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JasperReports - Barcode4J Sample

Shows how barcodes could be included in reports using the Barcode4J component.

Main Features in This Sample

Barcodes (Barcode4J Custom Component)


Documented by Sanda Zaharia

Description / Goal
Shows how to render barcodes in a report, using the barcode components that are shipped with the JasperReports library.

Since: 3.5.2

Other Samples

Barcode Overview

A barcode denotes an encoded graphical representation of data which can be read/decoded using dedicated scanning devices such as barcode scanners. Due to its exceptional ability to completely characterize a given product, the barcode technology became one of the most common product registering technologies. It consists in computing a graphical "fingerprint" for a given object based on a unique digit/character sequence mapped to the object. Once generated, the barcode uniquely identifies the product. When scanned, the barcode allows retrieving the original data it was built on, in order to be visualized or printed out.

Barcode Symbologies

The whole "fingerprint" graphics is computed from elementary fingerprints of single digits/characters in the sequence. There are several ways to map individual characters or digits to a graphical representation. These mappings are specified in the so-called barcode symbologies. Some very common symbology categories are:

Some of linear symbologies are highly standardized, some others are niche-oriented, most of them presenting mixed features. Below are few examples:

Some of the 2D symbologies are enumerated below:


Barcode4J Custom Component

Documented by Sanda Zaharia

Description / Goal
Shows how to render barcodes in a report, using the barcode component based on the Barcode4J library.

Since: 3.5.2

The Barcode4J Library

Today barcodes are present almost everywhere: in wholesales as well as in retails, on the bills, in airports, libraries, banks, hospitals, hotels, theaters, amusement parks, on the internet, and the list could continue... Due to this ubiquity, there is an increasing need of barcode components in the reporting area. Powerful reporting engines should now provide support for as many as possible barcode symbologies. To cover a large category of customer needs, JR comes with 2 built-in barcode components, and in addition, it also makes room for other complementary implementations. This sample illustrates how to use the built-in component mostly based on the open source Barcode4J library. The Barcode4J library supports the following symbologies:

Note: The QRCode 2D-symbology being not yet supported in Barcode4J, its related component implementation in JasperReports is based on the ZXing library.

Multiple output formats are also supported:

The Barcode4J Component

Each of Barcode4jComponent supported symbologies enumerated above is characterized by a common structure of elements and attributes described in the Barcode4j parent element, and their specific difference given as additional extracontent:

The basic Barcode4jComponent structure is characterized by the following series of elements:

and contains the following attributes:

Another attribute available for almost all Barcode4j elements is the checksumMode. Allowed values are auto, ignore, add and check.

Starting with JasperReports 5.1.2 a templateExpression is available for the EAN128 component, in order to allow custom configuration for the human readable part of the barcode. The format of the templateExpression must conform to rules specified in the official documentation:

'The format of "template" is a repeating set of AI number (in brackets) followed by a field description. The allowed data types are "n" (numeric), "an" (alpha-numeric), "d" (date) and "cd" (check digit). "cd" will calculate the check digit starting with the first character after the AI. "cd0" will include the AI in the check digit calculation (used for USPS). Multiple field parts can be separated by "+" characters.'

The QRCode component

This barcode component depends on ZXing library. It shares some common features with the other barcode components:

Specific attributes for this component are enumerated below:

Barcode4J Samples

Some examples of howto use the available Barcode4j components are given in the JRXML sample:

<element kind="component" x="130" y="100" width="200" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:Code128" moduleWidth="1.0">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["0123456789"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="135" width="200" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:Codabar" moduleWidth="1.2" textPosition="none" wideFactor="4.0">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["01234567890"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="170" width="70" height="40" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:DataMatrix" moduleWidth="4.0">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["JasperReports"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="215" width="250" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:EAN128" moduleWidth="1.4" checksumMode="check">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["0101234567890128"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="250" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:Code39">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["0123456789"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="285" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:USPSIntelligentMail" ascenderHeight="8.0" trackHeight="10.0">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["00040123456200800001987654321"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="320" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:RoyalMailCustomer" ascenderHeight="8.0" intercharGapWidth="2.5" trackHeight="10.0">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["0123456789"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="355" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:Interleaved2Of5">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["0123456789"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="390" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:UPCA">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["01234567890"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="425" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:UPCE">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["01234133"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="460" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:EAN13">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["012345678901"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="495" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:EAN8">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["01234565"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="530" width="400" height="20" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:POSTNET" shortBarHeight="10.0" checksumMode="add">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["01234"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" x="130" y="555" width="400" height="30" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:PDF417" moduleWidth="4.0">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["JasperReports"]] ></codeExpression>
<element kind="component" mode="Opaque"... forecolor="#0000FF" backcolor="#FFFF00" style="Barcode">
  <component kind="barcode4j:QRCode" margin="2" errorCorrectionLevel="M">
    <codeExpression><![CDATA["http://barcode4j.sourceforge.net/"]] ></codeExpression>

Running the Sample

Running the sample requires the Apache Maven library. Make sure that maven is already installed on your system (version 3.6 or later).
In a command prompt/terminal window set the current folder to demo/samples/barcode4j within the JasperReports source project and run the following command:

> mvn clean compile exec:exec@all

It will generate all supported document types containing the sample report in the demo/samples/barcode4j/target/reports directory.

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