||
Property specifying the 1-based index of the column in the JDBC result set to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case an SQL query is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.sql.field.column.label | ||||
Property specifying the label of the column in the JDBC result set to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case an SQL query is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.sql.field.column.name | ||||
Property specifying the name of the column in the JDBC result set to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case an SQL query is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.sql.time.pattern.timezone | ||||
Property that specifies the timezone ID for elements of type java.sql.Time in the report. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.sql.timestamp.pattern.timezone | ||||
Property that specifies the timezone ID for elements of type java.sql.Timestamp in the report. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.1.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.backcolor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic style background color for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related style background color of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.bottom.pen.lineColor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line color for report element's bottom border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related bottom border pen line color in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.bottom.pen.lineStyle | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line style for report element's bottom border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related bottom border pen line style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.bottom.pen.lineWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line width for report element's bottom border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related bottom border pen line width in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.bottomPadding | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic bottom padding style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related bottom padding style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.left.pen.lineColor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line color for report element's left border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related left border pen line color in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.left.pen.lineStyle | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line style for report element's left border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related left border pen line style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.left.pen.lineWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line width for report element's left border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related left border pen line width in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.leftPadding | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic left padding style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related left padding style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.padding | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic padding style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related padding style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.pen.lineColor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line color for report element's border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related border pen line color in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.pen.lineStyle | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line style for report element's border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related border pen line style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.pen.lineWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line width for report element's border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related border pen line width in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.right.pen.lineColor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line color for report element's right border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related right border pen line color in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.right.pen.lineStyle | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line style for report element's right border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related right border pen line style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.right.pen.lineWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line width for report element's right border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related right border pen line width in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.rightPadding | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic right padding style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related right padding style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.top.pen.lineColor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line color for report element's top border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related top border pen line color in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.top.pen.lineStyle | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line style for report element's top border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related top border pen line style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.top.pen.lineWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line width for report element's top border. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related top border pen line width in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.topPadding | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic top padding style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related top padding style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.evaluation.time.enabled | ||||
A flag the determines whether the style of an element is evaluated at
the element evaluation time, or at the time the band on which the element
is placed is rendered.
This applies to report elements that can have delayed evaluations times (such as text fields and images). When this flag is set to true, conditional style expressions of the style that is associated with the element are evaluated at the moment the element is set to evaluate, and the resulting style to the generated print element. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Element | |||
Since: | 3.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.fill | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic fill pattern style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related fill pattern style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.fontName | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic font name for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related font name in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.fontSize | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic font size for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related font size in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.forecolor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic style forecolor for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related style forecolor of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.hImageAlign | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic horizontal image alignment for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related horizontal image alignment of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.hTextAlign | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic horizontal text alignment for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related horizontal text alignment of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.isBlankWhenNull | ||||
Property used to specify whether null content of a report element should be rendered as blank space. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the value of isBlankWhenNull feature of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.isBold | ||||
Boolean property used to configure dynamic font bold style for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related font bold style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.isItalic | ||||
Boolean property used to configure dynamic font italic style for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related font italic style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.isPdfEmbedded | ||||
Boolean property used to specify whether the font should be embedded in the PDF output. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related isPdfEmbedded style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.isStrikeThrough | ||||
Boolean property used to configure dynamic font strike through style for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related font strike through style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.isUnderline | ||||
Boolean property used to configure dynamic font underline style for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related font underline style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.markup | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic text markup style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related text markup style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.mode | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic style mode for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related style mode of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.firstLineIndent | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic paragraph first line indent (in pixels) for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related paragraph first line indent of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.leftIndent | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic paragraph left indent (in pixels) for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related paragraph left indent of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.lineSpacing | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic paragraph line spacing style for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related line spacing style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.lineSpacingSize | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic paragraph line spacing size for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related paragraph line spacing size of the element. This value is used in combination with the size-dependent line spacings:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.rightIndent | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic paragraph right indent (in pixels) for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related paragraph right indent of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.spacingAfter | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic spacing after paragraph (in pixels) for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related spacing after paragraph style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.spacingBefore | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic spacing before paragraph (in pixels) for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related spacing before paragraph style of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.paragraph.tabStopWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic paragraph tab stop width (in pixels) for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related paragraph tab stop width of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.pattern | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic format pattern for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related format pattern of the text element. Also, the value of this property is overridden by the <patternExpression/>, if present. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.pdfEncoding | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic PDF encoding character set for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related PDF encoding character set in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.pdfFontName | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic PDF font name for text elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related PDF font name in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.pen.lineColor | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line color for shape elements (line, rectangle, ellipse). It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related pen line color in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.pen.lineStyle | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line style for shape elements (line, rectangle, ellipse). It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related pen line style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.pen.lineWidth | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic pen line width for shape elements (line, rectangle, ellipse). It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related pen line width in the element style. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.radius | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic corner radius for rectangle elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related corner radius of the element. See also this page. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.rotation | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic text or image rotation for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related text rotation of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.scaleImage | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic scale image style for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related scale image style of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 4.8.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.vImageAlign | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic vertical image alignment for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related vertical image alignment of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.style.vTextAlign | ||||
Property used to configure dynamic vertical text alignment for report elements. It is declared in the
PropertyStyleProvider class
(which is the default JR implementation of the StyleProvider interface).
If such a property is found at element level, its value will override the related vertical text alignment of the element. Possible values are:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.styles.inherit.from.default | ||||
Specifies whether report styles that do not have a parent specified would rely on the default style as parent for property inheritance. Before version 6.2.1, styles without parent were not inheriting from default style. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.2.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.subreport.generate.rectangle | ||||
Property used to specify when rectangle elements should be generated for subreports during the report filling. If the property value is always, rectangle elements will be always generated, otherwise they will be created only if the subreport element is not transparent or it has properties. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | Element | |||
Since: | 6.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.subreport.runner.factory | ||||
Property specifying the JRSubreportRunnerFactory implementation to use for creating subreport runners. | ||||
Default: | net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRThreadSubreportRunnerFactory | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.2.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.svg.allow.external.resources | ||||
Property that determines whether external resources in SVG images are allowed and loaded. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 7.0.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory | ||||
This property can either hold the name of a text measurer factory class, or hold an alias of a text measurer factory class
One can write an implementation of the JRTextMeasurerFactory interface. This will usually imply writing a custom implementation of the JRTextMeasurer interface, either from scratch or by extending the default implementation (TextMeasurer).
A text measurer is responsible with computing text layout attributes (in the form of JRMeasuredText instances) for report text elements. The measurer is only used at report fill time, the exporters will use the computed
text layout attributes.
Then one can define an alias of the text measurer factory implementation by declaring a property named net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory.{alias} which has the name of the factory class as value.
The net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory property is set to a defined alias or a full factory class name.
The factory class is used to instantiate text measurers for report text elements, which are then used to compute the text
layout attributes.
There are two builtin text measurer implementations: default and naive. The default text measurer implementation performs text measuring, stretching and truncation and is meant to be used when text layout is relevant, which would be most report executions. The naive text measurer implementation does not perform any text measuring, it blindly considers any text to fit in the element boundaries without any stretching or truncation. It is therefore unsuitable for exporters that honour element dimensions, like the PDF and HTML exporters and all other exporters that are meant to be close to the pixel perfect layout of reports. It should only be used for reports exported to data-centric outputs that do not rely on any actual text measurements, such as the CSV, JSON metadata and the Excel exporters. For Excel exporters the naive text measurer should be accompanied by net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.row=true if cells in Excel are expected to grow vertically in order to fit their contents, otherwise texts that would have normally stretched would not be fully visible in Excel (but the full text would still be present in the cell and accessible when the cell is selected). |
Default: | net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.TextMeasurerFactory | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 2.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.date | ||||
Provides a default pattern to be used for java.sql.Date values.
Locale specific values can be configured by appending _<locale code> to the property name. The property can be set at global/JasperReports context level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.datetime | ||||
Provides a default pattern to be used for java.util.Date values other than java.sql.Date and java.sql.Time.
Locale specific values can be configured by appending _<locale code> to the property name. The property can be set at global/JasperReports context level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.integer | ||||
Provides a default pattern to be used for numerical values that are known to be integer, i.e. integer primitive wrapper types
and java.math.BigInteger.
Locale specific values can be configured by appending _<locale code> to the property name. The property can be set at global/JasperReports context level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.number | ||||
Provides a default pattern to be used for numerical values other than the integer types.
Locale specific values can be configured by appending _<locale code> to the property name. The property can be set at global/JasperReports context level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.time | ||||
Provides a default pattern to be used for java.sql.Time values.
Locale specific values can be configured by appending _<locale code> to the property name. The property can be set at global/JasperReports context level. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 6.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.save.line.breaks | ||||
Boolean property that determines whether the positions where text line
break occurs are to be saved during report fill in oder to be used at
export time.
At report fill time, each text element is measured in order to determine how long it needs to stretch or where it needs to be truncated. During this measurement, the text wraps at certain positions in order to fit the text element defined width. Setting this property to true instructs the engine to save the positions at which line breaks occur in the generated print element. The positions can be used by report exporters that want to enforce line breaks to occur at exactly the same position as they did during text measurement at fill time. Currently, the HTML exporter will make use of the saved line break positions by introducing explicit line breaks. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 3.5.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.truncate.at.char | ||||
Boolean property that determines whether text elements are to be truncated at the last character that fits.
By default, when the entire text of a text element does not fit the element's area, the text is truncated at the last word
that fits the area. |
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 2.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.text.truncate.suffix | ||||
Property whose value is used as a suffix for the truncated text. The suffix is appended to the text when truncation occurs. If the property is not defined or empty (which is the case by default), no suffix will be used when the text is truncated. | ||||
Default: | empty string | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Text Element | |||
Since: | 2.0.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.velocity.{arbitrary_suffix} | ||||
Properties with this prefix are loaded into an org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine instance object in order to process velocity templates. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.7.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.viewer.async | ||||
Property that determines whether a report can be generated and displayed asynchronously in a viewer.
Asynchronous report generation implies displaying report pages before the report is complete. |
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.viewer.render.buffer.max.size | ||||
Maximum size (in pixels) of a buffered image that would be used by JRViewer to render a report page. If rendering a report page would require an image larger than this threshold (i.e. image width x image height > maximum size), the report page will be rendered directly on the viewer component. If this property is zero or negative, buffered images will never be used to render a report page. | ||||
Default: | 0 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.2.8 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.virtual.page.element.size | ||||
Property that determines how many print elements will make up a virtual page handled as a unit by the virtualizer.
For most paginated reports, a virtual page corresponds to a report page. But for non-paginated reports and for reports having very large pages, a report page is broken into several virtual pages which are handled individually by the virtualizer. This property provides the size of a virtual page in print elements. Note that virtual page sizes will actually vary around the configured size since there are cases when fewer elements remain on a report page and cases when the configured size is exceeded due to print frames being included at the end of virtual page. If set to 0 or negative, report pages will not be broken into several virtual pages. |
Default: | 2000 | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 4.1.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.virtualizer.files.delete.on.exit | ||||
Property used to decide whether java.io.File#deleteOnExit() should be requested for temporary files created by the virtualizer. Temporary files will be deleted by explicitly calling cleanup() or from the virtualizer finalize() method. | ||||
Default: | true | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 1.2.3 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.embed.component.metadata.in.html.output | ||||
Property that specifies whether the component metadata should be embedded in HTML output. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 5.5.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.report.execution.path | ||||
Property that specifies the report execution path. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.report.resources.path | ||||
Property that specifies the report resources path. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.request.parameter.dynamic.resource | ||||
Property that specifies the name of the request parameter that indicates if this is a dynamic resource. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.request.parameter.resource.bundle | ||||
Property that specifies the name of the request parameter associated with this resource bundle. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.request.parameter.resource.locale | ||||
Property that specifies the name of the request parameter associated with this resource Locale. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.web.request.parameter.resource.uri | ||||
Property that specifies the name of the request parameter associated with this resource URI. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.week.start.day | ||||
Numeric property that determines which is the first weekday by default:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | |||
Since: | 6.4.3 | |||
NOTE: This property is not read from the configuration context. This FAQ shows the additional steps to follow in order to set it dynamically. | ||||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.when.no.data.type | ||||
Property that specifies a default value for the whenNoDataType attribute of report. | ||||
Default: | NoPages | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.column.indexes.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Property having this prefix hold the comma separated values of the column indexes to be extracted from the Excel source. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.column.names.{arbitrary_name} | ||||
Property having this prefix hold the comma separated names of the columns to be extracted from the Excel source. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.date.pattern | ||||
Property holding the value of the date format pattern to be used when parsing the Excel data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.field.column.index | ||||
Property specifying the 0-based index of the column in the Excel data to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case Excel data is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.field.column.name | ||||
Property specifying the name of the column in the Excel data to which the dataset field is mapped to, in case Excel data is used. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.format | ||||
Built-in parameter/property holding the value of the Excel format to be used when parsing the Excel data source. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.locale.code | ||||
String property specifying the code of the locale to be used when parsing the Excel data. The allowed format is: language[_country[_variant]] | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.number.pattern | ||||
Property holding the value of the number format pattern to be used when parsing the Excel data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.sheet.selection | ||||
Built-in parameter/property holding the value of the sheet name to be used when parsing the Excel data source. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.source | ||||
String property representing a valid path to the requested resource containing the Excel data. It can be:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xls.timezone.id | ||||
String property specifying value of the time zone id to be used when parsing the Excel data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 5.5.2 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xlsx.data.source.factory | ||||
Property that specifies the name of class implementing the XlsxDataSourceFactory interface, which would be used to instantiate data source objects for reading Excel files of the XLSX format. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 6.20.6 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xml.date.pattern | ||||
Property holding the value of the date format pattern to be used when parsing the XML data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xml.detect.namespaces | ||||
Boolean parameter/property that specifies whether the XML document should be parsed for namespaces or not.
This property is meaningful only when:
Default: | false | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xml.namespace.{arbitrary_prefix} | ||||
Prefix for properties holding the namespace prefix and uri (e.g. net.sf.jasperreports.xml.namespace.{arbitrary_prefix} = uri).
This property has a lower priority than PARAMETER_XML_NAMESPACE_MAP, that, if it is specified, will cause the prefixed properties not to be searched for. |
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xml.number.pattern | ||||
Property holding the value of the number format pattern to be used when parsing the XLS data. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.6.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xml.source | ||||
String property representing a valid path to the requested resource containing the XML data. It can be:
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | Report | Dataset | |||
Since: | 4.7.1 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory | ||||
Property specifying the JRXPathExecuterFactory XPath executer factory implementation class name. JasperReports is shipped with two implementation of this factory interface: XalanXPathExecuterFactory and JaxenXPathExecuter. | ||||
Default: | net.sf.jasperreports.jaxen.util.xml.JaxenXPathExecuterFactory | |||
Scope: | Global | Context | |||
Since: | 2.0.0 | |||
top |
net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.field.expression | ||||
Property specifying the XPath expression for the dataset field in case an XML data source is used. This mapping was previously specified using the fieldDescription attribute, but using this custom property is now recommended. | ||||
Default: | N/A | |||
Scope: | Field | |||
Since: | 6.3.1 | |||
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