String |
HtmlExporterConfiguration.getBetweenPagesHtml() |
Returns a string representing HTML code that will be inserted between pages of the generated report.
HtmlBorderCollapseEnum |
HtmlReportConfiguration.getBorderCollapseValue() |
Provides the value for the border-collapse CSS property to be applied
to the table generated for the report.
Float |
TextReportConfiguration.getCharHeight() |
Returns a float value representing the pixel/character vertical ratio.
Float |
TextReportConfiguration.getCharWidth() |
Returns a float value representing the pixel/character horizontal ratio.
String[] |
CsvMetadataReportConfiguration.getColumnNames() |
Returns an array of strings representing the comma-separated names of the columns that should be exported.
String[] |
XlsMetadataReportConfiguration.getColumnNames() |
Returns an array of strings representing the comma-separated names of the columns that should be exported.
Float |
XlsReportConfiguration.getColumnWidthRatio() |
Setting used to adjust all column widths in a document or sheet with the same width ratio, in order to get column width
values suitable for Excel output.
JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix[] |
XlsReportConfiguration.getDefinedNames() |
Returns an array of strings representing defined names in the generated workbook.
String |
DocxExporterConfiguration.getEncryptionPassword() |
The encryption password needed to open the document, if it is encrypted.
String |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getEncryptionPassword() |
The encryption password needed to open the document, if it is encrypted.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getEncryptionPassword() |
The encryption password needed to open the document, if it is encrypted.
Boolean |
CsvExporterConfiguration.getEscapeFormula() |
Returns a flag that enforces field values containing formula to be escaped in order to be interpreted as pure text.
String |
CsvExporterConfiguration.getFieldDelimiter() |
Returns the string representing the character or sequence of characters to be used to delimit two fields on the same record.
String |
CsvExporterConfiguration.getFieldEnclosure() |
Returns a string representing the character to be used to enclose a field value on a record.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getFirstPageNumber() |
Setting that specifies the first page number in the page setup dialog.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getFitHeight() |
This setting indicates the number of pages height to fit the sheet in.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getFitWidth() |
This setting indicates the number of pages wide to fit the sheet in.
Boolean |
CsvExporterConfiguration.getForceFieldEnclosure() |
Returns a flag that enforces all exported field values to be enclosed within
a pair of enclosure characters (usually a pair of quotes: "").
Map<String,String> |
XlsReportConfiguration.getFormatPatternsMap() |
This export configuration setting should be used when converting java format patterns to equivalent proprietary
format patterns.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getFreezeColumn() |
Indicates the name of the first unlocked column in document's sheets.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getFreezeRow() |
Specifies the index of the first unlocked row in document's sheets.
String |
PptxReportConfiguration.getHideSlideMasterPages() |
This properties specifies the report pages on which the background contents coming from the slide master should be hidden.
String |
HtmlExporterConfiguration.getHtmlFooter() |
Returns a string representing HTML code that will be inserted after the generated report.
String |
HtmlExporterConfiguration.getHtmlHeader() |
Returns a string representing HTML code that will be inserted in front of the generated report.
ImageAnchorTypeEnum |
XlsReportConfiguration.getImageAnchorType() |
Specifies the image anchor type.
String |
TextExporterConfiguration.getLineSeparator() |
Returns a string representing the separator between two lines of text.
String |
XlsxExporterConfiguration.getMacroTemplate() |
Specifies the location of an existing workbook template containing a macro object.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getMaxRowsPerSheet() |
Returns an integer value specifying the maximum number of rows allowed to be shown in a sheet.
String |
DocxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataApplication() |
The Application for the DOCX document.
String |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataApplication() |
The Application for the PPTX document.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getMetadataApplication() |
The Application for the XLS document.
String |
DocxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataAuthor() |
The Author of the DOCX document.
String |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataAuthor() |
The Author of the PPTX document.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getMetadataAuthor() |
The Author of the XLS document.
String |
DocxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataKeywords() |
The Keywords of the DOCX document.
String |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataKeywords() |
The Keywords of the PPTX document.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getMetadataKeywords() |
The Keywords of the XLS document.
String |
DocxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataSubject() |
The Subject of the DOCX document.
String |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataSubject() |
The Subject of the PPTX document.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getMetadataSubject() |
The Subject of the XLS document.
String |
DocxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataTitle() |
The Title of the DOCX document.
String |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getMetadataTitle() |
The Title of the PPTX document.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getMetadataTitle() |
The Title of the XLS document.
Integer |
TextReportConfiguration.getPageHeightInChars() |
Returns an integer representing the page height in characters.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPageScale() |
This setting is used to adjust the page content to a given percent of the normal size in the print preview pane.
String |
TextExporterConfiguration.getPageSeparator() |
Returns a string representing text that will be inserted between pages of the generated report.
Integer |
TextReportConfiguration.getPageWidthInChars() |
Returns an integer representing the page width in characters.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPassword() |
Returns a String value representing the password in case of password protected documents.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintFooterMargin() |
Specifies the sheet footer margin in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintHeaderMargin() |
Specifies the sheet header margin in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintPageBottomMargin() |
Specifies the page bottom margin in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintPageHeight() |
Specifies the page height in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintPageLeftMargin() |
Specifies the page left margin in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintPageRightMargin() |
Specifies the page right margin in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintPageTopMargin() |
Specifies the page top margin in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
Integer |
XlsReportConfiguration.getPrintPageWidth() |
Specifies the page width in print preview pane, measured in pixels.
String |
CsvExporterConfiguration.getRecordDelimiter() |
Returns the string representing the character or sequence of characters to be used to delimit two records.
RunDirectionEnum |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetDirection() |
This setting indicates if the sheet is left-to-right or right-to-left oriented.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetFooterCenter() |
This property stores the text content of the sheet footer's center.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetFooterLeft() |
This property stores the text content of the sheet footer's left side.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetFooterRight() |
This property stores the text content of the sheet footer's right side.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetHeaderCenter() |
This property stores the text content of the sheet header's center.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetHeaderLeft() |
This property stores the text content of the sheet header's left side.
String |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetHeaderRight() |
This property stores the text content of the sheet header's right side.
String[] |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetNames() |
Returns an array of strings representing custom sheet names.
Color |
XlsReportConfiguration.getSheetTabColor() |
This setting is used to set the tab color of the sheets.
HtmlSizeUnitEnum |
HtmlReportConfiguration.getSizeUnit() |
Returns a String value specifying the unit to use when measuring lengths or font size.
Integer |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getSlideMasterPage() |
Specifies the page from which the content of the slide master should be extracted.
Integer |
PptxExporterConfiguration.getSlideMasterReport() |
Specifies the report (export input item) from which the content of the slide master should be extracted.
String |
XlsExporterConfiguration.getWorkbookTemplate() |
Setting that specifies the location of an existing workbook template.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isAccessibleHtml() |
Configuration setting that determines the exporter to produce accessible HTML.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isAutoFitPageHeight() |
Flag that specifies whether the fit height should be estimated automatically.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isAutoFitRow() |
Boolean |
DocxReportConfiguration.isBackgroundAsHeader() |
Boolean |
PptxExporterConfiguration.isBackgroundAsSlideMaster() |
Flag that specifies whether the elements from the background section on the first page should be exported as the contents of the slide master,
and then ignoring the background section elements for all pages/slides.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isCellHidden() |
This flag indicates whether the cell content is hidden.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isCellLocked() |
This flag indicates whether the cell is locked.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isCollapseRowSpan() |
Flag for collapsing row span and avoid merging cells across rows.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isConvertSvgToImage() |
Boolean |
XlsExporterConfiguration.isCreateCustomPalette() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the standard color palette should be customized
so that the XLS result uses the original report colors.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isDetectCellType() |
Flag used to indicate whether the exporter should take into consideration the type of the
original text field expressions and set the cell types and values accordingly.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isEmbeddedSvgUseFonts() |
Boolean |
DocxExporterConfiguration.isEmbedFonts() |
Indicates whether the true type fonts used in the report should be embedded into the generated DOCX document.
Boolean |
PptxExporterConfiguration.isEmbedFonts() |
Indicates whether the true type fonts used in the report should be embedded into the generated PPTX document.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isEmbedImage() |
Boolean |
DocxReportConfiguration.isFlexibleRowHeight() |
Indicates whether table rows can grow if more text is added into cells.
Boolean |
OdsReportConfiguration.isFlexibleRowHeight() |
Indicates whether table rows in ODS documents can grow if more text is added into cells.
Boolean |
OdtReportConfiguration.isFlexibleRowHeight() |
Indicates whether table rows in ODT documents can grow if more text is added into cells.
Boolean |
HtmlExporterConfiguration.isFlushOutput() |
A flag that determines whether the HTML exporter should flush the
output stream after writing the HTML content to it.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isFontSizeFixEnabled() |
Flag for decreasing font size so that texts fit into the specified cell height.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isForcePageBreaks() |
Flag that specifies whether the page breaks to be marked automatically on each sheet.
Boolean |
PptxReportConfiguration.isFrameAsTable() |
Indicates whether the contents of the frame produced by a table component is to be exported as table.
Boolean |
DocxReportConfiguration.isFramesAsNestedTables() |
Indicates whether frames are to be exported as nested tables.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnoreAnchors() |
Flag that indicates whether local anchors should be ignored when elements are exported to Excel.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnoreCellBackground() |
Flag for ignoring the cell background color.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnoreCellBorder() |
Flag for ignoring the cell border.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnoreGraphics() |
Flag for ignoring graphic elements and exporting text elements only.
Boolean |
DocxReportConfiguration.isIgnoreHyperlink() |
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isIgnoreHyperlink() |
Boolean |
OdtReportConfiguration.isIgnoreHyperlink() |
Boolean |
PptxReportConfiguration.isIgnoreHyperlink() |
Boolean |
RtfReportConfiguration.isIgnoreHyperlink() |
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnoreHyperlink() |
Boolean |
Graphics2DReportConfiguration.isIgnoreMissingFont() |
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isIgnorePageMargins() |
Indicates whether page margins should be ignored when the report is exported using a grid-based exporter
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnorePageMargins() |
Indicates whether page margins should be ignored when the report is exported using a grid-based exporter
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isIgnoreTextFormatting() |
Flag that indicates whether the text elements should be exported without text formatting features,
such as bold, italic, underline, text color, backcolor, etc.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isImageBorderFixEnabled() |
Flag for forcing the minimum image padding to 1 pixel, to avoid situations where the image hides the cell border.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isIncludeElementUUID() |
Determines whether design element UUIDs are included
in the HTML output as data-eluuid attributes of td elements.
Boolean |
XlsExporterConfiguration.isKeepWorkbookTemplateSheets() |
Flag that specifies whether to keep the sheets of the existing template into generated document.
Boolean |
Graphics2DReportConfiguration.isMinimizePrinterJobSize() |
Flag to control the use of an AWT rendering fix which causes the printer job size to be reduced when
the exporter draws onto a printer graphic context.
Boolean |
DocxReportConfiguration.isNewLineAsParagraph() |
Indicates whether the newline element present in a justified paragraph introduces a new justified paragraph.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isOnePagePerSheet() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether each report page should be written in a different XLS sheet.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isRemoveEmptySpaceBetweenColumns() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the empty spaces that could appear between columns should be removed or not.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isRemoveEmptySpaceBetweenRows() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the blank lines, that sometimes appear between rows, should be deleted.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isRemoveEmptySpaceBetweenRows() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the empty spaces that could appear between rows should be removed or not.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isShowGridLines() |
Flag that specifies if the gridlines in a given sheet are shown.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isShrinkToFit() |
Flag that indicates whether the text font size should be decreased in order to
keep the entire text visible in the cell.
Boolean |
TextExporterConfiguration.isTrimLineRight() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the lines of text in the document should be trimmed to the right.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isUseBackgroundImageToAlign() |
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isUseTimeZone() |
Flag that determines whether date values are to be translated to the timezone
that was used to fill the report.
Boolean |
Graphics2DReportConfiguration.isWhitePageBackground() |
Flag that determines whether the exporter is to draw white backgrounds for exported pages.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isWhitePageBackground() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the report background should be white.
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isWhitePageBackground() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the page background should be white or the default XLS background color.
Boolean |
HtmlReportConfiguration.isWrapBreakWord() |
Returns a boolean value specifying whether the export engine should use force wrapping by breaking words (CSS word-wrap: break-word ).
Boolean |
XlsReportConfiguration.isWrapText() |
This flag indicates whether text wrapping is allowed in a given cell.
Boolean |
CsvExporterConfiguration.isWriteBOM() |
Specifies whether the exporter should put a BOM character at the beginning of the output.
Boolean |
CsvMetadataReportConfiguration.isWriteHeader() |
Returns a boolean that specifies whether the export header (the column names) should be written or not.
Boolean |
XlsMetadataReportConfiguration.isWriteHeader() |
Returns a boolean that specifies whether the export header (the column names) should be written or not.