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JasperReports - List Component Sample

Illustrates the usage of the list component element.

Main Features in This Sample

Using the Built-in List Component

Using the Built-in List Component

Documented by Sanda Zaharia

Description / Goal
How to render simple listings using the built-in list component and a subdataset.

Since: 3.5.1

Other Samples

The Built-in List Component - Overview

The most common way to process data from datasources/queries different from the report's datasource/query is to use subreports. But working with subreports always requires to create and compile separate report templates, one per each subreport, even for the most simple situation that can be imagined.

For instance, let's consider a subreport containing a single textfield, ready to be used in a detail band. In this case we need a separate report template containing this only textfield to be created and then maintained along with the master report, in order to generate a column of data at fill time. This particular layout is easily recognized as a list of data. So, why not use a dedicated list component instead, which combines the advantages of subreports with a specific mechanism to avoid separate report templates creation and maintenance?

This is the main purpose of the built-in list component. It also provides support for complex content, so that users may define more than single textfields as list content elements, as shown in the following section.

The List Component Structure

A list needs only two elements in order to become functional: a dataset run and a list content.

The printOrder attribute in the list component specifies how to render the list elements: in a vertical sequence or in a horizontal one. The default value is Vertical.
The ignoreWidth flag is used when the print order is Horizontal to indicate the list behavior when the width set for the list component is reached. Unless the flag is set to true, the list will break by default when the critical width is reached. By default the flag is unset.

The contents element can be customized with 2 attributes:

The List Component Sample

This sample shows how to use the built-in list component for both Vertical and Horizontal printing order. In the ListReport.jrxml sample is configured a Vertical list component as follows:

<element kind="component" y="25" width="250" height="20">
  <component kind="list" printOrder="Vertical">
    <datasetRun  subDataset="Addresses">
      <parameter name="City">
        <expression><![CDATA[$F{City}]] ></expression>
    <contents height="14">
      <element kind="frame" width="250" height="14" style="ListRow">
        <element kind="textField" y="2" width="15" height="10" hTextAlign="Right" style="Sans_Small">
          <expression><![CDATA[$F{Id}]] ></expression>
        <element kind="textField" positionType="Float" x="20" y="2" width="110" height="10" textAdjust="StretchHeight" style="Sans_Small">
          <expression><![CDATA[$F{FirstName} + " " + $F{LastName}]] ></expression>
        <element kind="textField" positionType="Float" x="135" y="2" width="105" height="10" textAdjust="StretchHeight" style="Sans_Small">
          <expression><![CDATA[$F{Street}]] ></expression>

A list containing the ID, name and address is generated for each city in the datasource and list entries are printed in the default Vertical order.

For the horizontally printed list, let's take a look to the HorizontalListReport.jrxml sample:

<element kind="component" y="25" width="515" height="40">
  <component kind="list" printOrder="Horizontal">
    <datasetRun subDataset="Addresses">
      <parameter name="City">
        <expression><![CDATA[$F{City}]] ></expression>
    <contents height="40" width="128">
      <element kind="frame" stretchType="ContainerHeight" x="4" width="120" height="38" style="ListCell">
        <element kind="textField" y="2" width="100" height="12" style="Sans_SmallBold">
          <expression><![CDATA["#" + $V{REPORT_COUNT} + " - " + $F{Id}]] ></expression>
        <element kind="textField" positionType="Float" x="10" y="14" width="110" height="12" textAdjust="StretchHeight" style="Sans_Small">
          <expression><![CDATA[$F{FirstName} + " " + $F{LastName}]] ></expression>
        <element kind="textField" positionType="Float" x="10" y="26" width="110" height="12" textAdjust="StretchHeight" style="Sans_Small">
          <expression><![CDATA[$F{Street} + ", " + $F{City}]] ></expression>
        <box style="ListCell">
          <topPen lineWidth="0.5"/>
          <bottomPen lineWidth="0.5"/>

Here each list entry is printed one after another horizontally, for each city in the datasource.

Running the Sample

Running the sample requires the Apache Maven library. Make sure that maven is already installed on your system (version 3.6 or later).
In a command prompt/terminal window set the current folder to demo/hsqldb within the JasperReports source project and run the following command:

> mvn exec:java

This will start the HSQLDB server shipped with the JasperReports distribution package. Let this terminal running the HSQLDB server.

Open a new command prompt/terminal window and set the current folder to demo/samples/list within the JasperReports source project and run the following command:

> mvn clean compile exec:exec@all

This will generate all supported document types containing the sample report in the demo/samples/list/target/reports directory.

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