static Number |
MathFunctions.ABS(Number number) |
Returns the absolute value of a number.
static Boolean |
LogicalFunctions.AND(Boolean... arguments) |
Returns true if all arguments are considered true, false otherwise.
static String |
TextFunctions.BASE(Integer number,
Integer radix) |
Returns a text representation of a number, in a specified base radix.
static Double |
MathFunctions.CEIL(Number number) |
Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
static String |
TextFunctions.CHAR(Integer number) |
Returns a single text character, given a character code.
static String |
TextFunctions.CLEAN(String text) |
Returns a new text string without non-printable characters.
static Integer |
TextFunctions.CODE(String textString) |
Returns the numeric code (0-255) for the first character in a string.
static String |
TextFunctions.CONCATENATE(String... strings) |
Combines a list of strings into a single one.
Date |
DateTimeFunctions.DATE(Integer year,
Integer month,
Integer dayOfMonth) |
Creates a date object using the specified information on day, month and year.
String |
DateTimeFunctions.DATEFORMAT(Date dateObj,
String formatPattern) |
Format the specified date object using the chosen format pattern.
DateRange |
DateTimeFunctions.DATERANGE(Object dateExprObj) |
Allows to create a JasperReports DateRange instance starting from either a String expression or a Date instance.
Long |
DateTimeFunctions.DATEVALUE(Object dateObject) |
Gives the corresponding numeric value (long milliseconds) for a specified date object.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.DAY(Object dateObject) |
Returns the day of a given date.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.DAYS(Object startDate,
Object endDate) |
Returns the number of days between two dates.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.DAYSINMONTH(Object dateObj) |
Returns the number of days in a month.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.DAYSINYEAR(Object dateObj) |
Returns the number of days in a year.
static Double |
TextFunctions.DOUBLE_VALUE(String textNumber) |
Returns a Double number representing the given text string.
Date |
DateTimeFunctions.EDATE(Object dateObject,
Integer months) |
Returns a date a number of months away.
static Boolean |
LogicalFunctions.EQUALS(Object obj1,
Object obj2) |
Checks if the two specified objects are equal.
static Boolean |
TextFunctions.EXACT(String text1,
String text2) |
Returns TRUE if the two text specified are exactly the same (case sensitive compare).
static Long |
MathFunctions.FACT(Integer number) |
Returns the factorial of a number.
static Boolean |
LogicalFunctions.FALSE() |
Returns the logical value FALSE.
static Integer |
TextFunctions.FIND(String findText,
String searchText) |
Returns the character position of a string inside another text.
String |
TextFunctions.FIXED(Number number,
Integer decimals) |
Returns the text representing number with the specified decimal places.
static Float |
TextFunctions.FLOAT_VALUE(String textNumber) |
Returns a Float number representing the given text string.
static Double |
MathFunctions.FLOOR(Number number) |
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.HOUR(Object dateObject) |
Returns the hour (0-23) of the day for a given date.
static Object |
LogicalFunctions.IF(Boolean test,
Object value1,
Object value2) |
Returns one of two values, depending on a test condition.
static Integer |
TextFunctions.INTEGER_VALUE(String textNumber) |
Returns an Integer number representing the given text string.
static Boolean |
MathFunctions.ISEVEN(Number number) |
Checks if a number is even.
Boolean |
DateTimeFunctions.ISLEAPYEAR(Object dateObj) |
Checks if the given date occurs in a leap year.
static Boolean |
MathFunctions.ISODD(Number number) |
Checks if a number is odd.
static String |
TextFunctions.LEFT(String text) |
Returns the specified number of characters (1 by default) from the left side of the input text.
static Integer |
TextFunctions.LEN(String text) |
Returns the length of the specified text string.
static Long |
TextFunctions.LONG_VALUE(String textNumber) |
Returns a Long number representing the given text string.
static String |
TextFunctions.LOWER(String text) |
Performs the lower case conversion of the specified text string.
static String |
TextFunctions.LTRIM(String text) |
Clear a string, removing leading whitespaces.
static Number |
MathFunctions.MAX(Number... numbers) |
Returns the maximum of a list of numeric values.
static String |
TextFunctions.MID(String text,
Integer startPosition) |
Returns the text from the middle of a text string.
static Number |
MathFunctions.MIN(Number... numbers) |
Returns the minimum of a list of numeric values.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.MINUTE(Object dateObject) |
Returns the minute (0-59) of the hour for a given date.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.MONTH(Object dateObject) |
Returns the month of a given date.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.MONTHS(Object startDate,
Object endDate) |
Returns the number of months between two dates.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.NETWORKDAYS(Object startDate,
Object endDate) |
Returns the number of working days between two dates (inclusive).
static Boolean |
LogicalFunctions.NOT(Boolean boolValue) |
Returns the negation of the specified boolean expression.
Date |
DateTimeFunctions.NOW() |
Returns the current instant as date object.
static Boolean |
LogicalFunctions.OR(Boolean... arguments) |
Returns true if any of the arguments is considered true, false otherwise.
JRDataSource |
ReportFunctions.ORIGINAL_DATA_SOURCE() |
static Number |
MathFunctions.PRODUCT(Number... numbers) |
Returns the product of a list of numbers.
static String |
TextFunctions.PROPER(String text) |
Capitalizes each words of the specified text.
static Double |
MathFunctions.RAND() |
Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
static Integer |
MathFunctions.RANDBETWEEN(Integer bottomRange,
Integer topRange) |
Returns an Integer random number between bottom and top range (both inclusive).
static String |
TextFunctions.REPLACE(String originalText,
Integer startPosition,
Integer charsNum,
String newText) |
Replaces parts of a text string with a different one.
static String |
TextFunctions.REPT(String originalText,
Integer numberOfTimes) |
Replicates an input text string for a specified number of times.
byte[] |
ReportFunctions.RESOURCE_DATA(String location) |
static String |
TextFunctions.RIGHT(String text) |
Returns the specified number of characters (1 by default) from the right side of the input text.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_CEILING(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded towards positive infinity.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_DOWN(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded towards zero.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_FLOOR(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded towards negative infinity.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_HALF_DOWN(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded towards its nearest neighbor.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_HALF_EVEN(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded towards its nearest neighbor.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_HALF_UP(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded towards its nearest neighbor.
static BigDecimal |
MathFunctions.ROUND_UP(Number number,
int scale) |
Returns a BigDecimal number rounded away from zero.
static String |
TextFunctions.RTRIM(String text) |
Clear a string, removing trailing whitespaces.
static Integer |
TextFunctions.SEARCH(String findText,
String textToSearch) |
Returns the position of a string of text in another string.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.SECOND(Object dateObject) |
Returns the second (0-59) of the minute for a given date.
static Integer |
MathFunctions.SIGN(Number number) |
Returns the sign of a number.
static Number |
MathFunctions.SQRT(Number number) |
Returns the positive square root of a number.
JRDataSource |
ReportFunctions.SUB_DATA_SOURCE() |
JRDataSource |
ReportFunctions.SUB_DATA_SOURCE(String expression) |
static String |
TextFunctions.SUBSTITUTE(String originalText,
String oldText,
String newText) |
Substitutes new text for old text in a text string.
static Number |
MathFunctions.SUM(Number... numbers) |
Returns the sum of a list of numbers.
static String |
TextFunctions.T(Object value) |
Returns the text string if the value is a string, otherwise an empty string is returned.
String |
TextFunctions.TEXT(Number number,
String numberFormat) |
Converts a number into a text string according to a specified format.
String |
DateTimeFunctions.TIME(Integer hours,
Integer minutes,
Integer seconds) |
Returns a text string representing a time value (hours, seconds and minutes).
Date |
DateTimeFunctions.TODAY() |
Returns the current date as date object.
static String |
TextFunctions.TRIM(String text) |
Clear a string,removing leading and trailing whitespaces.
static Boolean |
LogicalFunctions.TRUE() |
Returns the logical value TRUE.
static String |
TextFunctions.UPPER(String text) |
Performs the upper case conversion of the specified text string.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.WEEKDAY(Object dateObject) |
Returns the day of the week for a given date.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.WEEKNUM(Object dateObj) |
Returns the week number of a given date.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.WEEKS(Object startDate,
Object endDate) |
Returns the number of weeks between two dates.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.WEEKSINYEAR(Object dateObj) |
Returns the number of weeks in a year.
Date |
DateTimeFunctions.WORKDAY(Object dateObject,
Integer workdays) |
Returns a date a number of workdays away.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.YEAR(Object dateObject) |
Returns the year of a given date.
Integer |
DateTimeFunctions.YEARS(Object startDate,
Object endDate) |
Returns the number of years between two dates.