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JasperReports - Templates Sample

Shows how to work with style templates.

Main Features in This Sample

Style Templates

Style Templates

Documented by Sanda Zaharia

Description / Goal
How to reuse report style definitions from external style templates.

Since: 2.0.0

Other Samples

Styles in JasperReports

In a given report, elements can have different appearances. They can have borders, foreground and background colors, alignments, text decorations, etc. JasperReports provides the <style /> element in order to manage all these appearance characteristics.

A <style /> element is defined by the following attributes:

In a style element can be set also the element's <box /> and <pen /> styles.

In some situations, a style should be applied only if a certain condition is met. For example, consecutive rows in a table should alternate their background colors. JasperReports provides conditional styles in order to manage conditions for styles.

Style Templates

Any type of report element can reference a report style definition using its style attribute.
By doing so, all the style properties declared by the style definition that are applicable to the current element will be inherited. Style properties specified at the report element level can be used to override the inherited values.

But what if there are several reports that require the same report style to be applied? One can write the same report style definition in each report, but this is not an optimized approach. Better than that, and recommended, is to use style templates instead.

Report styles can also be defined in external style template files that are referenced by report templates. This allows report designers to define in a single place a common look for a set of reports.

A style template is an XML file that contains one or more style definitions. A template can include references to other style template files, hence one can organize a style library as a hierarchical set of style template files.

Style template files use by convention the *.jrtx extension, but this is not mandatory.

The <jasperTemplate /> element is the root of a style template file. The <template /> element is used to include references to other template files; the contents of this element is interpreted as the location of the referred template file.

The <style /> element is identical to the element with the same name from report design templates (JRXML files).

Note: Conditional styles may be defined in style templates only when the condition expression is a simple reference to a Boolean report parameter, field or variable (see the Query sample).

This limitation is caused by the fact that more complex expressions can only be interpreted in the context of a single report definition.

Each style must specify a name, and the style names have to be unique inside a style template. Also, styles defined in style templates can be used as parent styles for styles defined in the report.

The following is an example of a styles template file which refers a base template file named base_styles.jrtx, overrides 2 parent styles and defines other 3 own styles:

  <style name="Regular" fontSize="12.0" default="true" style="Base"/>
  <style name="Special Emphasis" forecolor="#FF0000" fontSize="12.0" style="Emphasis"/>
  <style name="Strong" fontSize="14.0" underline="true" style="Base"/>
  <style name="Serif" fontName="DejaVu Serif" fontSize="12.0" style="Base"/>
  <style name="Serif Note" underline="true" style="Serif"/>

A report can use style templates by explicitly referring them in its definition. References to a style templates are included in JRXML reports as <template /> elements. Such an element contains an expression that is resolved at fill time to a style template instance.

The template expression can only use constants/literals and report parameters. Variables and fields cannot be used because the template expressions are evaluated before the report calculation engine is initialized. If the template expression evaluates to null, the engine ignores the template reference.

Below is an example of how to reference a style template in a report:

<jasperReport ...>
  <!-- parameters can be used in style template expressions -->
  <template>$P{BaseTemplateLocation} + ”report_styles.jrtx”</template>
  <template class=”java.net.URL”>$P{StyleTemplateURL}</template>
  <parameter name=”BaseTemplateLocation”/>
  <parameter name=”StyleTemplateURL” class=”java.net.URL”/>

Style template locations are interpreted in the same manner as image or subreport locations, that is, the engine attempts to load the location as an URL, a disk file or a classpath resource. The class attribute in the <template /> element represents the class for the style template source expression. Possible values are:


Running the Sample

Running the sample requires the Apache Maven library. Make sure that maven is already installed on your system (version 3.6 or later). In a command prompt/terminal window set the current folder to demo/samples/templates within the JasperReports source project and run the following command:

> mvn clean compile exec:exec@all

It will generate all supported document types containing the sample report in the demo/samples/templates/target/reports directory.

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